Defining Design Document Non-Goals

TODO: collapasable, copyable, download, etc

If I am writing a design document for an application UI design and I have the goals: Enable end users to interface with a conversational AI Power conversations with realtime, insightful data Allow users to refine explorations through either writing or direct manipulation of artifacts such as graphs Automate and facilitate important aspects of the incident responder’s user journey such as investigation, journaling, and communication with stakeholders

What would be some non-goals I should document?When setting non-goals for a design document, it's essential to define what is out of scope for the project to ensure that the focus remains on the core goals. Based on your mentioned goals, here are some potential non-goals for your application UI design:

  1. Supporting Non-Conversational Modes: While the primary interface is conversational AI, the application does not aim to support multiple other chatbot modes such as multiple-choice bot interactions or non-conversational flows.

  2. Standalone Data Analytics: The application is not intended to serve as a standalone data analytics or business intelligence platform. It will provide realtime, insightful data, but not in-depth data analysis.

  3. Offline Data Processing: All data interactions are expected to be in real-time. The application won't support offline data processing or batch data uploads.

  4. Custom AI Training: The application will not allow end-users to train the AI with custom data sets or modify its core algorithms.

  5. Complex Data Visualization: While users can manipulate artifacts, the application isn't designed to support complex data visualization tools like 3D graphs, heatmaps, or geospatial mapping.

  6. Incorporating External Communication Tools: The app might facilitate communication with stakeholders, but it doesn't aim to replace or integrate with full-fledged communication platforms like email clients, team collaboration tools, or social media platforms.

  7. Long-Term Data Storage: The application is not designed to serve as a long-term storage solution for user conversations or data artifacts.

  8. Support for Every Device and Platform: The application might be designed for specific platforms or devices and won't necessarily support every device or OS out there.

  9. Replacing Human Interaction Entirely: The goal is to facilitate and automate aspects of the incident responder's journey, not to replace human interaction or decision-making entirely.

  10. Broad Range of User Customization: While there might be some level of customization, the application is not aimed to be a fully customizable UI design platform where users can alter every aspect of the interface.

  11. Multilanguage Support: Initially, the application might support a limited set of languages and won't aim for a multilingual interface right off the bat.

Remember, non-goals are important to clarify boundaries and prevent scope creep. They ensure that both the development team and stakeholders have a clear understanding of what the application will and will not achieve.Trying to reduce cognative load for users is a good guiding principal. What would some others be?Reducing cognitive load is indeed a critical guiding principle in UI/UX design. Several other guiding principles can help inform and shape user-friendly designs:

  1. Simplicity: Keep interfaces simple and intuitive. Avoid unnecessary elements or information that do not support user tasks.

  2. Consistency: Use consistent elements and interactions throughout the application. Consistent UI can accelerate learning and reduce the amount of effort users must put in when transitioning between sections or tasks.

  3. Feedback: Provide feedback for every interaction. Whether a user submits a form, clicks a button, or encounters an error, they should receive clear and immediate feedback on the outcome or any necessary next steps.

  4. Affordance and Signifiers: Design elements should hint at their usage. For instance, a button should look like something you can press, and a link should be distinguishable from regular text.

  5. Error Tolerance: Design systems to be error-tolerant. If a user makes an error, the system should either prevent the error if possible or provide simple, constructive, and straightforward recovery steps.

  6. Accessibility: Ensure the design is usable by people with disabilities. This might mean accommodating screen readers, providing alternate text for images, or ensuring proper contrast.

  7. Discoverability: Essential functions should be easy to discover. This can be achieved through intuitive placement, using familiar icons, or through onboarding tutorials.

  8. Flexibility: Users might have different needs or preferences. Providing customization options or alternative workflows can cater to a broader user base.

  9. Efficiency and Speed: Once users become familiar with the system, they should be able to perform their tasks quickly and seamlessly. Optimize workflows for expert users without compromising the learning curve for novices.

  10. Hierarchy and Priority: Not all content is created equal. Use visual hierarchy to guide attention and to signal to users what's most important.

  11. Human-Centered: Design with the user in mind. Conduct user research, usability testing, and iterate based on feedback. Understand user needs, pain points, and contexts of use.

  12. Clear Path to Completion: Users should always have a clear path to achieving their goal or a way to finish their task. Remove any unnecessary roadblocks or confusing pathways.

  13. Security and Trust: Ensure that user data is protected, and be transparent about how it's used. A trustworthy interface can enhance user confidence.

  14. Minimize Interruptions: Limit pop-ups, auto-playing videos, or anything that could disrupt the user's flow unless it's crucial to the task at hand.

When designing, it's beneficial to have these principles in mind. They can serve as a checklist or a foundation for making design decisions that cater to the user's needs, leading to a more effective and satisfying user experience.

Defining Design Document Non-Goals created at Tue Jan 20 1970 15:12:47 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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