Parse Date with Format

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Is there a pho function like strtotime but that allows you to specify the format?Yes, in PHP, if you want to parse a date string into a Unix timestamp with a specific format, you can use the DateTime::createFromFormat() method. It's not a standalone function like strtotime(), but it provides the flexibility you're looking for.

Here's a basic example:

$dateString = '20-10-2023';
$format = 'd-m-Y';

$dateTime = DateTime::createFromFormat($format, $dateString);
if ($dateTime !== false) {
    $timestamp = $dateTime->getTimestamp();
    echo $timestamp;
} else {
    echo "Date string doesn't match the specified format.";

In the above example, $dateString is the string you want to parse, and $format is the format in which you expect the date string to be. If the date string matches the format, it returns a DateTime object which you can use to get the Unix timestamp. If it doesn't match, it returns false.What is Traviso?As of my last training data up to January 2022, I'm not aware of "Traviso" being a widely recognized tool, library, or term within popular programming, tech, or other contexts. It's possible that it's a newer term, product, or library that has emerged after 2022, or it could be a niche or specialized term that wasn't prominently covered in the data I was trained on.

If "Traviso" is related to a specific industry, context, or if it's a term or product that has gained prominence more recently, I might not have information on it. Could you provide more context or specify the domain it's related to? Alternatively, you might want to consult more recent sources or the official documentation or website related to "Traviso".

Parse Date with Format created at Tue Jan 20 1970 15:36:05 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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