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What is the name for the type of abbreviation like A11y?The type of abbreviation like "A11y" is called a "numeronym." In this case, "A11y" stands for "Accessibility," with 11 representing the number of letters between the first letter 'A' and the last letter 'y'.What is the numeronym for CoffeeThe numeronym for "Coffee" would be "C4e", with 4 representing the number of letters between the first letter 'C' and the last letter 'e'.And for Troubleshooter?The numeronym for "Troubleshooter" would be "T11r", with 11 representing the number of letters between the first letter 'T' and the last letter 'r'.

New chat created at Tue Jan 20 1970 15:31:18 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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