Change Author Interactive Rebase

TODO: collapasable, copyable, download, etc

commit 74e5f82061244aa23f9f33006e4f10ea73b20570 (HEAD -> main, origin/main)
Author: Austin King <[email protected]>
Date:   Wed May 22 07:21:18 2024 -0700

    Initial Commit
ozten@Austin-Deductive LightsaberController %```

How do I switch this author to [email protected]?To change the author of a specific commit in Git, you can use the interactive rebase feature and amend the commit. Here are the steps to change the author of the most recent commit to `[email protected]`:

1. **Start Interactive Rebase:**
   Open your terminal and start an interactive rebase for the last commit:
   git rebase -i HEAD~1
  1. Modify the Commit: In the editor that opens, you will see a list of commits. Change pick to edit for the commit you want to modify:

    edit 74e5f82 Initial Commit
  2. Amend the Commit: After saving and closing the editor, Git will pause at that commit, allowing you to amend it. Change the author information using:

    git commit --amend --author="Austin King <[email protected]>"
  3. Continue the Rebase: Finally, continue the rebase process:

    git rebase --continue
  4. Force Push (if necessary): If this commit has already been pushed to a remote repository, you will need to force push the changes:

    git push --force origin main

This sequence of commands will change the author of the commit 74e5f82061244aa23f9f33006e4f10ea73b20570 to [email protected].

Summary of Commands:

git rebase -i HEAD~1
# Change "pick" to "edit" for the relevant commit
git commit --amend --author="Austin King <[email protected]>"
git rebase --continue
git push --force origin main

This will effectively update the author information for your specified commit.

Change Author Interactive Rebase created at Tue Jan 20 1970 20:46:39 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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