Free up Xcode space.

TODO: collapasable, copyable, download, etc

I want to reduce space on my harddrive for old XCode projects. Which folders can I safely delete?When looking to reduce space on your hard drive taken up by old Xcode projects, there are several types of files and folders you can safely delete without affecting the ability to open and run your projects in the future. Here’s a list of what you can consider removing:

  1. Derived Data: Xcode stores build files, indexes, and other data in a folder named DerivedData. Deleting this can free up a significant amount of space and Xcode will regenerate these files as needed.

  2. Archives: Xcode archives are used for storing build versions of your apps for distribution or for keeping a history of releases. If you have old archives that are no longer needed, you can delete them.

  3. Simulator Data: Over time, the iOS Simulator can accumulate a lot of data, including apps, caches, and other temporary files for the various simulator versions you have used. You can delete unneeded simulator data to free up space.

  4. Device Support Files: Xcode downloads device support files for different versions of iOS, tvOS, and watchOS. If you’re no longer supporting older versions, you can remove those device support files.

  5. Caches: Xcode and the various tools it uses may cache files for faster access. These caches can be deleted to free up space.

Here’s how you can find and delete these items:

  • Derived Data and Archives:

    • Go to Xcode > Preferences > Locations tab to find the path to the DerivedData and Archives folders.
    • You can navigate to these folders in Finder and delete the contents manually.
  • Simulator Data:

    • Open the Simulator.
    • In the Simulator menu, select Device > Erase All Content and Settings. This will delete all data for the currently selected simulator.
    • For more granular control, you can use the simctl command-line tool to delete specific simulators or data.
  • Device Support Files:

    • Navigate to ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport/ (or corresponding folders for tvOS and watchOS) and delete the folders for the versions you no longer need.
  • Caches:

    • Caches related to Xcode can be found in various locations, such as ~/Library/Caches/ You can delete these files to clear the cache.

Before deleting anything, it’s a good idea to make sure your projects are backed up, especially if you’re unsure about the importance of some files. Also, keep in mind that deleting some of these items (like Derived Data) will mean that Xcode will need to recreate them, which could slow down your first build after deletion.It sounds like my source code and the overal project folder is small and that XCode's buiilds and working data are outside of this folder?Yes, that's correct. Your source code and overall project folder typically contain the source files (.swift, .m, .h, etc.), assets, and project configuration files (such as .xcodeproj or .xcworkspace). These items usually don't take up much space compared to the other data that Xcode generates and stores outside of your project folder. The bulk of the space is often used by:

  1. Derived Data: This includes the build outputs, intermediate files generated during the build process, and indexing information. This data is stored in a separate DerivedData folder, not within your project folder. Xcode generates these files to speed up the build process and for app indexing. The location of this folder can be found in Xcode's preferences under the "Locations" tab.

  2. Archives: Archives are created when you build and archive your applications for distribution. These are stored in the Archives folder, also accessible via Xcode's preferences under the "Locations" tab. Archives include the application binary and debug symbols and can take up a significant amount of space if you have many archived versions of your apps.

  3. Simulator Data: When you run and test your applications in the iOS Simulator, the simulator stores data such as installed applications, their data, and screenshots. This data is stored separately from your project folder and can accumulate over time, especially if you use many different simulator devices and versions.

  4. Device Support Files: These are downloaded by Xcode when you connect a new device or run an app on a device with a new version of iOS, tvOS, or watchOS. They're necessary for deploying and debugging on devices with different OS versions and are stored outside your project folder.

Because these files and data are stored outside of your project folder, your source code and project itself remain relatively small. The space consumption comes from these auxiliary files and data that Xcode generates and manages. You can safely delete much of this data if you need to free up space, understanding that Xcode will regenerate what it needs, which might increase build times temporarily.

Free up Xcode space. created at Tue Jan 20 1970 18:41:41 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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