Fix SvelteKit Playwright Test

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I'm using sveltekit and the integration tests fail with ```[WebServer] file:///Users/ozten/Projects/troubleshooter/app/.svelte-kit/output/server/entries/endpoints/v2/infer/create_session/_server.js:2 import { chain } from "stream-chain"; ^^^^^ SyntaxError: Named export 'chain' not found. The requested module 'stream-chain' is a CommonJS module, which may not support all module.exports as named exports. CommonJS modules can always be imported via the default export, for example using:

import pkg from 'stream-chain'; const { chain } = pkg;```

The issue is that svelte supports CommonJS and the import stynax, but for some reason the playwrite tests fail. How can I fix this?The error message you are seeing indicates that there is a mismatch between the module systems in use. SvelteKit, being a modern framework, expects ES modules (ESM), while the stream-chain package seems to be exposing its API as CommonJS (CJS).

Here's what the error message is suggesting, step by step:

  1. Import the whole module as the default export: This is done because CommonJS modules export a single object, which in the case of ES modules corresponds to the default export.

  2. Destructure the required parts after import: After you have the default export, you can destructure it to get the parts you need, such as the chain function.

Here's how you could adjust your import statement based on the suggestion:

// Import the default export from the CommonJS module
import pkg from 'stream-chain';

// Destructure the 'chain' function from the imported module
const { chain } = pkg;

To fix the issue, follow these steps:

  1. Change the import statement in the _server.js file or wherever the stream-chain module is being imported.

  2. Replace the named import:

    import { chain } from "stream-chain";

    with the default import and destructuring:

    import pkg from 'stream-chain';
    const { chain } = pkg;
  3. After making the changes, ensure that all instances where chain is being used are updated accordingly, if needed.

  4. Run your tests again to see if the issue has been resolved.

Remember that this kind of issue arises because of the difference in module systems. ES modules are statically analyzable and support tree shaking, while CommonJS modules are dynamic and do not support these features out of the box. It's always good to check if the package you're using has an ES module version, which could potentially resolve such issues without the need for default import and destructuring.

In the case where a package is only available in CommonJS format and you continue to face compatibility issues, you may need to look into tools or methods to transpile CommonJS to ES modules, or consider alternative packages that are natively available as ES modules.

Fix SvelteKit Playwright Test created at Tue Jan 20 1970 16:03:23 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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