Store Subscription Error Fix

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I have a Svelte component A that creates a writable store foo. It then passes foo as a prop to component B. In B's onMount, I do foo.subscribe, but I get a console error "store.subscribe" is not a function. What is going on?The error message "store.subscribe is not a function" suggests that the foo object you're trying to subscribe to in component B is not recognized as a Svelte store. This can happen due to a few reasons. Here's a checklist to help diagnose and fix the issue:

  1. Ensure foo is indeed a writable store: In component A, make sure you're creating foo using Svelte's writable function from svelte/store. It should look something like this:

    import { writable } from 'svelte/store';
    export let foo = writable(initialValue);

    If foo is not created with writable (or another store function like readable or derived), it won't have a .subscribe method.

  2. Check the Prop Passing: Ensure that you're passing foo correctly as a prop to component B. In the parent component (A), you should have something like this:

    <!-- ComponentA.svelte -->
      import ComponentB from './ComponentB.svelte';
      import { writable } from 'svelte/store';
      let foo = writable(someValue);
    <ComponentB {foo}/>
  3. Accessing the Store in Component B: In Component B, you should be able to subscribe to foo without any issue if it's properly passed as a prop. Here's an example of how it's typically done:

    <!-- ComponentB.svelte -->
      import { onMount } from 'svelte';
      export let foo;
      onMount(() => {
        const unsubscribe = foo.subscribe(value => {
        return () => {

    If foo is correctly received as a writable store, this should work without any error.

  4. Debugging Tip: Add a console log before the subscription to verify what foo looks like within Component B:

    onMount(() => {
        console.log(foo); // Check what foo is
        const unsubscribe = foo.subscribe(value => {
        // Rest of your code

    This can help you verify whether foo is what you expect it to be. If foo logs as undefined or as something other than a store object, then there's likely an issue with how foo is passed from Component A or how it's created.

  5. Component Compilation or Importing Issue: Make sure there are no compilation issues or errors in the way components are imported or used. Sometimes, the problem might be due to a misconfigured project setup or an overlooked error elsewhere in your code.

If you've gone through these steps and the problem persists, it might be helpful to review the component hierarchy and the data flow once more. Ensure that foo is not inadvertently modified or reassigned to something that's not a store before being passed to Component B.

Store Subscription Error Fix created at Tue Jan 20 1970 18:18:20 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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