JS Store Update Syntax

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What is the syntax in JS to update a store with ... is it progressStore.update((progress) => { return { ...showProgress, showProgress: true }}); ?The JavaScript syntax you've provided for updating a store, presumably in a context like Svelte, is almost correct. However, there is a small mistake in how you are using the spread operator (...). The correct syntax would be:

progressStore.update((progress) => {
    return {
        ...progress, // Spread the current state of 'progress'
        showProgress: true // Update the specific value you want to change

Here's a breakdown of what this does:

  1. progressStore.update((progress) => { ... }): This is a method to update the store. It takes a function as an argument, which receives the current state of the store (here named progress).

  2. return { ... }: This returns an object which will be the new state of the store.

  3. ...progress: This uses the spread operator to copy all existing key-value pairs from the current state of the store into the new object.

  4. showProgress: true: This sets the showProgress property to true. If showProgress already exists in the store, this will overwrite its current value; if it does not exist, it will be added.

Make sure you replace progress with the actual name of the variable representing the current state in your specific case.Using nodejs crypto module, how can I has a string, say an email address, and have the output has be similar to the output of crypto.randomUuid()?In Node.js, if you want to hash an email address using the crypto module and have the output resemble the format of crypto.randomUUID(), you can follow these steps:

  1. Hash the Email: Use a hash function (like SHA-256) from the crypto module to hash the email address. This will give you a hash as a hexadecimal string.

  2. Format the Hash: Since the output of crypto.randomUUID() is a UUID (which has a specific format like xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx), you'll need to format the first 32 characters of the hash into this UUID format.

Here is an example code snippet to achieve this:

const crypto = require('crypto');

function hashEmailToUUIDFormat(email) {
    // Hash the email address
    const hash = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(email).digest('hex');

    // Format the hash in UUID format (8-4-4-4-12)
    return `${hash.substring(0, 8)}-${hash.substring(8, 12)}-${hash.substring(12, 16)}-${hash.substring(16, 20)}-${hash.substring(20, 32)}`;

const email = "[email protected]";
const uuidLikeHash = hashEmailToUUIDFormat(email);


This function:

  • Hashes the email address using SHA-256.
  • Takes the first 32 characters of the hash and formats them in the UUID format.

Note: The output won't be a 'real' UUID because it's deterministic and based on the email's hash, not randomly generated. The format will just visually resemble a UUID.In sveltekit, if I have a js library that is only used server side, where should I put it under the src directory?In SvelteKit, if you have a JavaScript library that is only meant to be used on the server side, you should place it in a location where it's clear that it's not part of the client-side code. Here are a couple of common practices for organizing server-only code in a SvelteKit project:

  1. src/lib Directory: While src/lib is commonly used for shared code between client and server, you can still place server-only code here, especially if it's a utility or helper library. Just make sure to import it only in server-side contexts (like load functions, endpoints, or hooks).

  2. src/server Directory: You can create a src/server directory for code that is explicitly server-side. This makes it very clear that the code within this directory should not be imported into client-side components or modules. This is not a standard directory in SvelteKit projects by default, so you'll need to create it.

  3. src/routes Endpoints: If the library is used in the context of API routes or endpoints, you can simply import it within the specific src/routes file where it's needed. SvelteKit differentiates between client-side and server-side code in src/routes based on file extensions (.svelte for client-side, .js or .ts for server-side API endpoints).

  4. src/hooks Directory: If the library is used within server-side hooks (handle, getSession, etc.), you can place it in a directory like src/hooks, and import it in your hooks file.

Remember, SvelteKit uses Vite under the hood, which is smart about code splitting and tree shaking. This means that as long as you don't import server-only code into your client-side components, it won't be bundled with the client-side code. However, organizing your code clearly is good for maintainability and understanding the structure of your application.Directly in a svelte component, can I create a store to manage the data in this component and children components?Yes, in Svelte, you can create a store directly in a component and use it to manage data within that component as well as in its child components. Svelte's reactivity model makes it straightforward to set up and use stores for state management. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Create the Store: Inside your parent component, you can create a store. The most commonly used store in Svelte is a writable store.

  2. Use the Store: You can use this store in your parent component just like any other reactive variable.

  3. Pass the Store to Children: You can pass the store to child components as a prop. Child components can then use the store to read or update its value.

  4. Subscribe to the Store: In both the parent and child components, you'll need to subscribe to the store to react to its changes.

Here's an example to illustrate this:

Parent Component

    import { writable } from 'svelte/store';
    import ChildComponent from './ChildComponent.svelte';

    // Create a writable store
    const myStore = writable(0);

    // Function to update the store
    function increment() {
        myStore.update(n => n + 1);

<button on:click={increment}>Increment</button>
<p>The count is: {$myStore}</p>

<!-- Pass the store to the child component -->
<ChildComponent {myStore} />

Child Component

    export let myStore;

    // Subscribe to the store
    $: if ($myStore > 5) {
        console.log('Count is greater than 5');

<p>Child count: {$myStore}</p>

In this example, myStore is a writable store created in the parent component and passed down to ChildComponent. Both components can read and update the store, and they will reactively update when the store's value changes.

This approach is great for managing state across a parent and its direct children. For more complex applications or for state that needs to be shared across many components, consider using a store in a separate module (src/lib or similar) to keep your code more organized and maintainable.If I move a store into src/lib isn't the store "global"? If I create the store on a component and then I use the component twice on a page, don't they each have their own independent stores?You are correct in your understanding of how stores behave in Svelte when moved to src/lib versus when they are created within a component.

  1. Store in src/lib: If you create a store in a module inside src/lib, the store is effectively "global". It means that any import of this store will refer to the same instance of the store. This is useful for maintaining state that needs to be shared across multiple components or even across different routes/pages in your application. However, it doesn't allow for independent instances of the store for different components.

  2. Store in a Component: If you create a store directly inside a component, each instance of that component will have its own independent store. This is particularly useful when you have a component that is used multiple times on a page (like a list item in a list) and each instance needs to manage its own state independently.

Here's an example to illustrate:

Store in a Component

<!-- Item.svelte -->
    import { writable } from 'svelte/store';

    // Each instance of this component will have its own store
    const count = writable(0);

    function increment() {
        count.update(n => n + 1);

<button on:click={increment}>Increment</button>
<p>Count: {$count}</p>

If Item.svelte is used multiple times in a parent component, each Item will have its own independent count store:

<!-- Parent.svelte -->
    import Item from './Item.svelte';

<Item />
<Item />

In this setup, clicking the increment button in one Item component will not affect the count in another Item component, because each Item has its own separate store.

Understanding this distinction is important for structuring your application's state management effectively. For component-specific state, you would use the second approach, and for shared or global state, the first approach is more suitable.Is populating your component store from the props it recives a common pattern in Svelte?Populating a component's store with data from props is a pattern that can be seen in Svelte applications, but its use depends on the specific requirements of your application. This approach is typically used when you need to enhance or manipulate the passed data with reactive features provided by Svelte stores, or when you want to maintain a local, reactive state within the component that is initially seeded by props.

Here are a few considerations and common scenarios where this pattern is used:

Enhanced Reactivity

  • If you want to add reactivity features to the passed props (like derived values or custom reactive behavior), you might use a writable or derived store. This allows you to add layers of reactivity on top of the initial prop values.

Local State Management

  • When you need to manage a local state within a component that is based on initial prop values, but can change independently without affecting the parent component's state.

Avoiding Prop Drilling

  • If you need to pass data through several layers of components, using a store can simplify the process. You might still initialize this store with props in a higher-level component.

Example Scenario

    import { writable } from 'svelte/store';

    export let initialCount = What happens when the parent component changes the props to our component which is creating a store?When a parent component changes the props passed to a child component in Svelte, and the child component has created a local store initialized with these props, the behavior depends on how the child component is set up to handle prop changes.

If the store in the child component is simply initialized with the prop value and there's no mechanism to update the store when the prop changes, then changes in the prop value will not be reflected in the store automatically. This is because Svelte's reactivity system does not automatically re-run store initialization when props change.

To ensure the store in the child component stays in sync with the prop values, you need to explicitly handle this. You can use a reactive statement to update the store whenever the prop value changes.

Here's an example:

### Child Component
    import { writable } from 'svelte/store';

    export let propValue;

    const localStore = writable(propValue);

    // Update the store whenever the propValue changes
    $: localStore.set(propValue);

<!-- Rest of your component -->

In this example, whenever propValue changes (due to the parent component updating the value it passes down), the reactive statement $: localStore.set(propValue); will execute, updating localStore with the new value.

Parent Component

    import Child from './Child.svelte';
    let value = 'initial';

    // Updating value over time or based on some interactions
    // will also update the prop in Child component

<Child propValue={value} />

In this setup, any changes made to value in the parent component will be passed to the Child component, which in turn will update its localStore to reflect the new value. This ensures that the store inside the child component stays in sync with the prop value.

JS Store Update Syntax created at Tue Jan 20 1970 16:12:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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