Git Diff After Rebase

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I'm collaborating with a co-worker in a branch foo. He pushed up some changes. I did git fetch origin foo git rebase origin foo git pull origin/foo I saw changes come down. It says I'm up to date. But if I do git diff origin/foo I see some of his changes in the diff, but I expected to only see my local changes. What is going on?When you observe differences between your local branch (after rebasing it on origin/foo) and origin/foo itself, despite Git indicating that you're up-to-date, there are a few potential explanations and steps you can take to diagnose and resolve the issue.

  1. Understanding the Commands:

    • git fetch origin foo: This command updates your local copy of the remote branch foo but does not merge any changes into your current working branch.
    • git rebase origin/foo: This command rebases your current working branch onto the tip of origin/foo. It's meant to apply your local changes on top of the latest changes from origin/foo.
    • git pull origin/foo: This is somewhat redundant after a rebase if done correctly because git pull by default does a fetch followed by a merge of the specified branch (origin/foo in your case) into your current branch. If you've already rebased, this shouldn't be necessary unless you're pulling changes that were made after your rebase.
  2. Potential Issues:

    • Rebase vs. Merge State: If you rebased your local changes on origin/foo and then executed git pull (which merges by default), you might have unintentionally created a merge commit or another state that differs from the straightforward history on origin/foo. This can cause diffs to appear even if you believe your branch to be in sync.
    • Uncommitted Local Changes: Ensure that all your local changes have been committed. Uncommitted changes won't be part of the rebase and can cause discrepancies when comparing with origin/foo.
    • Differences in the Commit Histories: Even if the file contents end up being the same, differences in the commit histories between your local branch and origin/foo can cause git diff origin/foo to show differences. This is because git diff compares the snapshots of the branches, including their commit histories.
  3. Diagnosis and Resolution:

    • Check for Uncommitted Changes: Run git status to ensure all your changes are committed.
    • Inspect the Commit History: Use git log --graph --decorate --oneline to visually inspect the commit histories of your local branch and origin/foo. This can help you understand how the histories diverge.
    • Reset or Rebase (if necessary): If you find that your local branch has diverged in an unintended way, you might consider resetting it to origin/foo using git reset --hard origin/foo (be cautious as this will discard local changes) or rebasing it again carefully, ensuring that you're working with the intended commits.
    • Ensure Synchronization: After rebasing, instead of using git pull, you might want to use git fetch followed by another inspection to ensure that no new changes have been pushed to origin/foo since your last operation.
  4. Further Steps:

    • If after ensuring all the above steps, you still see a diff when you wouldn't expect to, consider the possibility of line ending discrepancies (especially if you're working across different operating systems) or .gitattributes settings that might affect how changes are merged or rebased.

If the issue persists, it may help to share specific details of the git diff output or the commit history to provide more targeted advice.

Git Diff After Rebase created at Tue Jan 20 1970 18:18:21 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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