"VSCO Girl" Lingo Explained

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What are some words or phrases that someone speaking with a VSCO girl accent would use?The term "VSCO girl" originated from the VSCO photo editing app, which became associated with a certain style and lingo around 2019. The "VSCO girl" lingo is not exactly an accent; rather, it consists of specific words, phrases, and speech patterns associated with this subculture.

Some commonly used words and phrases associated with VSCO girls include:

  1. "Sksksk": This is an expression of laughter, surprise, or excitement. It comes from the sound that is made when you type random letters on the keyboard out of amusement or shock.

  2. "And I oop-": This phrase is used to express surprise, shock, or embarrassment. It was popularized by a video of Jasmine Masters, a drag queen from RuPaul's Drag Race.

  3. "Save the turtles": VSCO girls are often associated with environmental consciousness, especially related to reducing plastic usage to protect marine life. "Save the turtles" is a phrase you might hear in that context.

  4. "Hydro Flask": This is a brand of reusable water bottle that's popular within the VSCO girl community.

  5. "Scrunchies": A type of hair accessory that's seen as a hallmark of the VSCO girl aesthetic.

  6. "No plastic straws, please": As part of their environmentally-friendly ethos, VSCO girls advocate for the use of reusable straws instead of disposable plastic ones.

  7. "Insta baddie": This term refers to a person who is considered attractive or fashionable on Instagram, but VSCO girls might use it in a somewhat ironic or self-deprecating way.

  8. "Puka shell necklace": This is a type of jewelry commonly associated with the VSCO girl style.

  9. "I spilled my tea": "Spilling tea" or "tea" is slang for gossip or interesting news.

  10. "Birks": This is short for Birkenstocks, a brand of sandals popular among VSCO girls.

Please remember that these are stereotypical phrases and items associated with the VSCO girl trend, and individuals within this group (like any other) will have their own unique ways of speaking and expressing themselves. I need to re-write certain dialog from a play's script, so that the accents of each character are exaggerated.

Below I will list a type of accent, some tips on that accent, and lastly lines of dialog. Please re-write the dialog but keep the spirit of each line and try to "punch up" the accent.

Dickensian accent

When he speaks he uses these kinds of words: Guv'nor, Blimey, Me ol' china, Crikey, Dodgy, Fag, Toff, Cock up, Bob's your uncle, Brass monkey weather, Bloke, Nosh, Chuffed, Give us a tinkle, Knackered, etc.

MIKE: Lilly don't forrget to practice your accents, (quietly) anything is better than your VSCO girl talk.

MIKE: Oh, hello there, neighbor! Lovely day for camping, isn't it? [TODO: Accent]

Mike (Dickensian accent): Ruby, your crimes have been uncovered! There is no denying it any longer. Your hatred for those who use fake accents has driven you to terrible deeds.

Irish accent

When Noah speaks, he is an American doing an over the top Irish accent

NOAH: (in an Irish accent) Don't worry, Tommy. We've got plenty of food for the entire trip. But first, let's finish setting up camp.

VSCO Girl Accent

When LILLY speaks, she uses words like: Sksksk, And I oop-, Save the turtles, Hydro Flask, Scrunchies, No platic strawss please, I spilled my team, Birks, etc

LILLY: (sarcastic) Well, she seems like a barrel of laughs. [TODO: VSCO accent]

Pittsburghese accent

When they speaks they use words like: Yinz, Nebby, Jagoff, Redd up, Stillers, Dahn, Jumbo, Gumband, Pop, Yinz guys, Dahntahn, etc.

PATTY: Easy you two.

ALICIA: Wait, what? We did?

1920s Mobster accent

Use words like these: Scram, Kid, Copper, Wise guy, Givin' me the runaround, Gonna, Boss, Capiche?, Racket, Dough, Take a dive, swim with the fishes, The joint, etc.

RUBY: (enraged): What's wrong with ya? Enough with these fake accents! Ya can't change who ya are! # Dickensian accent MIKE: Lilly, don't forget to 'ave a go at your accents, (quietly) anything's better than your 'abit of VSCO girl chit-chat.

MIKE: Oi, 'ello there, guv'nor! Bloomin' lovely day for a bit of camping, ain't it?

MIKE: Ruby, you've been rumbled, luv! No dodging it now. Your 'atred for those blokes putting on airs with false accents has led you to some right dodgy deeds.

Irish accent

NOAH: (in an Irish accent) Not to worry, Tommy boy. We've got more than enough grub for the whole of the journey. But first, let's get this camp all set up proper, eh?

VSCO Girl Accent

LILLY: (sarcastic) Well, she's like, totally a barrel of laughs, sksksk and I oop-.

Pittsburghese accent

PATTY: Easy there, yinz two.

ALICIA: Wait, what? We did, n'at?

1920s Mobster accent

RUBY: (enraged): What's the matter with ya, wise guy? Enough with the phony accents! Ya can't change who ya are, capiche? That is perfect. Can you output the same content, but format it like a sed script that matches the line of dialog and replaces the entire line with your dialogAbsolutely, here you go:
#!/bin/sed -f

# Dickensian accent
/^MIKE: Lilly don't forget to practice your accents, (quietly) anything is better than your VSCO girl talk\.$/c\
MIKE: Lilly, don't forget to 'ave a go at your accents, (quietly) anything's better than your 'abit of VSCO girl chit-chat.

/^MIKE: Oh, hello there, neighbor! Lovely day for camping, isn't it\?$/c\
MIKE: Oi, 'ello there, guv'nor! Bloomin' lovely day for a bit of camping, ain't it?

/^MIKE: Ruby, your crimes have been uncovered! There is no denying it any longer. Your hatred for those who use fake accents has driven you to terrible deeds\.$/c\
MIKE: Ruby, you've been rumbled, luv! No dodging it now. Your 'atred for those blokes putting on airs with false accents has led you to some right dodgy deeds.

# Irish accent
/^NOAH: (in an Irish accent) Don't worry, Tommy. We've got plenty of food for the entire trip. But first, let's finish setting up camp\.$/c\
NOAH: (in an Irish accent) Not to worry, Tommy boy. We've got more than enough grub for the whole of the journey. But first, let's get this camp all set up proper, eh?

# VSCO Girl Accent
/^LILLY: (sarcastic) Well, she seems like a barrel of laughs\.$/c\
LILLY: (sarcastic) Well, she's like, totally a barrel of laughs, sksksk and I oop-.

# Pittsburghese accent
/^PATTY: Easy you two\.$/c\
PATTY: Easy there, yinz two.

/^ALICIA: Wait, what? We did\?$/c\
ALICIA: Wait, what? We did, n'at?

# 1920s Mobster accent
/^RUBY: (enraged): What's wrong with ya? Enough with these fake accents! Ya can't change who ya are!$/c\
RUBY: (enraged): What's the matter with ya, wise guy? Enough with the phony accents! Ya can't change who ya are, capiche?

This sed script will replace the lines in a text file with the matched lines. To run it, save it as accents.sed (or any name you prefer), and then run sed -f accents.sed input.txt > output.txt.

Please note that it may require adjustments depending on the actual input file and the specific sed version you are using. The given script is a simple demonstration and is not intended to cover all possible edge cases.

"VSCO Girl" Lingo Explained created at Tue Jan 20 1970 11:52:50 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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