Rust Code Text Transformation

TODO: collapasable, copyable, download, etc

Please write me Rust code to take a text file that looks like this:

Act I (Setup)

Scene 1:
- The play opens at Baker Lake campground, where campsite 14 is being reopened after a missing person investigation.
- Mike, the theater teacher, arrives with his theater troop of students, including Lilly and Tommy.
- They set up camp and accidentally annoy Ruby in campsite 16.

Scene 2:
- Patty arrives at campsite 14, searching for Alicia and collecting her accordion.
- She meets the theater troop and tells them about Alicia's kidnapping.
- The theater troop members, especially Lilly and Tommy, accidentally offend Ruby by using fake accents and being VSCO.

Scene 3:
- Dr. Martinez walks through the camp after examining some nearby animals that had been poisened.

Act II (Confrontation)

Scene 1:
- Ruby decides to kill the theater troop members because of their fake accents and other reasons.
- She kills Lilly while she is paddleboarding on the lake.

Scene 2:
- The Park Ranger Chad and his Aide Madison investigate Lilly's death but conclude it was an accident.
- They leave the campsite without finding any evidence of foul play.

Scene 3:
- The theater troop has a campfire that night, and Tommy finds marshmallows provided by Ruby.
- Tommy eats a poisoned marshmallow and dies.

Scene 4:
- Chad and Madison return to the campsite to investigate Tommy's death, but they also conclude it was an accident, probably an allergic reaction.
- They leave the campsite again, leaving the theater troop scared and alone.

Act III (Resolution)

Scene 1:
- The theater troop is afraid that Ruby will strike again and discusses their options.
- Mike calls Chad for safety and answers, but Chad is dismissive and unhelpful.
- Tyler accidentally scares Amelia when she his going to the bathroom, because he is wearing a bigfoot costume.

Scene 2:
- Patty and Alicia emerge from the woods, having escaped from Ruby's clutches.
- Alicia explains her kidnapping and how Patty rescued her from being tied up in the dam's energy room.

Scene 3:
- Madison shares the strange clues from the earlier murders with Alicia.
- Alicia puts the pieces together and accuses Ruby of being the kidnapper and murderer.
- The group confronts Ruby, and she confesses to her crimes.
- Noah subdues Ruby with his martial arts.
- The play concludes with everyone singing birthday song to Alicia, celebrating her survival and the resolution of the mystery. ```

And Transforms it into a `Vec<Vec<&str>>` like I am doing manually here:
let act_1_scenes = vec![
    "- The play opens at Baker Lake campground, where campsite 14 is being reopened after a missing person investigation.
    - Mike, the theater teacher, arrives with his theater troop of students, including Lilly and Tommy.
    - They set up camp and accidentally annoy Ruby in campsite 16.",
    "- Patty arrives at campsite 14, searching for Alicia and collecting her accordion.
    - She meets the theater troop and tells them about Alicia's kidnapping.
    - The theater troop members, especially Lilly and Tommy, accidentally offend Ruby by using fake accents and being VSCO.",
    "- Dr. Martinez walks through the camp after examining some nearby animals that had been poisened.",
        let act_2_scenes = vec![
            "- Ruby decides to kill the theater troop members because of their fake accents and other reasons.
            - She kills Lilly while she is paddleboarding on the lake.",
            "- The Park Ranger Chad and his Aide Madison investigate Lilly's death but conclude it was an accident.
            - They leave the campsite without finding any evidence of foul play.",
            "- The theater troop has a campfire that night, and Tommy finds marshmallows provided by Ruby.
            - Tommy eats a poisoned marshmallow and dies.",
            "- Chad and Madison return to the campsite to investigate Tommy's death, but they also conclude it was an accident, probably an allergic reaction.
            - They leave the campsite again, leaving the theater troop scared and alone.",
                    let act_3_scenes = vec![
                        "- The theater troop is afraid that Ruby will strike again and discusses their options.
                        - Mike calls Chad for safety and answers, but Chad is dismissive and unhelpful.",
                        "- Patty and Alicia emerge from the woods, having escaped from Ruby's clutches.
                        - Alicia explains her kidnapping and how Patty rescued her from being tied up in the dam's energy room.",
                        "- Madison shares the strange clues from the earlier murders with Alicia.
                        - Alicia puts the pieces together and accuses Ruby of being the kidnapper and murderer.
                        - The group confronts Ruby, and she confesses to her crimes.
                        - The play concludes with everyone singing a birthday song to Alicia, celebrating her survival and the resolution of the mystery. ",

```Here is a Rust code that reads the content of a text file, parses it, and transforms it into a Vec<Vec<&str>> as requested:

use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{self, BufRead};
use std::path::Path;

fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
    // Path to the input text file
    let path = Path::new("input.txt");

    // Open the file for reading
    let file = File::open(&path)?;
    let reader = io::BufReader::new(file);

    // Initialize variables to store the parsed data
    let mut acts: Vec<Vec<String>> = Vec::new();
    let mut current_act: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
    let mut current_scene: Vec<String> = Vec::new();

    // Read the file line by line
    for line in reader.lines() {
        let line = line?;
        if line.starts_with("Act ") {
            // If a new act is encountered, store the previous act and scene
            if !current_scene.is_empty() {
            if !current_act.is_empty() {
                current_act = Vec::new();
        } else if line.starts_with("Scene ") {
            // If a new scene is encountered, store the previous scene
            if !current_scene.is_empty() {
        } else if line.starts_with("- ") {
            // If a new line item is encountered, add it to the current scene

    // Store the last scene and act
    if !current_scene.is_empty() {
    if !current_act.is_empty() {

    // Print the parsed data
    for (i, act) in acts.iter().enumerate() {
        println!("Act {} scenes:", i + 1);
        for scene in act {
            println!("{}", scene);


This code reads the input file line by line and uses conditional checks to determine when a new act or scene is encountered. It stores the lines for each scene in the current_scene vector, and when a new scene is encountered, it joins the lines of the previous scene and stores the result in the current_act vector. When a new act is encountered, it stores the scenes of the previous act in the acts vector. Finally, it prints the parsed data.


Rust Code Text Transformation created at Tue Jan 20 1970 11:03:48 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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