Jotai with React Query

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What is a popular library that works with jotai to do fetch and update a storeA popular library that works well with Jotai for fetching and updating data in a store is React Query. React Query is a powerful tool for handling server state in React applications. It manages fetching, caching, synchronizing, and updating server data, making it an excellent complement to Jotai's state management capabilities.

Jotai provides minimalistic state management for React, focusing on atoms (basic units of state), while React Query handles asynchronous data operations, allowing you to fetch, cache, and update data effectively. Integrating React Query with Jotai can help streamline state management in React apps, especially when dealing with asynchronous operations or data fetched from external APIs.

To integrate Jotai with React Query, you can define Jotai atoms that encapsulate React Query's hooks or state. For instance, you can create an atom that uses the useQuery hook from React Query to fetch data and manage its state through Jotai, allowing other components in your application to access or update this data reactively. This setup leverages the strengths of both libraries—Jotai for global state management and React Query for handling server state efficiently.

Jotai with React Query created at Tue Jan 20 1970 19:54:48 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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