New Business Taxonomy Direction

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I am working with a client on a project and I want to guide them into a new way of thinking. I want to still sound professional while delivering this pitch. Can you help?

In our previous iteration, products were tied to business type. So only farms could have raw products assigned to them, we found that markets were selecting themselves as a farm so that they could attach raw products to themselves. So we are now separating products from business type. In going down the business type = service provided path, I am worried that we are doing the same thing and what are the repercussions of that? It's not a wrong assignment in this case but a misleading one perhaps? In attaching business types to services rendered, a farm with a restaurant is a restaurant. A farm with a market is a market. I agree that in searching for restaurants, a farm with a restaurant should show up. But what if I am specifically looking for a Farm with a Restaurant and want to weed out standard brick and mortar restaurants? I can't do that in this scenario. I believe that a Farm is fundamentally a different business than a restaurant. A brewery with a tap room is fundamentally different than a bottle shop with taps. I think the tool should provide the ability to differentiate. In order to do that we need to assign a primary business type (or industry?) Reframing as Services vs Business type also allows us to account for Education/Advocacy/Resource organizations where the term Business Type was giving some pause. In this model any business can provide any type of service but we do still keep track of their fundamental type of business/organization. This makes a clean taxonomy. We have business types and products/services rendered. The fundamental business type can help us in setting up the guided form experience. We've already agreed that Farms are going to be asked different questions than Restaurants. That still can be achieved without a primary business type but it's not as straightforward to build/manage for that. I get that this is maybe not as user friendly as the alternative option. Is there something we can do to move it in a more user friendly direction? My concerns with the alternative are that the path to managing and presenting the data is a lot less clear so it makes for more fussy solutions. Which means more dev time, more testing time, more debate when it comes to adding the next feature. A New Direction for Business Taxonomy and Searchability

Good afternoon,

First, I'd like to acknowledge the great strides we've made in our current model, which ties products to business types. This approach has its merits, and we've learned much from its implementation.

However, through our observations, we've seen unintended outcomes such as markets classifying themselves as farms to access certain product associations. This, in itself, highlights an opportunity for evolution and refinement.

As we consider the path where business type equates to the service provided, we need to carefully analyze potential ramifications. If we classify a farm with a restaurant simply as a "restaurant," we unintentionally overshadow the unique offerings such a farm provides. What if a user is keen on a farm-to-table dining experience within the farm premises? Our current model makes it challenging to differentiate these nuances.

In our pursuit of user-centricity, we must recognize that while a brewery with a taproom and a bottle shop with taps both offer similar services, their inherent natures are different. Hence, a differentiated classification is not just beneficial but essential.

By adopting a "Services vs. Business Type" model, we introduce a level of clarity that benefits both businesses and users. While any business can offer any service, their primary identity or business type remains distinct. This not only allows for a cleaner taxonomy but also aids in user search, form guidance, and data presentation.

Moreover, this reframing addresses the concerns raised by categories like Education, Advocacy, or Resource organizations. The term "Business Type" felt restrictive, but now we can encompass a broader spectrum of entities with ease.

I understand there may be apprehensions regarding user-friendliness. But I firmly believe that clarity in categorization will, in the long run, foster a more intuitive user experience. Conversely, while the alternative might seem user-friendly initially, its ambiguity could lead to complications in development, testing, and future scalability.

In conclusion, I propose we take a step towards refining our model, ensuring it's both comprehensive and user-centric. While change always brings challenges, it also presents an opportunity for growth and innovation. Let's work together to make our platform even more robust and efficient, and I'm eager to discuss potential enhancements to ensure user-friendliness in this new direction.

Thank you for your time and there an all encompassing word for Beer Garden, Wine Service, Cocktail LoungeAn all-encompassing term for Beer Garden, Wine Service, and Cocktail Lounge is "Beverage Venue" or "Drink Establishment." However, it's worth noting that while this term encompasses the essence of these places, it may not convey the specific atmosphere or specialty of each individual type of establishment. If you're looking for a term with a slightly more casual or social connotation, "Drinking Spot" or "Libation Lounge" might work, but they are less formal. Always consider the context in which you're using the term to ensure it captures the desired nuance.What are some synomyms for world as is Local Food World?If you're looking for synonyms for "world" in the context of "Local Food World," here are some options:

  1. Realm
  2. Sphere
  3. Domain
  4. Universe
  5. Landscape
  6. Territory
  7. Scene
  8. Environment
  9. Arena
  10. Community

So, for example, "Local Food Realm" or "Local Food Universe" could be potential alternatives to "Local Food World". However, ensure the synonym you choose conveys the desired nuance and context for your audience.

New Business Taxonomy Direction created at Tue Jan 20 1970 15:37:06 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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