ChoreVest Business Idea Analysis

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I have an idea for a business, I would like your help poking holes in the idea as well as modeling out a realistic scenario.

ChoreVest - Users of VR headsets will record video while they are doing chores such as folding laundry. These video recordings will earn them share of ownership in a co-op. ChoreVest the co-op will license this data to businesses that want to train robotic or other AI models to accomplish those same chores. The revenue will be paid back as dividends to co-op members based on their shares. The data will be free to license for academics to use in a non-commercial research. The tag line - "do a chore once, get paid forever".Your business idea, ChoreVest, is innovative and taps into several growing markets: virtual reality (VR), artificial intelligence (AI) training data, and cooperative business models. However, as with any business idea, there are potential challenges and considerations to address. Here are some points to consider, along with a realistic scenario modeling:

Potential Challenges

  1. Data Quality and Consistency: Chore recordings must be of high quality and consistency for effective AI training. Diverse chore execution styles and environments may pose a challenge in standardizing the data.

  2. Privacy and Security: Recording users doing chores could raise privacy concerns. Secure handling and anonymization of data are crucial.

  3. Market for AI Training Data: The demand for such specific AI training data (chores) needs to be assessed. While there's a growing interest in AI, the specific need for chore-based data must be validated.

  4. Technology and Integration: The technology to seamlessly record, upload, and process VR videos for AI training needs to be developed and integrated.

  5. Legal and Ethical Considerations: There are legal and ethical aspects of using human-generated data for commercial purposes, especially when it involves revenue sharing.

  6. User Engagement and Retention: Motivating users to continuously record chores and engage with the platform is key. The value proposition must be strong enough to retain users.

  7. Revenue Model and Dividend Distribution: The revenue model, especially how dividends are calculated and distributed among co-op members, needs to be transparent and sustainable.

Realistic Scenario Modeling

Year 1-2: Foundation and Pilot Phase

  • Development: Focus on developing the VR recording technology and platform.
  • Pilot Program: Launch a pilot with a limited user base to gather initial data and feedback.
  • Legal Framework: Establish a cooperative structure and legal framework for data usage and revenue sharing.
  • Partnerships: Begin forming partnerships with AI companies and academic institutions.

Year 3-4: Growth and Expansion

  • User Acquisition: Implement strategies to increase user base, possibly incorporating gamification or reward systems.
  • Data Licensing: Start licensing data to businesses while providing free access to academics.
  • Technology Enhancement: Improve data processing and integration capabilities based on feedback and technological advancements.

Year 5+: Stabilization and Scaling

  • Market Analysis: Regularly analyze market trends and adapt the business model accordingly.
  • Diversification: Explore opportunities to diversify the type of chores or expand into related areas.
  • Community Building: Strengthen the co-op community, possibly through member events, voting rights, and feedback channels.

Revenue and Dividend Model

  • Revenue Streams: Mainly from licensing to businesses. Additional streams could include premium features for users.
  • Dividend Distribution: Based on the share of data contribution, ensuring fairness and transparency.

Key Metrics

  • User engagement (frequency of chore recording)
  • Quality of data collected
  • Revenue generated from licensing
  • User satisfaction and retention rates


ChoreVest presents a novel approach to AI data collection and cooperative business. It's important to thoroughly research the market, develop a robust technological solution, and consider the legal and ethical implications. Regular reassessment and adaptation based on user feedback and market trends will be crucial for long-term success."rocess VR videos for AI training needs to be developed and integrated.

Legal and Ethical Considerations: There are legal and ethical aspects of using human-generated data for commercial purposes, especially when it involves revenue sharing." - can you please expand and explain?Absolutely, let's delve deeper into the legal and ethical considerations of using human-generated data for commercial purposes in your business model, ChoreVest:

Legal Considerations

  1. Data Ownership and Intellectual Property: It's critical to establish who owns the data. In ChoreVest's case, users are generating content, and their rights need to be clearly defined. There's a need for explicit agreements outlining that users transfer the rights of their recorded data to ChoreVest for commercial use.

  2. Privacy Laws and Regulations: Compliance with privacy laws such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe and similar laws in other jurisdictions is crucial. Users' consent for data collection and usage must be informed, explicit, and compliant with these laws.

  3. Contractual Agreements with Users: Clear terms of service and user agreements must be established. These should detail how data will be used, how revenue will be shared, and users' rights and obligations.

  4. Data Anonymization and Security: Ensuring that the data does not contain personally identifiable information or sensitive details is essential. Also, robust data security measures must be in place to protect against unauthorized access or breaches.

  5. Liability and Dispute Resolution: The legal framework should address liability issues—for example, if the data is misused or causes harm—and provide mechanisms for dispute resolution.

Ethical Considerations

  1. Transparency: Users should be fully aware of how their data is being used. This includes the types of AI models being trained and the nature of businesses accessing their data.

  2. Fair Compensation: Ethically, the revenue-sharing model must be fair. Users contributing valuable data should receive reasonable compensation reflecting their contribution's value.

  3. Data Bias and Representation: Ethically sourcing data means ensuring that the data collected is diverse and representative to avoid perpetuating biases in AI models.

  4. User Autonomy and Consent: Users should have control over their participation, with the ability to opt-out or withdraw their data from the system.

  5. Impact on Employment: Consideration should be given to the broader societal impact, such as how replacing human-performed chores with AI might affect employment in certain sectors.

  6. Academic Use: While offering the data free for academic use is commendable, it's important to ensure that this provision is not exploited for commercial gains under the guise of research.


Navigating these legal and ethical complexities is vital for ChoreVest's sustainability and social responsibility. Seeking legal advice to tailor contracts and policies to specific requirements and jurisdictions, and engaging with ethical AI experts to ensure responsible data use, will be key steps in this process. Additionally, maintaining an open dialogue with users about these aspects can foster trust and credibility for the platform.Can you estimate what a licensing deal could potentially be worth? Let's say that Figure, a human robotics company, wants to license our extensive video library of clothes being folded. I know you are estimating and that it isn't 100% accurate, but what would be a reasonable guess for a) each GB of video and b) each user session, say 10 minutes of video of someone folding all their clothes?Estimating the potential value of a licensing deal for a video library like the one you're describing in ChoreVest involves a lot of variables. The value can depend on factors like the quality and uniqueness of the data, the demand for such data in the market, the specifics of the licensing agreement, and the cost structure of the industry. Here's a rough estimation based on available market insights:

Estimating Value Per GB of Video

  1. Industry Benchmarking: AI and robotics companies often pay for high-quality, unique datasets. Prices can vary widely. A starting point could be looking at general data pricing models, where costs can range from a few dollars to hundreds of dollars per GB, depending on the data's uniqueness and utility.

  2. Uniqueness and Specificity: If your data is unique (e.g., very detailed and varied footage of clothes folding), it might command a higher price. Let's assume a mid-range value, considering the data's specialized nature.

  3. Estimate: A reasonable estimate might be around $50 to $150 per GB, keeping in mind this is a very broad range and the actual value could be outside of this.

Estimating Value Per User Session (10 minutes of video)

  1. Data Size: First, estimate the size of a 10-minute VR video. VR videos, especially high-quality ones, can be quite large. A 10-minute VR video might be several GBs in size.

  2. Calculation: Assuming a 10-minute VR video is, say, 5 GB (this is a rough estimate as VR video sizes can vary greatly), and using the per GB estimate above:

    [ 5 GB \times ($50 to $150 per GB) = $250 to $750 ]

  3. Estimate: Each 10-minute user session could potentially be worth $250 to $750, but this is a very rough estimate.

Caveats and Considerations

  • Volume Discounts: Larger volumes of data might be subject to bulk pricing, reducing the per GB/session cost.
  • Quality and Relevance: The specific requirements of the buyer, such as the level of detail, diversity of data, and relevance to their AI models, will significantly impact pricing.
  • Negotiation and Agreement Terms: Prices can also vary based on the terms of the license (e.g., exclusivity, duration of use, scope of use).
  • Market Dynamics: The AI data market is evolving, and prices can fluctuate based on demand, competition, and technological advancements.


These estimates are very speculative and should be taken as starting points for negotiation rather than definitive values. It would be prudent to conduct market research, perhaps consult with data brokers or industry experts, and consider a pricing strategy that aligns with your business objectives and the unique value proposition of your dataset.Can you create a launch website with a call to action?Certainly! I'll outline a concept for a launch website for ChoreVest. The website will be designed to attract users (who will record their chores), inform potential data buyers (like AI and robotics companies), and engage academic researchers.

Website Structure

1. Home Page

  • Hero Section: Eye-catching imagery of people doing chores in VR, with the tagline "Do a chore once, get paid forever."
  • Introduction: A brief overview of ChoreVest, highlighting the unique value proposition for users and data buyers.
  • Call to Action (CTA): "Join Our Co-op" for potential contributors and "Explore Our Data" for businesses and academics.

2. About Us

  • Mission Statement: Explain the mission and vision of ChoreVest.
  • Team Introduction: Showcase the team behind ChoreVest, building trust and credibility.
  • Technology Overview: Briefly describe the VR and AI technology used.

3. For Contributors (Users)

  • How It Works: Step-by-step guide on how users can record their chores and earn shares.
  • Benefits: Explain the benefits, including earning potential and being part of an innovative community.
  • CTA: "Start Earning Today" – leading to a sign-up form.

4. For Data Buyers

  • Data Quality: Emphasize the quality, diversity, and utility of the chore data for AI and robotics.
  • Licensing Options: Outline different licensing models available.
  • CTA: "Request a Data Sample" – allows businesses to understand the data quality.

5. For Academics

  • Research Opportunities: Detail how academics can access the data for free for non-commercial research.
  • Collaboration Invitations: Encourage academic partnerships and collaborative projects.
  • CTA: "Access Data for Research" – leading to a form for academic inquiries.

6. FAQ

  • Address common questions about user privacy, data security, compensation models, and legal concerns.

7. Contact Us

  • Provide contact details and a form for inquiries from users, businesses, and researchers.

8. Blog/News

  • Share updates, success stories, and articles related to AI, VR, and the gig economy.

Design and UX Features

  • Mobile-Responsive Design: Ensuring the website is accessible and functional across all devices.
  • Easy Navigation: A user-friendly interface with clear, intuitive navigation.
  • Engaging Visuals: Use of high-quality images and videos to engage visitors.
  • Testimonials: Featuring user and partner testimonials to build trust.

Marketing and SEO Strategy

  • SEO Optimization: Implement SEO best practices to improve search engine ranking.
  • Social Media Integration: Links to social media for increased engagement and community building.
  • Analytics Tracking: Set up to monitor website traffic and user behavior.


This website structure is designed to effectively communicate the value of ChoreVest to different stakeholders, facilitate user sign-ups, and attract potential data buyers and academic collaborators. The emphasis is on clarity, engagement, and trust-building. The actual development would require collaboration with web designers and developers to turn this concept into a fully functional and effective website.Can you write me a prompt for Dalle to create mockups of the websiteSure, here's a detailed prompt for creating mockups of the ChoreVest website using Dalle:

Create a series of detailed, realistic mockups for a website named "ChoreVest." The website is an innovative platform where users earn shares in a co-op by recording their household chores using VR headsets. These recordings are then licensed to businesses for AI training. The website should have a modern, clean, and engaging design, appealing to a tech-savvy audience.

  1. Home Page Mockup: Feature a large, captivating hero image of a person wearing a VR headset while doing household chores, like folding clothes. Include the tagline "Do a chore once, get paid forever" prominently. Add sections for a brief introduction to ChoreVest, with a clear Call to Action (CTA) button labeled "Join Our Co-op."

  2. Contributors' Page Mockup: Design this page focusing on users who will record their chores. Include step-by-step instructions for recording and uploading videos. Add infographics or icons illustrating the process of earning shares and benefits. Incorporate a CTA button saying "Start Earning Today."

  3. Data Buyers' Page Mockup: Target this page at businesses interested in licensing chore data. Showcase sections emphasizing the quality and diversity of the data. Include a sample data snippet or visualization, with licensing option details. Have a CTA button labeled "Request a Data Sample."

  4. Academics' Page Mockup: This page should appeal to researchers and academics. Highlight how they can access data for non-commercial research. Add visuals of AI models or graphs. Incorporate a CTA button that says "Access Data for Research."

  5. FAQ Page Mockup: Create a clean and easy-to-navigate FAQ section addressing common queries about privacy, compensation, and data usage.

  6. Contact Us Page Mockup: Design a simple contact page with a form for inquiries, contact details, and links to social media profiles.

Ensure each mockup reflects a cohesive design language with a color palette that is both professional and inviting, using blue and green tones. Typography should be modern and readable, with ample white space for a user-friendly experience.

This prompt outlines specific requirements for each page, ensuring a comprehensive and detailed set of mockups that accurately represent the different facets of the ChoreVest website.

ChoreVest Business Idea Analysis created at Tue Jan 20 1970 17:31:06 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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