Monitor Specific Directories

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How can I tell cargo watch to only monitor a directory called templates or data for changes?cargo watch is a tool for Rust projects that watches for changes in your source code and automatically rebuilds and runs your project. To make cargo watch monitor only specific directories, you can use the -i or --ignore flag to exclude other directories, and the -w or --watch flag to include the desired directories.

In your case, to only monitor a directory called templates or data for changes, you can run the following command:

cargo watch -i 'src/*' -i 'tests/*' -w 'templates' -w 'data'

This command does the following:

  1. -i 'src/*' ignores the src directory and its contents.
  2. -i 'tests/*' ignores the tests directory and its contents.
  3. -w 'templates' includes the templates directory.
  4. -w 'data' includes the data directory.

With this configuration, cargo watch will only monitor the templates and data directories for changes. Note that you may need to adjust the ignored directories according to your project structure.What aspect ration is 325:177 closest too?To find the aspect ratio that is closest to 325:177, we can reduce the given ratio to its simplest form by finding the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the numbers and then compare it to common aspect ratios.

Using the GCD function:

GCD(325, 177) = 1

Since the GCD is 1, the given ratio is already in its simplest form: 325:177.

Now let's compare this ratio to some common aspect ratios:

  1. 4:3 (1.33:1)
  2. 16:9 (1.78:1)
  3. 16:10 (1.6:1)
  4. 21:9 (2.33:1)

The decimal values for each aspect ratio are:

  1. 4:3 -> 4 / 3 = 1.33
  2. 16:9 -> 16 / 9 = 1.78
  3. 16:10 -> 16 / 10 = 1.6
  4. 21:9 -> 21 / 9 = 2.33

Now let's find the decimal value of 325:177:

325 / 177 ≈ 1.836

Comparing this value to the common aspect ratios, we can see that 1.836 is closest to 1.78 (16:9). Therefore, the aspect ratio 325:177 is closest to 16:9.

Monitor Specific Directories created at Tue Jan 20 1970 10:44:56 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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