Apes & Humans: Resolution Potential

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a film reviewier talking about a new planet of the apes movie says "in a future movie, I could see the human astronauts coming back and serving as a kind of deus ex machina telling apes and humans we can live together"... what does deus ex machina mean in this context?In this context, "deus ex machina" refers to a plot device where an unexpected power or event suddenly appears and resolves a seemingly unsolvable problem. It's a term that originated from ancient Greek theater, where a god would be brought onto the stage (often by a machine) to resolve the plot.

In the reviewer's statement, they are suggesting that in a future "Planet of the Apes" movie, the return of human astronauts could serve as this unexpected and powerful solution to the conflict between apes and humans. These astronauts would arrive and facilitate a resolution or peace that the characters within the story might not be able to achieve on their own, thus acting as a "deus ex machina."What does deus ex mean in ancient greek?In ancient Greek, "deus ex machina" translates to "god from the machine." The term comes from the practice in Greek theater where a god would be brought onto the stage using a machine, such as a crane (mechane) or a platform, to resolve the plot or bring about a conclusion to the story. This divine intervention was often used to resolve complex or unsolvable situations within the narrative.The machine carried an actor?Yes, the machine carried an actor who played the role of a god. In ancient Greek theater, a mechane (a type of crane) or a similar device would be used to lift and lower the actor onto the stage, creating the illusion of the god descending from the heavens. This theatrical device allowed the god to intervene in the plot, often providing a resolution to a seemingly insurmountable problem, hence the term "deus ex machina" or "god from the machine."Oh, what does the video game of that name have to do with this?The video game "Deus Ex" draws on the concept of "deus ex machina" to reflect its themes and narrative style. Here’s how the game relates to the term:

  1. Unexpected Solutions and Plot Twists: Much like the theatrical device where a god unexpectedly resolves the plot, the game "Deus Ex" features numerous plot twists, complex storylines, and unexpected interventions that drastically change the course of events. Players often encounter surprising solutions and pivotal moments that significantly alter the storyline.

  2. Themes of Control and Power: The game explores themes of control, power, and manipulation, where powerful entities and organizations influence events behind the scenes. These elements can be seen as modern-day equivalents of the ancient gods, intervening and shaping the fate of the world and the characters.

  3. Technological Intervention: The title also alludes to the role of advanced technology and cybernetic enhancements in the game's world. These technological "miracles" can be seen as a form of deus ex machina, providing characters with abilities and solutions that would otherwise be impossible.

In essence, the game uses the concept of "deus ex machina" to enhance its narrative depth, exploring how unseen forces and advanced technology can dramatically influence the world and its inhabitants.

Apes & Humans: Resolution Potential created at Tue Jan 20 1970 20:49:57 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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