Innovative Civs Clash! #EvolutionVsDevolution

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"Civilization X was so dumb, they didn't even have the wheel!" said the civilization that spent 1 billion dollars to invent a voice activated kitchen timer."When Civilization X couldn't wheel, they called it primitive," mocks the society that splurged a billion bucks to make their kitchen timer speak. #EvolutionOrDevolution?That is terrible. Please try again 15 times. Keep it terse, witty, and emphasize clarity. Don't change the wording if it already meets that criteria.1. "Civilization X had no wheel and we laughed. Meanwhile, we're a billion dollars poorer for a chatty kitchen timer."

  1. "Civilization X: No wheels. Us: Billion-dollar voice-activated egg timer. Who's the real caveman?"

  2. "We giggled at Civilization X for not inventing the wheel, yet here we are, a billion dollars down for a talking kitchen timer."

  3. "So, Civilization X couldn't 'wheel' but we 'reinvented' a billion-dollar egg timer. Progress?"

  4. "Civilization X didn't have a wheel and we scoffed. Yet, we're the ones with a billion-dollar Alexa for boiled eggs."

  5. "Civilization X without the wheel: Primitive. Us with our billion-dollar talking timer: Priceless stupidity."

  6. "Judged Civilization X for no wheels. Then dropped a billion on a yakking egg timer. Facepalm."

  7. "Civilization X: No wheel, we laugh. Us: Voice-activated egg timer, 1 billion dollars. Irony, much?"

  8. "Who's dumber? Civilization X with no wheels or us with a billion-dollar chatting kitchen timer?"

  9. "Civilization X didn't have a wheel and we thought it was silly. Then we made a billion-dollar talking egg timer."

  10. "Sure, Civilization X had no wheel, but at least they didn't blow a billion on a blabbermouth egg timer."

  11. "We roasted Civilization X for not having wheels, yet we're the ones who invented a billion-dollar parrot for a timer."

  12. "Civilization X: No wheels, we're amused. Ours: Billion-dollar kitchen timer that talks, now who's the joke?"

  13. "Civilization X couldn't 'roll,' but we can't 'time' without a billion-dollar voice command. Evolution gone wrong?"

  14. "Civilization X was wheel-less, and we giggled. Then we created a billion-dollar kitchen timer that talks. Who's laughing now?"

Innovative Civs Clash! #EvolutionVsDevolution created at Tue Jan 20 1970 13:33:43 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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