Cent Symbol Company Logo

TODO: collapasable, copyable, download, etc

Can you create a company logo icon using the Cent symbol with a white background?{"size":"1024x1024","prompt":"A company logo icon featuring the Cent symbol (\u00a2). The logo should be simple and elegant, with a bold and clear depiction of the Cent symbol at the center. The background should be plain white to highlight the symbol. The design should be suitable for professional use, with a focus on readability and recognizability of the symbol."}Unsupported multimodal_text DALL·E displayed 1 images. The images are already plainly visible, so don't repeat the descriptions in detail. Do not list download links as they are available in the ChatGPT UI already. The user may download the images by clicking on them, but do not mention anything about downloading to the user.Here is a company logo icon featuring the Cent symbol. This design is simple and professional, with a clear depiction of the Cent symbol on a white background.Is that the european cent? Can you use the US cent? Also, can you make the color golden yellow. Please make the background perfectly white so it is easy to cut and paste{"size":"1024x1024","prompt":"A company logo icon with the U.S. Cent symbol, depicted in golden yellow. The logo should be simple yet elegant, prominently featuring the U.S. Cent symbol at the center. The background must be perfectly white, ensuring ease for cut and paste applications. The design should be professional, with the golden yellow symbol offering a striking contrast against the white background, enhancing visibility and recognizability."}Unsupported multimodal_text DALL·E displayed 1 images. The images are already plainly visible, so don't repeat the descriptions in detail. Do not list download links as they are available in the ChatGPT UI already. The user may download the images by clicking on them, but do not mention anything about downloading to the user.Here is the revised company logo icon with the U.S. Cent symbol in golden yellow, set against a perfectly white background for easy editing and application.That is a dollar sign, please use a cent sign{"size":"1024x1024","prompt":"A company logo icon featuring the U.S. Cent symbol (�), depicted in a striking golden yellow color. The design should be simple, elegant, and professional, centering the U.S. Cent symbol in the image. The background must be perfectly white to facilitate easy cutting and pasting. The logo should focus on the clarity and recognizability of the golden yellow U.S. Cent symbol against the white background."}Unsupported multimodal_text DALL·E displayed 1 images. The images are already plainly visible, so don't repeat the descriptions in detail. Do not list download links as they are available in the ChatGPT UI already. The user may download the images by clicking on them, but do not mention anything about downloading to the user.Here is the revised company logo icon, now featuring the U.S. Cent symbol in golden yellow, set against a perfectly white background.I have a company called ChoreVest with the tagline "Do chores once, get paid forever"

There is a hero image of the Apple Vision Pro VR headset. Copy - do chores and record them using Vision Pro or Quest 3 headsets. We manage a catalog of chore data and license it to companies. We pay you your fare share each time we re-sell this data.

It's key premises are

  • Co-op - user owned, dividends paid
  • Data - data to train AI and Robots is the new oil
  • Privacy - protecting our privacy and security is a priority

The call to action is to join a mailing list.{"size":"1792x1024","prompt":"Create an image for a company called ChoreVest, featuring a hero image of a high-tech VR headset that resembles Apple Vision Pro or Quest 3 headsets. Include the tagline 'Do chores once, get paid forever'. The image should convey the concept of doing chores and recording them using the headset. Visual elements should suggest that ChoreVest manages a catalog of chore data and licenses it to companies, paying dividends to users. Emphasize key premises: a user-owned co-op structure, the value of data in training AI and robots, and a strong commitment to privacy and security. The image should be engaging and encourage viewers to join a mailing list. Use vibrant colors and a futuristic design to capture attention."}Unsupported multimodal_text DALL·E displayed 1 images. The images are already plainly visible, so don't repeat the descriptions in detail. Do not list download links as they are available in the ChatGPT UI already. The user may download the images by clicking on them, but do not mention anything about downloading to the user.Here is an image representing your company, ChoreVest, with a focus on the high-tech VR headset and the concept of recording chores for data collection and licensing. The tagline "Do chores once, get paid forever" is included to emphasize the unique value proposition of your company.Can you generate a desktop website mock-up?{"size":"1792x1024","prompt":"Create a desktop website mock-up for ChoreVest. The design should be modern and user-friendly, featuring the company's high-tech VR headset concept. Include sections for explaining how users can do chores and record them using VR headsets like Apple Vision Pro or Quest 3. Highlight the company's services: managing a chore data catalog, licensing it to companies, and paying users dividends. Incorporate the tagline 'Do chores once, get paid forever'. Ensure the website design emphasizes the key premises: a co-op structure, the value of chore data, and commitment to privacy and security. Include a prominent call to action for joining a mailing list. Use a clean, futuristic aesthetic with engaging visuals and clear, readable text."}Unsupported multimodal_text DALL·E displayed 1 images. The images are already plainly visible, so don't repeat the descriptions in detail. Do not list download links as they are available in the ChatGPT UI already. The user may download the images by clicking on them, but do not mention anything about downloading to the user.Here is a desktop website mock-up for ChoreVest. The design is modern and user-friendly, showcasing the high-tech VR headset concept and various sections that explain how the service works. The tagline and key premises of the company are prominently featured, along with a call to action for joining the mailing list.Can you generate a mobile website mock-up?{"size":"1024x1792","prompt":"Create a mobile website mock-up for ChoreVest. The design should be sleek and user-friendly, tailored for mobile viewing. Feature the company's innovative VR headset concept and services. Include sections explaining how users can record chores using VR headsets like Apple Vision Pro or Quest 3, and how ChoreVest manages and licenses chore data. The tagline 'Do chores once, get paid forever' should be prominently displayed. Emphasize the key premises of a user-owned co-op, the value of chore data, and a strong focus on privacy and security. Include an easily accessible call to action for users to join a mailing list. The design should have a modern, clean look with clear, readable text and engaging visuals suitable for a mobile interface."}Unsupported multimodal_text DALL·E displayed 1 images. The images are already plainly visible, so don't repeat the descriptions in detail. Do not list download links as they are available in the ChatGPT UI already. The user may download the images by clicking on them, but do not mention anything about downloading to the user.Here is a mobile website mock-up for ChoreVest. The design is tailored for mobile viewing, showcasing the VR headset concept and service details. The tagline and key premises are highlighted, along with a clear call to action for joining the mailing list.Can you generate 4 more desktop mockups exploring different layouts?{"size":"1792x1024","n":4,"prompt":"Create four different desktop website mock-ups for ChoreVest, each exploring a unique layout. The designs should be modern, user-friendly, and diverse in their presentation. Each mock-up should feature the company's VR headset concept and services, with sections explaining the chore recording process using VR headsets like Apple Vision Pro or Quest 3. Include the tagline 'Do chores once, get paid forever' in each design. Highlight ChoreVest's key premises: user-owned co-op, the value of chore data, and a commitment to privacy and security. Each mock-up should have a distinct aesthetic and layout, showcasing various ways to present the information and call to action for joining a mailing list. Use engaging visuals, clear text, and ensure each design looks clean and futuristic, suitable for a technology-focused company."}Unsupported multimodal_text DALL·E displayed 1 images. The images are already plainly visible, so don't repeat the descriptions in detail. Do not list download links as they are available in the ChatGPT UI already. The user may download the images by clicking on them, but do not mention anything about downloading to the user.Here are four different desktop website mock-ups for ChoreVest, each featuring a unique layout and design. These mock-ups showcase various ways to present the company's VR headset concept, services, and key messages, along with the call to action for joining the mailing list. Each design has a distinct aesthetic, ensuring a diverse range of options for your website's look and feel.Can you generate 4 more Mobile mockups exploring different layouts?{"size":"1024x1792","n":4,"prompt":"Create four different mobile website mock-ups for ChoreVest, each with a distinct layout. The designs should be innovative, user-friendly, and varied in style. Each mock-up needs to showcase the company's VR headset concept and services, and include sections that explain the process of recording chores using VR headsets like Apple Vision Pro or Quest 3. The tagline 'Do chores once, get paid forever' should be featured in all designs. Emphasize ChoreVest's core values: a user-owned co-op structure, the significance of chore data, and a strong focus on privacy and security. Each design should present the information and call to action for joining a mailing list in a unique way, using visually engaging elements, clear and readable text, and a modern, clean aesthetic appropriate for a technology-focused company on a mobile platform."}Unsupported multimodal_text DALL·E displayed 1 images. The images are already plainly visible, so don't repeat the descriptions in detail. Do not list download links as they are available in the ChatGPT UI already. The user may download the images by clicking on them, but do not mention anything about downloading to the user.Here are four different mobile website mock-ups for ChoreVest, each featuring a unique layout. These designs are tailored for a mobile experience, highlighting the company's VR headset concept, services, and the core values. Each mock-up provides a different approach to presenting the information and the call to action for joining the mailing list.

Cent Symbol Company Logo created at Tue Jan 20 1970 17:33:45 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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