Marshmallows and aspirin.

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Let's write a play together. This is the outline:

Title: Because It's Your Birthday Act 1:

Scene 1: The park rangers are opening up the theater group's campsite, which was closed as it was a crime scene for a missing person. The confident Park Ranger explains that she disappeared 7 days ago. Theature teacher Mike explains that they are a high school theature group, having a trip to practice Britsh Accents. The group is annoyed that their site isn't ready. The rangers discuss the investigation and the lack of progress.

Scene 2: As the theature group unpacks, they mention various things that they forgot. In the site next door, Ruby pipes up and compalins about the Park Ranger. A group of kids make fun of her gangster accent. She expresses her annoyance about the theater group's fake accents and British slang.

Scene 3: The campers start unpacking and Ruby offers to help with some missing items (marshmallows and asparin (?)).

Act 2:

Scene 1: A member of the theater group, Emily, dies on a paddleboard. The park rangers investigate and determine that it was a freak accident.

Scene 3: The theature group is building a fire and they say out loud that they forgot their marshmellows. Ruby offers her homemade ones. Another member of the theater group, Tom, dies while eating a homemade marshmallow. The park rangers suspect foul play.

Act 3:

Scene 1: The park rangers organize a group exercise for all the campers, including Ruby and the theater group. During the exercise, a third member of the theater group, Rachel, dies in what appears to be another accident.

Scene 2: The Park Ranger starts to try to solve all of the mystersies... but fails miserably.

Scene 3: Alicia is seen wandering in the woods, looking disoriented. Alicia and Patty suddenly appears, with a Pittsburghese accent, and confronts Ruby. She reveals that Patty and Alicia are private investigators on vacation. She knows Ruby has been secretly murdering and kidnapping people in the park. Alicia then solves the mystery of the deaths, revealing that Ruby had been disguising the murders as accidents. Alicia reveals Ruby's love of 1920's gangster films and dislike of 1930's little rascal shows. Ruby hates the little rascals and the birthday song.

In the final scene, the theature group performs "It's somebody's birthday the song" Act 1:

Scene 1:

(The stage is set in a park. Two park rangers, Jane and Alex, are opening up a campsite. The theater group's campsite is right next to the rangers. A few members of the theater group are waiting for the campsite to be ready.)

Jane: (unlocking the gate) We can finally open up the theater group's campsite. It's been closed for a week now.

Alex: (helping Jane) Why was it closed in the first place?

Jane: A girl went missing from the site a week ago. We've been investigating since then, but we haven't made any progress.

Mike: (from the theater group) Excuse me, when will our site be ready? We have a lot of work to do.

Jane: (annoyed) We're doing our best. We've been busy with the investigation.

Mike: (sarcastic) Great, I'm glad the investigation is going well. We're just here to practice our British accents.

Jane: (rolling her eyes) Well, excuse us for having more important things to deal with.

Scene 2:

(The theater group is unpacking their belongings. They are frustrated because they forgot various items.)

Lila: (frustrated) I can't believe I forgot my sunscreen. I'm going to get burnt.

Ruby: (from the campsite next door) You guys are so annoying. Always complaining.

Tom: (teasing) What's up, gangsta? You don't like our British accents?

Ruby: (irritated) They're so fake. And all that British slang. It's so annoying.

Scene 3:

(Ruby walks over to the theater group's site.)

Ruby: Hey, I overheard you guys talking about some missing items. What did you forget?

Lila: (surprised) Oh, hi. We forgot some marshmallows and aspirin.

Ruby: (smiling) I have some marshmallows I made myself. And I have some aspirin too. Do you want them?

Lila: (grateful) That's really nice of you. Thank you.

Act 2:

Scene 1:

(Everyone is out on the lake. Emily falls off her paddleboard and drowns.)

Jane: (rushing over) What happened?

Mike: (stunned) I don't know. She just fell off her paddleboard.

Jane: (examining Emily) It looks like it was a freak accident.

Scene 2:

(The theater group is building a fire. They realize they forgot marshmallows.)

Tom: (disappointed) I can't believe we forgot marshmallows. S'mores just aren't the same without them.

Ruby: (smiling) I have some more of my homemade marshmallows if you want them.

Tom: (excited) Yes, please!

(Tom takes a bite of the marshmallow and chokes. He falls to the ground.)

Jane: (rushing over) What happened?

Mike: (panicking) I don't know. He just choked on the marshmallow.

Jane: (suspicious) This seems strange. I'm going to have to investigate.

Scene 3:

(Everyone is participating in a group exercise.)

Rachel: (sweating) This is so intense. I don't know how much longer I can keep going.

(Alicia, one of the private investigators, walks over.)

Alicia: (smiling) You guys are doing great. Just a little bit more to go.

(Rachel suddenly collapses.)

Alicia: (rushing over) What happened?

Mike: (shocked) I don't know. She just collapsedPlease write the dialog for Scene 1: A member of the theater group, Emily, dies on a paddleboard. The park rangers investigate and determine that it was a freak accident.(Scene 1: A member of the theater group, Emily, dies on a paddleboard. The park rangers investigate and determine that it was a freak accident.)

Park Ranger: "We've got a situation here. Emily, one of the theater group members, was found dead on a paddleboard in the lake."

Theater Teacher Mike: "What?! Oh my god, this is terrible. Was it an accident?"

Park Ranger: "We're not sure yet. We're investigating. It could have been a freak accident, but we need to gather more information."

Theater Student Sarah: "Emily was such a great actress. She had so much potential."

Park Ranger: "I'm sorry for your loss. We'll do everything we can to get to the bottom of this."

Theater Student Jack: "What do we do now? We can't just go on with our trip like nothing happened."

Park Ranger: "I understand. We'll need to pause the trip for now while we investigate. We'll keep you updated on any developments."

Theater Teacher Mike: "Thank you for your help. We're all in shock right now."

Park Ranger: "Of course. It's never easy to deal with something like this. Just know that we're here for you if you need anything."Prompt:

I've updated Act 2 Scene 1. Given the prompt, please re-write the dialog: A member of the theater group, Emily, is out paddleboarding. Ruby the old timey gangster from the campsite next door paddles up. Ruby tells Emily that she needs a personal flotational device and offers her one. Ruby reveals that she didn't appreciate Emily making fun of her accent. Emily notices that the PFD that Ruby is putting on her is very heavy. Ruby laughs and shoves Emily into the water, drowning her.

The park rangers investigate and determine that it was a freak accident.(Scene 1: A member of the theater group, Emily, is out paddleboarding. Ruby the old timey gangster from the campsite next door paddles up.)

Emily: "Oh, hey Ruby. What's up?"

Ruby: "Hey, kiddo. I noticed you're out here without a personal flotation device. You know it's important to be safe out here on the water."

Emily: "Yeah, I know. I was just enjoying the peacefulness."

Ruby: "Well, safety first. Here, let me give you one of mine."

Emily: "Oh, that's really nice of you, Ruby. Thanks."

Ruby: "No problem, kiddo. Hey, listen. I overheard you and your theater friends making fun of my accent earlier. That wasn't very nice."

Emily: "Oh, I'm sorry, Ruby. We didn't mean to offend you. We were just practicing our British accents."

Ruby: "I don't care. It's not cool to make fun of someone's accent. You know what else isn't cool? Not being able to swim. I bet you're struggling with that heavy life jacket, aren't you?"

Emily: "What? No, it's fine. Thanks again for giving it to me."

Ruby: "Oh, you're welcome. Here, let me help you with that."

(Ruby helps Emily put on the life jacket, but as she does, she intentionally makes it much heavier than necessary. Emily struggles to stay afloat.)

Emily: "Ruby, what did you do? This is too heavy!"

Ruby: (laughing) "Oops, looks like I gave you the wrong one. Sorry, kiddo."

(Emily struggles to stay afloat, but ultimately drowns.)

Park Ranger: "We've got a situation here. Emily, one of the theater group members, drowned while paddleboarding."

Theater Teacher Mike: "What?! That's terrible. Was it an accident?"

Park Ranger: "It looks that way. She was wearing a personal flotation device, but it was too heavy for her to handle. We're investigating, but it seems like a freak accident."

Theater Student Sarah: "Emily was such a talented actress. It's so sad to think we'll never get to see her perform again."

Park Ranger: "I know. We're sorry for your loss. We'll do everything we can to figure out what happened."try again, but make Ruby's old timey gangster dialog more comical.Sure, here's a revised version with a more comedic tone:

Scene 1:

Emily is out paddleboarding, enjoying the calm waters. Suddenly, Ruby, the eccentric old-timey gangster from the campsite next door, paddles up.

Ruby: "Hey there, kiddo! You know you need a personal flotation device to be out here, right?"

Emily: "Uh, yeah, I have one right here."

Ruby: "Nah, that won't do. You need something sturdier. Here, let me give you one of mine."

Ruby pulls out a giant, comically oversized life jacket from her bag.

Emily: "I don't think this will fit me."

Ruby: "Nonsense! It'll keep you afloat better than any of those flimsy things. Now, let me help you put it on."

As Ruby starts to put the life jacket on Emily, she notices that it's incredibly heavy.

Emily: "This is really heavy. Are you sure this is necessary?"

Ruby: "Of course it is, kiddo! Safety first! Now, just stand still and let me tighten the straps."

As Emily stands there, Ruby suddenly bursts out laughing.

Ruby: "Ha! You should've seen your face, kiddo! I was just pulling your leg! I couldn't resist after hearing you and your friends making fun of my accent earlier. But seriously, be safe out here."

Ruby gives Emily a wink and paddles away, leaving Emily to continue her paddleboard adventure. However, as Emily paddles further away, she suddenly feels a weight pulling her down. She struggles to stay afloat, but it's too late. She sinks below the water's surface.

The park rangers investigate and determine that it was a freak accident.That was very good. Can you try again?Sure, here's another attempt at the scene with a different tone:

Scene 1:

Emily is paddleboarding peacefully when Ruby, the quirky old-timey gangster from the campsite next door, approaches her on a paddleboard of her own.

Ruby: "Hey there, little lady! You know, in these waters, you gotta be prepared for anything!"

Emily: "Uh, sure. I have a life jacket already."

Ruby: "Oh, that won't do. Not in my book, at least! You need something much sturdier!"

Ruby pulls out a bright orange life jacket with a huge "LIFEGUARD" logo on the back.

Emily: "I don't think that's necessary. I'm a good swimmer."

Ruby: "Oh, honey, that's not the point! You never know what could happen out here. Better safe than sorry, am I right?"

Emily hesitates but eventually lets Ruby help her put on the life jacket. As she tightens the straps, Emily notices how heavy the jacket is.

Emily: "This is really heavy. Are you sure this is necessary?"

Ruby: "Absolutely! Trust me, I've been out on these waters for decades. You can never be too careful!"

Suddenly, Ruby starts laughing uncontrollably.

Ruby: "Oh my goodness, you should've seen your face! I'm sorry, kiddo, I couldn't resist! I heard you and your friends making fun of my accent earlier, and I just had to get you back somehow! But seriously, be careful out here. The water's lovely but unforgiving."

Ruby paddles away, leaving Emily to continue her adventure. But as Emily paddles further away, she suddenly feels a weight pulling her down. She tries to stay afloat but can't. She sinks below the water's surface.

The park rangers investigate and determine that it was a freak accident.Can you try again and make Ruby's dialog more comedic and more like a chicago gangster?Sure, here's another attempt with a different tone:

Scene 1:

Emily is paddleboarding when Ruby, the sassy Chicago gangster from the campsite next door, paddles up next to her.

Ruby: "Hey there, dollface! What's a sweet young dame like you doing all alone out here?"

Emily: "Just enjoying the water. What can I do for you?"

Ruby: "Well, you see, I couldn't help but overhear you and your friends making fun of my accent earlier. Now, normally, I wouldn't mind a little ribbing, but I'm feeling a little sensitive today, ya know?"

Emily: "Oh, I'm sorry. We didn't mean anything by it."

Ruby: "Ah, don't worry about it, toots. I'm not the type to hold a grudge. But I do wanna make sure you're safe out here. That's why I brought you this little number."

Ruby hands Emily a bright orange life jacket.

Emily: "I already have a life jacket."

Ruby: "This ain't just any life jacket, doll. This is a special model I designed myself. It's made outta solid steel and coated in concrete. You'll be able to survive a nuclear war in this baby!"

Emily: "Uh, I think I'll stick with my regular one."

Ruby: "Suit yourself, toots. Just remember, out here, the water can be as unforgiving as a dame with a broken heart. You gotta be prepared for anything."

Emily continues paddling away, but as she gets further from Ruby, she realizes the life jacket is weighing her down. Suddenly, she slips beneath the surface of the water.

The park rangers investigate and determine that it was a freak accident.Let's re-write the Ranger's dialog. He is investigating the paddleboarder's death. The ranger is very cocky and over confidet, but he is very dumb and doesn't realize the obvious. What is an ironic conclusion he could have about the reason the paddleboarder drown?Sure, here's a possible re-write of the ranger's dialog:

Ranger: "Well, well, well, what do we have here? Another 'freak accident' in our park. But fear not, citizens, for I, Ranger Rick, am on the case. And let me tell you, I've solved cases that even Sherlock Holmes couldn't crack. This paddleboarder must have fallen off her board and hit her head on a rock. It's the only logical explanation, because everyone knows that paddleboards are 100% safe and never malfunction. Yes, it's quite tragic, but what can you do? Accidents happen."

As for an ironic conclusion, perhaps the ranger could end up attributing the cause of death to something completely ridiculous and unrelated, such as the paddleboarder being cursed by a witch, or the lake being haunted by a vengeful spirit. This would be ironic because it would show that despite his arrogance and confidence, the ranger is completely clueless and unable to recognize the actual cause of the tragedy.Sure, here's a possible re-write of the ranger's dialog:

Ranger: "Well, well, well, what do we have here? Another unfortunate victim of the water. It's a shame, really, these young people just don't know how to handle themselves on a paddleboard. But don't worry, I'll get to the bottom of this."

Park Ranger: "Let's see... according to my expert analysis, it looks like she drowned because she didn't know how to swim. I mean, what else could it be? She was on a paddleboard, for crying out loud! If she didn't know how to swim, she shouldn't have been out here in the first place. Case closed!"

(As the ranger turns around to leave, he accidentally drops his notepad in the water and struggles to retrieve it while getting soaked)

Ranger: "See, even I know how to handle myself in water. It's not that hard. These kids just need to toughen up and stop being such babies!"

(The ranger leaves, completely oblivious to the fact that the victim was wearing a life jacket that was suspiciously heavy)Let's add another character. they are the park aide that assists the arrogant Park Ranger. They know how dumb the ranger is and how ironic the situation is. their dialog highlights the irony and subtly poke fun at his expense.Sure, here's a possible dialog between the park aide and the ranger:

Park Aide: "Hey there, Ranger. Looks like you're hard at work again."

Ranger: "You know it, Park Aide. Just doing my job, solving the mysteries of the great outdoors."

Park Aide: "Well, I'm glad someone's on the case. I heard there was another water accident. What's the scoop?"

Ranger: "Just a case of a poor swimmer on a paddleboard. Nothing we haven't seen before."

Park Aide: "Uh-huh. And did you happen to notice anything else about the victim?"

Ranger: "What do you mean?"

Park Aide: "Well, for one, she was wearing a life jacket. And for two, it was a little heavier than usual."

Ranger: "Hmm, I suppose it could have been. But come on, accidents happen all the time. There's nothing suspicious about that."

Park Aide: "Of course not, Ranger. I'm sure it's just a coincidence that the victim drowned while wearing a life jacket that was heavy enough to sink a stone. I mean, who needs common sense and observation skills when you have your expert analysis, right?"

Ranger: "Now hold on just a minute. I may not be the smartest guy out here, but I know a freak accident when I see one."

Park Aide: "Sure you do, Ranger. Sure you do."

(The park aide gives a knowing smirk to the audience as the ranger storms off, completely oblivious to the irony of the situation)Sure, here's a possible dialog for the park aide:

Park Aide: "Hey there, Ranger. Looks like we've got another water casualty."

Ranger: "Yep, just another unfortunate victim of their own incompetence."

Park Aide: "Well, it's a shame they didn't have you around to teach them how to swim."

Ranger: "Hey, I'm a busy man. I can't be everywhere at once."

Park Aide: "Right, right. But you know, it's funny. You always say that people drown because they don't know how to swim. But isn't that kind of like saying someone died in a car crash because they didn't know how to fly a plane?"

Ranger: "What are you talking about? That makes no sense."

Park Aide: "I mean, paddleboarding isn't exactly a water sport for experts, is it? And didn't Emily have a life jacket on?"

Ranger: "Well, sure. But those things can be deceiving, you know. Maybe it wasn't fastened properly."

Park Aide: "Right, because a trained lifeguard like yourself wouldn't know how to properly fasten a life jacket. Anyway, I'm just saying, maybe we should consider some other possibilities. Like, I don't know, foul play?"

Ranger: "Foul play? Come on, this is a peaceful campground. There's no way someone would murder someone else over a silly paddleboarding accident."

Park Aide: "I suppose you're right. What was I thinking?" (winks at the audience)

(Ranger walks away, oblivious to the irony of the situation)Let's re-write Scene 3. Background - Back at the theature group's campsite, someone wonders when Emily is coming back. The group builds a fire and settles in too cook smores. Susy reminds Tom that he forgot to bring marshmellows. Tom mentions that the nice lady next door provided them with some homemade marshmallows. Another member of the theater group, Tom, dies while eating a homemade marshmallow. Susy: "Hey, when is Emily coming back? I thought she was going to join us for s'mores."

Tom: "I don't know. She's probably having a great time paddleboarding."

Susy: "Hey Tom, did you bring the marshmallows?"

Tom: "Oh no, I forgot. But don't worry, Ruby next door gave us some of her homemade marshmallows."

Susy: "Ruby? You mean that old-timey gangster lady who keeps complaining about our British accents?"

Tom: "Yeah, she seemed nice enough. And these marshmallows are actually pretty good."

(As Tom takes a bite of the marshmallow, he suddenly clutches his throat and falls to the ground)

Susy: "Tom? Tom! Oh my god, somebody call for help!"

(The rest of the group rushes to Tom's side, but it's too late. He's already gone)

Emily: "What is happening? First, Emily disappears, and now Tom dies from a marshmallow?"

Mike: "I don't know, but something is definitely not right here. We need to get out of here and call the rangers."

Susy: "But what about the rest of our trip? We can't just leave now."

Mike: "Our safety is more important than this trip. We'll have to cancel the rest of the trip and head back home."Try again, but make everyone speak like theature geeks speaking in very heavy british accents.Scene 3:

[At the theature group's campsite, the group is gathered around the fire, speaking in very heavy British accents]

Person 1: I say, chaps, when do you suppose Emily shall return?

Person 2: Yes, quite. It's simply not the same without her.

Susy: (in an exaggerated British accent) Oh dear, Tom, you seem to have forgotten to bring the marshmallows.

Tom: (also in a British accent) Oh, blimey! You're right, Susy. What shall we do without our marshmallows?

Person 1: (in a British accent) Fear not, my dear Tom. The nice lady next door has offered to provide us with some homemade marshmallows.

[Everyone takes a marshmallow and starts eating. Suddenly, Tom starts choking and falls to the ground]

Person 2: (in a British accent) Oh, what's happened to Tom? He seems to be in distress.

Susy: (in a British accent) I say, he's not breathing. It's quite serious!

[The group tries to revive Tom, but it's too late. The park rangers are called and they suspect foul play]That is good. Can you play up the irony of the group eating Ruby's gift of marshmellows?Sure, here's another version of the scene with an emphasis on irony:

[The theater group is gathered around the fire, cooking smores. Susy speaks up.]

Susy: "Say, anyone know when Emily's coming back? It's not like her to miss the smores."

Tom: "I do say, I quite miss her company."

[Everyone nods in agreement.]

Tom: "Oh no! I seem to have forgotten the marshmallows."

Susy: "Tom, you are such a plonker! How could you forget the most crucial ingredient?"

[As they lament their lack of marshmallows, Ruby appears.]

Ruby: "Why hello there, darlings! It seems you're in need of some marshmallows. I made them myself."

[The group expresses their gratitude and begins toasting the marshmallows. Tom takes a big bite and immediately chokes.]

Susy: "Tom, are you alright?"

Tom: [choking] "It's... it's the marshmallow!"

[The group rushes to his aid, but it's too late. Tom has died.]

[The camera pans to Ruby, who watches the scene with a sinister smile.]

Ruby: [to herself] "Oh, the irony of it all. They never suspected a thing."The arrogant park ranger and his assistant appear to investigate the death. Again, the ranger comes to the wrong conclusion and thinks it is an accident. Again, his conclusion is dumb and very ironic. The assistant makes fun of him subtly.The Park Ranger and his assistant arrive at the scene of Tom's death. The Ranger begins to investigate while his assistant looks on, trying to hold back laughter.

Ranger: "Looks like we have another accident on our hands."

Assistant: suppressing laughter "Another one, sir? What are the odds?"

Ranger: "Well, accidents happen all the time. It's just a part of life."

Assistant: "Yes, sir. But it's funny how these accidents keep happening to the theatre group, isn't it?"

Ranger: "What do you mean?"

Assistant: "I mean, first it was Emily on the paddleboard, now Tom with a marshmallow. It's almost as if someone is trying to get rid of them."

Ranger: "Nonsense. These are just freak accidents."

Assistant: "Right. Because it's completely normal for someone to choke on a marshmallow."

Ranger: "Well, stranger things have happened."

Assistant: "Yes, sir. But I don't think anyone has ever died from a marshmallow accident before."

Ranger: "Hmm, good point. Maybe we should take a closer look."Please try again. In the end, they park ranger should leave the camp site because it is getting late and his shift is ending.Park Ranger: "Well, I've seen enough here. Looks like poor Tom died from choking on a marshmallow. A freak accident, if you ask me."

Assistant: "Are you sure about that, sir? It's just so ironic that the marshmallows Ruby gave us ended up killing someone. Almost like she had something to do with it."

Park Ranger: "Nonsense! Ruby may be a bit rough around the edges, but she's a good woman. Besides, I need to wrap this up and head out. My shift is over."

Assistant: "Right, of course. Wouldn't want to keep you from your beauty rest, sir."

Park Ranger: "Watch your tone, son. I may not have a fancy degree like those CSI folks on TV, but I know what I'm doing."

Assistant: "Yes, sir. Of course, sir. I'll just stay here and continue my investigation."

Park Ranger: "Suit yourself. But don't stay up too late. We've got a big day ahead of us tomorrow."

(The Park Ranger leaves the campsite, completely oblivious to the fact that the deaths may not be accidents and that the assistant is onto something.)Can you try again, but make it more subtle?Sure, here's another attempt with a more subtle tone:

Ranger: Well, looks like another accidental death. This campsite seems to be cursed.

Assistant: (under his breath) Or maybe someone is deliberately trying to kill the theater group.

Ranger: What was that?

Assistant: Oh, nothing. It's just odd that so many accidents have happened in such a short time.

Ranger: (chuckles) It's just a coincidence. Accidents happen all the time. Plus, it's getting late and my shift is over. Let's wrap things up and head back to the station.

Assistant: (smirks) Right, because there's no way someone could be targeting the theater group with their gifts and hospitality. (rolls eyes)

Ranger: (ignores the sarcasm) We'll come back tomorrow and continue our investigation. Let's hope there won't be any more accidents tonight.

Assistant: (mutters to himself) Yeah, let's hope. (follows the Ranger out of the campsite)Thinking about the play so far, what is a list of 20 of the most likely next events?As an AI language model, I cannot predict future events, as the direction of the play is up to the author's discretion. However, I can suggest some possible directions the story could take based on common tropes and themes found in mystery and suspense plays:

  1. Another member of the theater group goes missing
  2. The group discovers a mysterious note or clue that could lead to solving the deaths
  3. The group learns that one of them has a hidden agenda or motive for the deaths
  4. The park ranger returns with a more experienced investigator
  5. The group discovers evidence that points to a different suspect
  6. The theater group is forced to confront their own guilt and responsibility in the deaths
  7. The group discovers that Emily and Tom's deaths are connected in some way
  8. The group's suspicions turn on Ruby and they confront her directly
  9. The assistant park ranger reveals that they have been working undercover and have gathered evidence on the killer
  10. The group sets a trap for the killer and confronts them directly
  11. The group realizes that the killer is not human and is a supernatural force haunting the campsite
  12. The park ranger accidentally reveals evidence that points to his own guilt in the deaths
  13. The group uncovers a conspiracy involving the park ranger and Ruby working together to cover up the deaths
  14. The group learns that Emily and Tom's deaths were actually murders committed by different culprits
  15. A member of the theater group discovers a hidden cabin in the woods that holds a clue to the killer's identity
  16. The group is forced to evacuate the campsite due to an emergency, but discovers that the killer has followed them
  17. The killer is revealed to be someone unexpected and not on the group's suspect list
  18. The group learns that the killer is someone they trusted and had let their guard down around
  19. The killer makes a mistake that leads to their capture or arrest
  20. The group is finally able to put the pieces together and solve the mystery, but not before a final confrontation with the killer.

Marshmallows and aspirin. created at Tue Jan 20 1970 10:09:25 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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