Git LFS Issue Resolution

TODO: collapasable, copyable, download, etc

I have a very small diff from origin/main.

Enumerating objects: 67, done.
Counting objects: 100% (67/67), done.
Delta compression using up to 12 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (31/31), done.
Writing objects: 100% (38/38), 112.23 MiB | 2.93 MiB/s, done.
Total 38 (delta 27), reused 10 (delta 6), pack-reused 0
remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (27/27), completed with 15 local objects.
remote: warning: File benchmark/data/env_states/otel_demo/1.4.1/clickhouse_metrics_sum.csv is 52.87 MB; this is larger than GitHub's recommended maximum file size of 50.00 MB
remote: error: Trace: c9d64a06378976b05204868896ac6041bc5cbe749c0f08b15abaf03afc8d4693
remote: error: See for more information.
remote: error: File benchmark/data/env_states/otel_demo/1.4.1/neo4j.json is 293.13 MB; this exceeds GitHub's file size limit of 100.00 MB
remote: error: GH001: Large files detected. You may want to try Git Large File Storage -

What could be going on here? When I look at `benchmark/data/env_states/otel_demo/1.4.1/neo4j.json` locally, that file is 134 bytes on diskThe output from your `git push` command indicates a couple of issues related to file sizes, which are causing your push to GitHub to fail. Specifically, there are warnings and errors about large files:

1. **Warning about a large CSV file**: The file `benchmark/data/env_states/otel_demo/1.4.1/clickhouse_metrics_sum.csv` is 52.87 MB, which is larger than GitHub's recommended maximum file size of 50 MB. While this is only a warning and not the direct cause of the push failure, it's something you might want to address.

2. **Error about an oversized JSON file**: The file `benchmark/data/env_states/otel_demo/1.4.1/neo4j.json` is reported to be 293.13 MB during the push process, which exceeds GitHub's file size limit of 100 MB. This is the primary reason your push is being rejected.

However, you've mentioned that when you check the size of `neo4j.json` locally, it's only 134 bytes. This discrepancy suggests a couple of potential issues:

- **Git LFS (Large File Storage) Misconfiguration**: If you're using Git LFS to manage large files (which the error message suggests as a solution), it's possible that the file was not properly tracked with Git LFS initially. Files that should be managed by LFS need to be specified before they are added to the repository. If they were added to the repo without LFS and then LFS was set up afterwards, they won't automatically be managed by LFS. You'd need to migrate them to LFS.

- **Accidental Commit of a Large File**: If the file was at some point committed when it was large and then replaced with a smaller version, the large version might still exist in the history of your Git repository. This can happen if the file was added when it was large, committed, and then later replaced with a smaller version in a subsequent commit. Git still keeps the large version in the repository history, contributing to the reported size during the push.

To address these issues, you could:

- **Verify Git LFS Setup**: Make sure that Git LFS is properly set up and that the files you expect to be managed by LFS are correctly listed in your `.gitattributes` file.

- **Migrate Existing Files to LFS**: If the large file was added to the repo before LFS was set up to track it, you might need to use `git lfs migrate` to convert its history to LFS.

- **Reduce Repository Size**: If a large file was committed by mistake and is no longer needed, or if you need to remove it from the history, you can use tools like `git filter-branch` or the BFG Repo-Cleaner to remove the large file from your repository's history. Note that these operations rewrite history, which can have implications if others are working with the same repository.

It's also worth double-checking the actual size of the `neo4j.json` file at the commit you're trying to push, to ensure there's no misunderstanding about its size at that specific point in the repository's history.My code has nothing to do with those files.If the files causing the issue (`clickhouse_metrics_sum.csv` and `neo4j.json`) are unrelated to the changes you are trying to push, it suggests that these large files may already exist in the branch you're working on or have been introduced into the branch history through merges or commits made by you or others. Here are steps to handle this situation:

### 1. Verify the Presence of Large Files in Your Branch

First, ensure that these files are indeed not related to your current work and verify their presence and size in your branch:

- **Check for the files in your local branch**: Use file explorer or terminal commands to confirm that the `neo4j.json` file is indeed small, as you mentioned, and to see if the large version of the file exists in your branch or history.

- **Use Git to list large files**: You can use commands like `git lfs ls-files` (if you are using Git LFS) or other tools like `git log --stat` to trace the history of these files and see how they were introduced.

### 2. Clean Up Your Branch

If you find that these files were mistakenly added to your branch or have been modified in a way that significantly increased their size, consider the following steps:

- **Removing Unrelated Large Files**: If these files were added or modified in your branch by mistake, you could remove them or replace them with their intended versions using `git rm` for removal or by committing their correct versions.

- **Rewriting History**: If the large files were introduced in earlier commits in your branch, you might need to rewrite the history to remove or correct these commits. This can be done using `git rebase -i` for interactive rebasing or tools like `git filter-branch` or the BFG Repo-Cleaner, but be cautious as this changes the commit history.

### 3. Ensure Proper Tracking with Git LFS

If these files are supposed to be large but not as large as reported, ensure they are correctly tracked with Git LFS:

- **Track Files with Git LFS**: Use `git lfs track` to specify large file patterns to be tracked and ensure `.gitattributes` is correctly set up and committed.

- **Migrate to LFS if Necessary**: If these files were not initially tracked with LFS, use `git lfs migrate` to convert their history to be managed by LFS.

### 4. Communicate with Your Team

If you're working in a team, it's crucial to communicate with your colleagues about the issue:

- **Coordinate with Team Members**: They might have encountered the same problem or have additional context about why these files are in the branch.

- **Share Your Solution**: Once you've resolved the issue, share the steps you took with your team to prevent similar problems in the future and to ensure everyone's local repositories are in sync.

### 5. Push Your Changes Again

After addressing the issue with the large files, try pushing your changes again. Ensure you've committed any changes you made to resolve the issue, and then use `git push` to update the remote repository.

If these steps don't resolve your issue or if the situation is different from what's been assumed, additional details about your specific scenario might be needed to provide a more tailored solution.Will `benchmark/data/*/*json` match recursively subdirectories under data ?The pattern `benchmark/data/*/*json` you've mentioned is a glob pattern, which is used in shells and various commands to match file paths and names based on wildcard characters. In this pattern:

- `benchmark/data/` specifies the starting directory path.
- The first `*` wildcard matches any string of characters in the directory immediately under `benchmark/data/`.
- The second `*json` is intended to match files ending in `json`, but there seems to be a typo or misunderstanding in the pattern. For it to correctly match JSON files, it should have a dot before `json`, making it `*.json`.

However, this pattern does **not** match files recursively in subdirectories under `data`. It only matches JSON files that are one level deep under `data` in directories that match the first `*`.

For example, it matches:
- `benchmark/data/somedir/file.json`

But it does **not** match:
- `benchmark/data/somedir/subdir/file.json`
- `benchmark/data/file.json` (since there's no directory level matching the first `*`)

If your intention is to match JSON files recursively in all subdirectories under `benchmark/data/`, you would need a different approach depending on the context (like using `find` command in Unix/Linux shell, or specifying glob patterns in a tool that supports recursive matching).

For a shell command like `find`, you could use:
find benchmark/data/ -type f -name "*.json"

This command recursively searches for files ending with .json in benchmark/data/ and all its subdirectories.

If you are working in a context where glob patterns are used (for example, in Git commands or certain application configurations), you'll need to check if it supports recursive patterns and how to express them. In some tools, ** is used to denote recursive directory matching, so you might use benchmark/data/**/*.json if the tool supports this do I delete a remote branchTo delete a remote branch in Git, you can use the git push command with the --delete flag followed by the name of the remote (often origin if you haven't renamed it) and the name of the branch you want to delete. Here's the basic syntax:

git push --delete <remote_name> <branch_name>

For example, if you want to delete a branch named feature-branch from the remote named origin, you would use:

git push --delete origin feature-branch

This command tells Git to push a delete request for feature-branch to the origin remote, effectively removing the branch from the remote repository.

Alternatively, you can use the following syntax, which is equivalent:

git push <remote_name> :<branch_name>

For example:

git push origin :feature-branch

This syntax uses the colon : to signify deletion. The part before the colon specifies the source (which is empty in this case, indicating nothing is being pushed), and the part after the colon specifies the destination branch to delete.

Note: Deleting a remote branch is a destructive action that cannot be easily undone. Make sure that the branch is no longer needed by you or your team members before deleting it.For this situation``` git push --set-upstream origin d-460-graph-title-preview-mode-vs-full

To have this happen automatically for branches without a tracking upstream, see 'push.autoSetupRemote' in 'git help config'.```

How can I fix this to always push ? % git config --global push.autoSetupRemote origin

ozten@Austin-Deductive app % git push fatal: bad boolean config value 'origin' for 'push.autosetupremote'The error you're encountering is due to a misunderstanding of the push.autoSetupRemote configuration option in Git. The push.autoSetupRemote configuration is intended to automatically set up a tracking relationship for branches that don't already have one when you push them. However, the value you provided (origin) is not valid for this configuration. The valid values for push.autoSetupRemote are matching or simple, which are more related to the push strategy rather than specifying a remote name like origin.

Since your goal is to have Git automatically push branches and set up an upstream tracking relationship without specifying the remote name each time, you might want to ensure your global push.default configuration is set to a behavior that matches your workflow, such as current or upstream. However, this doesn't directly resolve the issue of automatically setting the remote for branches without a tracking upstream.

As of my last update, Git doesn't provide a direct configuration option named push.autoSetupRemote that accepts a remote name like origin as a valid value to automatically set up tracking to a specific remote. The closest feature Git offers is the ability to set a default remote for the push operation via the branch.<name>.remote configuration for a specific branch or globally via remote.pushDefault for all branches.

Here are steps to potentially solve your requirement:

  1. Set a Default Remote for Pushes (If Applicable): You can set a default remote for all your push operations. This doesn't auto-set the upstream for new branches but makes pushing to a default remote easier.

    git config --global remote.pushDefault origin
  2. Use Git Hooks for Automation: Since there's no built-in Git configuration to automatically set an upstream to origin for new branches at the moment of their first push, you might consider using a pre-push Git hook to automate this process. This requires scripting and manual setup in your repository's .git/hooks directory.

  3. Manually Set Upstream on First Push: The method you've used with git push --set-upstream origin branch-name is the standard way to set an upstream branch when pushing a new branch to a remote. After setting the upstream once, subsequent pushes can be done with just git push.

  4. Correcting the Configuration Mistake: Since you've encountered an error with setting push.autoSetupRemote, you should remove or correct this configuration. If it was set globally and you wish to remove it, you can use:

    git config --global --unset push.autoSetupRemote

Please check the Git documentation or the Git configuration via git help config for the most current features and settings, as capabilities and configurations evolve over time.I make a lot of new branches. This dosen't help if I always hgave to run git push --set-upstream origin d-460-graph-title-preview-mode-vs-full for a new branchFor a workflow where you frequently create and push new branches to origin and want to minimize the steps involved, consider using a Git alias to streamline the process. Git doesn't automatically set the upstream for a new branch on the first push unless you specify it, but you can create a custom Git command through an alias that includes the necessary options.

Creating a Git Alias for Pushing New Branches

You can set up a Git alias that combines the creation of a new branch and setting its upstream on the first push. However, this would still require two steps: creating the branch and then pushing it using your custom alias. Since the push operation is where you need to specify the upstream, let's focus on simplifying that part.

Here's how you can create an alias named pushnew for pushing new branches and setting their upstream in one command:

git config --global alias.pushnew '!git push --set-upstream origin $(git branch --show-current)'

This alias does the following:

  • !git at the beginning allows you to run shell commands, not just Git subcommands.
  • --set-upstream origin sets the upstream to origin.
  • $(git branch --show-current) gets the name of the current branch you're on, passing it dynamically to the git push command.

Using the Alias

After you've created your branch and made your commits, instead of typing the full git push --set-upstream origin branch-name, you simply run:

git pushnew

This command will push your current branch to origin and set it as the upstream, saving you the trouble of typing the full command each time.


  • Alias Limitation: This approach assumes you're always pushing to a remote named origin and that you've already committed your changes on the new branch.
  • Customization: You can customize the alias further based on your workflow. Git aliases are flexible and can execute complex commands.


While Git requires explicit actions to set up tracking for new branches, using aliases can significantly streamline repetitive tasks. This method provides a balance between Git's need for explicit branch tracking and the convenience you're seeking in your workflow.

Git LFS Issue Resolution created at Tue Jan 20 1970 18:34:26 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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