Fargate Requirement for ECS

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Do I have to use Fargate to use AWS ECS ?No, you do not have to use AWS Fargate to use Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS). ECS supports two launch types for running your containers: EC2 and Fargate.

  1. EC2 launch type: When you use the EC2 launch type, you have more control over the underlying infrastructure that runs your containers. You can choose the instance types, configure networking, and use your own custom Amazon Machine Images (AMIs). In this case, you are responsible for managing the EC2 instances that are part of your ECS cluster.

  2. Fargate launch type: AWS Fargate is a serverless compute engine for containers that allows you to run containers without having to manage the underlying EC2 instances. With Fargate, you don't need to worry about provisioning, scaling, or patching instances, as AWS takes care of these tasks for you. Fargate simplifies the deployment process and is a good choice when you want to focus on your application rather than managing the infrastructure.

You can choose either of these launch types based on your requirements and preferences.I use ECS and the EC2 launch type. How would I change EC2 instance types for a service running in production?To change the EC2 instance type for a service running in production on AWS ECS with the EC2 launch type, you'll need to follow these steps:

  1. Update the Launch Template or Launch Configuration: If you're using a Launch Template or Launch Configuration for your ECS cluster's Auto Scaling group, update it with the new desired instance type. In the AWS Management Console, navigate to the EC2 service, and under "Auto Scaling," find your Launch Configuration or Launch Template. Create a new version or copy the existing one with the updated instance type.

  2. Update the Auto Scaling group: Once you have the new Launch Template or Launch Configuration with the desired instance type, go to the EC2 console, find your Auto Scaling group associated with the ECS cluster, and edit the group to use the updated Launch Template or Launch Configuration.

  3. Scale out and scale in: Now, you can either scale out (add more instances) to the Auto Scaling group or scale in (remove existing instances) to replace the older instances with the new instance type. Be sure to do this gradually to maintain high availability and avoid service disruptions.

    • Scale out: Increase the desired number of instances in the Auto Scaling group by the number of new instances you want to add. This will create new instances with the updated instance type. Wait for the new instances to join the ECS cluster and have the tasks running on them.

    • Scale in: To replace older instances, you can either decrease the desired number of instances in the Auto Scaling group or manually terminate older instances in the EC2 console. Before doing this, ensure the new instances are running the tasks, and the older instances have drained their connections. ECS will automatically reschedule tasks from terminated instances to available instances.

  4. Monitor the ECS service: Check the ECS service and tasks to make sure they are running correctly on the new instances. Monitor your service closely during this process to ensure it's operating as expected and verify that there are no disruptions.

Please note that the process of updating instances may cause brief disruptions to your service, so it's best to perform these changes during a maintenance window or when there's low traffic.After I edit my launch template and change my instance type, will that trigger a deploy? Or what do I have to do?Editing a Launch Template and changing the instance type alone will not trigger a deployment of new instances in your Auto Scaling group. To update the instances in your ECS cluster, follow these steps:

  1. Update the Auto Scaling group: Go to the EC2 console in the AWS Management Console, find your Auto Scaling group associated with the ECS cluster, and edit the group to use the updated Launch Template with the new instance type.

  2. Trigger a rolling update: After updating the Launch Template in the Auto Scaling group, you need to perform a rolling update to replace the older instances with the new instance type. You can do this by scaling out and scaling in or by using the Instance Refresh feature in your Auto Scaling group.

    • Scale out and scale in: Increase the desired number of instances in the Auto Scaling group by the number of new instances you want to add. This will create new instances with the updated instance type. Wait for the new instances to join the ECS cluster and have tasks running on them. After that, decrease the desired number of instances or manually terminate the older instances with the previous instance type. ECS will automatically reschedule tasks from terminated instances to the new instances.

    • Instance Refresh: Instance Refresh is a feature of Auto Scaling groups that allows you to replace instances with newer instances based on the updated Launch Template. To use Instance Refresh, go to your Auto Scaling group in the EC2 console, find the "Instance refresh" tab, and start a new instance refresh. You can specify the percentage of instances to replace at a time and configure the warm-up period during which the new instances should wait before being considered healthy.

  3. Monitor the ECS service: Check the ECS service and tasks to make sure they are running correctly on the new instances. Monitor your service closely during this process to ensure it's operating as expected and verify that there are no disruptions.

Please note that the process of updating instances may cause brief disruptions to your service, so it's best to perform these changes during a maintenance window or when there's low traffic.

Fargate Requirement for ECS created at Tue Jan 20 1970 11:20:40 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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