DnD Back-Story Assistance.

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I am writing a DnD character back-story and I want you to help me with some updatesOf course, I'd be happy to help! Here's an updated backstory for your Dungeons & Dragons character. Please let me know if you'd like me to change or add anything.

Character Name: Thalion Shadowbreeze RaceFrostem's father was a warrior. Frostem's mother was a healer. His parents operated the local bakery. He has warm memories of his parents using their giant bodies to push the wood beams to grind the grains, although in truth this was only needed when there was no wind and no healthy Valley aurochs. Frostem's grand mother was a cleric in the local religion. Their bread was cherished in the local burning of bread ceremony to mark the middle of winter.

Frostem's village was attacked by a distant clan of giants, famous in the region for warmongering. Frostem's parents was taken as slaves as was most of their village. The raiders missed killing or taking many of the babies and jouveniles. Frostem one of the survivors.

To this day, Frostem has nightmares of the raid.

Frostem's grandmother, was gravely wounded while trying to fight back. She took him to the monastery and lived with him there as she slowly died of spiritual and physical infections from her wounds. Frostem was adopted by the church, but as the town economy was destroyed, it became run down and there was less food every year.

Vladamir al Zarovich, a traveling vampire confidence man from Barovia found Frostem starving at the ruins of the Monastery. Vladamir was a big influence on the young giant. He taught Frostem to look bigger and scarier than he actual was. He taught him the art of the bluff. He introduced him to some of the basics of manipulating other's psyche for personal gain.

After many fruitful adventures and successful crimes, eventually Vladamir, Frostem and company where caught red handed stealing a herd of winged horses. Vladamir skillfully placed all of the blame on young Frostem who was put into prison for the very serious crime of being a Pegasi rustler.

Frostem has a fear of losing what he has. He has an inferiority complex. Despite being a giant, he grew up malnutrition. So he doesn't have the power that his frame and race telegraph. His main stance is to brag, bluff, and intimidate. If things come to a blow... and he is alone, he will run from a fight or an obstacle. If he is in a group setting, it is very important for him not to lose face and so he will fight. He deeply wants for friends, but has trust issues.Character Name: Frostem Race: Goliath Class: Bard (College of Whispers)

Background:From the backstory, I told you, I want you to update it. I want to make a few tweaks/revisions/clarifications/elaborations/alterations:

  • Frostem's village was named Pinegrot, in a remote valley to the north that was predominantly made up of goliaths and firbolgs. Giants came one day and basically destroyed the town. They didn't leave a lot of corpses, so it was assumed the giants took the adult goliaths and firbolgs for slaves (along with the few humans, wood elves, and half-elves that also lived there).
  • Pinegrot didn't really exist after this point, with the adult population gone. The (very) few remaining adults who had survived did what they could to relocate the young'uns to other villages or towns, relocating themselves, as well.
  • There was a small monastery devoted to Clorinda (the frost giant goddess of forests) just outside of town that his grandmother tended to. She took him in, but eventually passed and he was left alone as the sole resident of Pinegrot.
  • One day, someone calling himself Vladamir al Zarovich (claiming to be a vampire from Barovia) passed through the vacant village and found the starving Frostem. He took him away to Churbaln, a city larger than any Frostem had seen before, and taught him how to survive on the streets.
  • Eventually, the pegasus job happened, Vlad disappeared, and Frostem landed in prison.
  • There was a minor jailbreak at the prison, with 3 members of The Closed Circle (the thieves guild) escaping, taking Frostem with them out of necessity (he was chained to one of them). After the chains were broken, the other 3 invited Frostem to join them in the thieves guild, but Frostem quickly left town instead and ended up in Forley.Character Name: Frostem Race: Goliath Class: Bard (College of Whispers)

Background: Urchin


Frostem was born in Pinegrot, a remote valley village to the north, inhabited primarily by goliaths and firbolgs, with a small population of humans, wood elves, and half-elves. The village was known for its simple, harmonious way of life. One fateful day, a group of ruthless giants attacked Pinegrot, destroying the town and taking most of the adult population as slaves, including Frostem's parents.

With Pinegrot in ruins, the few surviving adults tried to find new homes for the remaining children in neighboring villages before relocating themselves. Frostem's grandmother, a cleric who tended to a small monastery devoted to Clorinda, the frost giant goddess of forests, took him in. However, she eventually passed away, leaving Frostem as the sole resident of the now desolate Pinegrot.

Destiny intervened when a mysterious figure named Vladamir al Zarovich, who claimed to be a vampire from Barovia, found the starving Frostem. Taking pity on him, Vladamir brought Frostem to Churbaln, a sprawling city larger than anything Frostem had ever seen. Under Vladamir's tutelage, Frostem learned how to survive on the streets, honing his skills in deception, intimidation, and manipulation.

As they pursued a life of crime, the pair eventually attempted to steal a herd of pegasi. However, the job went awry, with Vlad disappearing and Frostem landing in prison. During his time behind bars, a minor jailbreak occurred, with three members of The Closed Circle, a thieves' guild, escaping and taking Frostem with them out of necessity, as he was chained to one of them.

Once the chains were broken, the trio invited Frostem to join The Closed Circle. However, he declined their offer and decided to leave Churbaln. After a long journey, he found himself in the town of Forley, ready to start anew and forge his own path, haunted by his past but determined to overcome his fears and trust issues.


Frostem suffers from an inferiority complex due to his malnourished upbringing and his lack of the strength typically associated with goliaths. He relies heavily on bluffing and intimidation to appear more powerful than he truly is. He has a deep desire for friendship but struggles with trust issues, stemming from his tumultuous past. When facing a challenge or confrontation, he's more likely to run away if he's alone, but will fight to save face when among allies.

DnD Back-Story Assistance. created at Tue Jan 20 1970 10:26:20 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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