SSML Emphasis Usage.

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Can you use SSML in your output to add emphasis?While I can generate SSML (Speech Synthesis Markup Language) tags in my output, it's important to note that how these tags are interpreted and whether they will actually add emphasis or any other effect to the text is entirely dependent on the platform you're using to display or read the text. Not all platforms will recognize or apply SSML tags.

SSML is primarily used for TTS (Text-To-Speech) systems to adjust how the synthetic voice sounds, including parameters like pitch, speed, volume, and emphasizing certain words.

Here's an example of how you might use SSML to add emphasis to a word:

    I <emphasis level="strong">really</emphasis> like your idea.

In this case, the word "really" is wrapped in an <emphasis> tag with a level of "strong," indicating that this word should be strongly emphasized by the TTS system. But again, whether this actually affects the speech output depends on your platform's support for SSML.Can you give me a writing prompt to inspire me today? Make it desert themed. Please be short, insightful, creative, and cheeky in your response. Please markup your response with SSML, so I can see your personality.Sure, here's a desert-themed writing prompt wrapped with SSML tags:

    In the heart of the vast, sun-bleached desert, a single, miraculously flourishing <prosody rate="slow" volume="loud">cactus</prosody> stands. It's the only sign of life for miles, but every night, <prosody pitch="high">whispers</prosody> echo around it. <emphasis level="strong">Who</emphasis>, or perhaps more intriguingly, <emphasis level="strong">what</emphasis>, is doing the whispering? And why a chatterbox cactus, of all things?

This would be read out as: "In the heart of the vast, sun-bleached desert, a single, miraculously flourishing cactus stands. It's the only sign of life for miles, but every night, whispers echo around it. Who, or perhaps more intriguingly, what, is doing the whispering? And why a chatterbox cactus, of all things?"

The word "cactus" is spoken slower and louder, the word "whispers" is spoken in a high pitch, and the words "Who" and "what" are emphasized.

SSML Emphasis Usage. created at Tue Jan 20 1970 13:26:22 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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