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Can you make a list of all of the UI elements available when you are designing a SwiftUI project?When designing a SwiftUI project, you have access to a wide range of UI elements, also known as views, to create your user interface. Below is a comprehensive list of common SwiftUI views and controls available up to my last update in April 2023. Keep in mind that SwiftUI is continually evolving, so it's a good idea to check the latest documentation for any new additions or changes.

Basic Views

  • Text: Display one or more lines of text.
  • Image: Display an image.
  • Shape: Draw vector-based shapes (Rectangle, Circle, Ellipse, Capsule, etc.).


  • VStack: Arrange views vertically.
  • HStack: Arrange views horizontally.
  • ZStack: Overlay views on top of each other.
  • ScrollView: Scrollable container for views.
  • LazyVStack: Lazily loads vertical views as needed.
  • LazyHStack: Lazily loads horizontal views as needed.
  • List: Display a list of items in a single column.
  • Form: Group controls used for data entry, like in settings.
  • NavigationView: Manage a navigation-based view hierarchy.
  • TabView: Display multiple tabs for content switching.
  • Group: Group multiple views without affecting the layout.
  • GroupBox: A stylized view with an optional label for grouping content.
  • Section: Group content within a List, Form, or other container views.
  • Grid: Flexible grid layouts are introduced in newer versions of SwiftUI, including LazyVGrid and LazyHGrid for creating grid-based layouts.

Controls and Buttons

  • Button: Trigger an action.
  • EditButton: Automatically toggles an edit mode.
  • Link: Open a URL in the browser.
  • Menu: Display a menu of actions.
  • ContextMenu: Contextual menu appearing upon a long press.
  • Picker: Select from multiple options.
  • DatePicker: Select a date and time.
  • TimePicker: Specifically for picking time (introduced in later versions).
  • Toggle: A switch to toggle between on/off states.
  • Slider: Select from a range of values.
  • Stepper: Increment or decrement a value.
  • SegmentedControl: Segmented control for selecting between options (using Picker with a specific style).

Text and Labels

  • TextField: Editable text input.
  • TextEditor: Multiline, scrollable text editing.
  • Label: Text paired with an icon.
  • SecureField: Editable text input for secure text (passwords).

Value Indicators

  • ProgressView: Display progress.
  • ActivityIndicator: Show a loading state (using ProgressView in SwiftUI).

Layout and Alignment

  • Spacer: Flexible space that expands along the major axis of its containing stack.
  • Divider: A visual divider line.
  • Alignment: Align views relative to each other or to the container.
  • GeometryReader: Read the geometry of the parent view for more complex layouts.

Animation and Transition

  • Animation: Animate changes in views.
  • Transition: Animate the insertion and removal of views.


  • ColorPicker: Pick a color.
  • Canvas: Draw custom graphics using immediate mode drawing.
  • Popover: Present content in a floating popover.
  • Sheet: Present content modally over the current view.


  • Accessibility modifiers: Customize how your UI is presented to and interacted with by assistive technologies.

This list covers the most commonly used SwiftUI elements and views. For the most accurate and up-to-date information, refer to Apple's official SwiftUI documentation or the latest SwiftUI tutorials and guides.

New chat created at Tue Jan 20 1970 18:11:07 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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