Schema Evolution Best Practices

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What is the best link on the web for understanding the best practice of always putting an "extension point" into an object's schema, instead of using a scalar. For example, if I have an error message on an existing object foo, instead of foo = { error: "there was an error" } you would design foo = { error: { msg: "there was an error" } }. This is so you can evolve foo and the error property in the"best practices for extending object schemas in programming")# 【0†Best Practices for Implementing Schema Updates†】

  1. Disable inbound/outbound replication on the schema master. Then perform the schema update on the schema master. Any badness is contained to the schema master. If something goes bad, blow up the schema master and repair the rest of the forest (seize schema master on another DC and clean out the old schema master). 2.

【1†Extending Schemas — marshmallow 3.21.1 documentation†】

Passing “many”¶ By default, pre- and post-processing methods receive one object/datum at a time, transparently handling the many parameter passed to the Schema ’s dump() / load() method at runtime.. In cases where your pre- and post-processing methods needs to handle the input collection when processing multiple objects, add pass_many=True to the method decorators.

【2†Exploring the Possibilities of Zod and React for Validation†】

Zod can be used alongside other libraries to enhance your React applications. For instance, you can use Zod with Formik to generate a form validation schema. This allows you to leverage Formik's form-handling capabilities while using Zod for validation. Zod also works well with data-fetching libraries like React Query.

【3†How to Make the Most of Pydantic - Towards Data Science†】

Pydantic has been a game-changer in defining and using data types. It makes the code way more readable and robust while feeling like a natural extension to the language.. It is an easy-to-use tool that helps developers validate and parse data based on given definitions, all fully integrated with Python’s type hints.The principal use cases include reading application configurations, checking ...

【4†10 Golden Rules Of Good OOP - CodeProject†】

The innermost level of nested loops, switch es and if s is the measure of how complex is a method. For instance, if inside a foreach loop inside another foreach loop is scored as a complexity of 3. The complexity of a method is the maximum complexity of its code and should never be above 4.

【5†Schema Playground: a tool for authoring, extending, and using metadata ...†】

Background Biomedical researchers are strongly encouraged to make their research outputs more Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR). While many biomedical research outputs are more readily accessible through open data efforts, finding relevant outputs remains a significant challenge. is a metadata vocabulary standardization project that enables web content ...

【6†Schema Extension Best Practices | Active Directory and ADAM Schema - Flylib†】

This GUID is typically used in Active Directory and ADAM for applying security settings to individual attributes in access control lists (ACLs). This is how the directory is able to apply such fine-grained access control on directory objects. We really want to set this value explicitly, because Active Directory and ADAM will create a random ...

【7†The SOLID Principles of Object-Oriented Programming Explained in Plain ...†】

Yiğit Kemal Erinç. The SOLID Principles are five principles of Object-Oriented class design. They are a set of rules and best practices to follow while designing a class structure. These five principles help us understand the need for certain design patterns and software architecture in general. So I believe that it is a topic that every ...

【8†Best Practices for Database Schema Name Conventions†】

Document the Naming Convention in Your ERD. The first best practice for naming conventions in data modeling is to write down all the criteria defining the adopted naming convention. So that it is always visible and at hand, it should be included as a text annotation together with the entity-relationship diagram (ERD).

【9†Guide to Inheritance in Java | Baeldung†】

  1. Overview. One of the core principles of Object-Oriented Programming – inheritance – enables us to reuse existing code or extend an existing type. Simply put, in Java, a class can inherit another class and multiple interfaces, while an interface can inherit other interfaces. In this article, we’ll start with the need for inheritance ...

【10†14 Best Practices to Write OpenAPI for Better API Consumption - APIMatic†】

Therefore, in no time, we will be covering 14 best practices that one may follow in order to create an absolute OpenAPI specification for API consumption, assuming the specification already conforms to the OpenAPI standards. 1. No Empty Servers List. Make sure that the servers property is specified in the OpenAPI root object and that it is not ...

【11†SOLID: The First 5 Principles of Object Oriented Design†】

SOLID is an acronym for the first five object-oriented design (OOD) principles by Robert C. Martin (also known as Uncle Bob ). Note: While these principles can apply to various programming languages, the sample code contained in this article will use PHP. These principles establish practices that lend to developing software with considerations ...

【12†Coding Best Practices and Guidelines for Better Code†】

Coding Best Practices and Guidelines for Better Code. Learn coding best practices to improve your programming skills. Explore coding guidelines for collaboration, code structure, efficiency, and more. Oct 2023 · 26 min read. Creating code is an essential part of many data professions. But creating code that functions is only half the job.

【13†object oriented - When should I extend a Java Swing class? - Software ...†】

IMHO, Best Programming Practices in Java are defined by Joshua Bloch's book, "Effective Java." It's great that your teacher is giving you OOP exercises and it's important to learn to read and write other people's styles of programming. But outside of Josh Bloch's book, opinions vary pretty widely about best practices.

【14†Best Practices of Object Oriented Programming (OOP)†】

  1. Meaningful Names: The first practice that needs to be followed in the OOP’s concept is to use meaningful names. And also, all the methods must follow the camel case naming convention. We should always make the design in such a way that one class is responsible only for one particular task.

【15†C# Constructor: Usage, Examples, Best Practices, and Pitfalls - SubMain†】

In class-based object-oriented programming, a constructor (abbreviation: ctor) is a special type of subroutine called to create an object. It prepares the new object for use, often accepting arguments that the constructor uses to set required member variables. That’s a great definition.

【16†11 Best Practices For Data Modelling | Saras Analytics†】

Data Modeling Best Practices #3: Materialization. It is one of the most important tools for constructing an exceptional data model. If you build the relation as a table, you may precompute any required computations, resulting in faster query response times for your user base.

【17†What are best practices for designing XML schemas?†】

Before designing the new ones, I've searched for the current best practices (and arrived here!). Some of the tips above are useful, but I didn't like almost all references. The best place with design recommendations that I found were from Microsoft. The best reference is XML Schema Design Patterns: Avoiding Complexity.

【18†Mastering Object-Oriented Programming: Best Practices and ... - Medium†】

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a paradigm that uses “objects” — data structures that consist of data fields and methods together with their interactions — to design applications and ...

【19†REST API Development tips and best practices — Part 2†】

• Part 1: Introduction and planning • Part 2: Schema suggestions, common mistakes and deprecation • Part 3: Documentation tips and moving beyond the basics While your API code might be super ... Visible: 0% - 100%mclick(["0", "6", "12"]) 【64† Sign In 】

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【74†Brandon Wilson (SR CSA)】

Published Sep 19 2018 02:29 PM 16.3K Views

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‎Sep 19 2018 02:29 PM

【75† Best Practices for Implementing Schema Updates 】

‎Sep 19 2018 02:29 PM

First published on TechNet on May 28, 2012

Note:  This is general best practice guidance for implementing schema extensions, not the testing of their functionality.  There may be some additional best practices around design and functionality of schema extensions that should be considered.  Understand that the implementation of a schema extension may well succeed, but the functionality around the extension may not behave as expected. As with any change to the Active Directory infrastructure, the two primary concerns around implementing a schema extension are:

  1. Have you tested it, so you can be reasonably sure it will behave as expected when implemented in production?

  2. Do you have a roll-back plan?  And is it tested?

Digging into the details of each of these is where things get a little stickier.  However, having personally helped customers with dozens of schema updates, I can honestly say that staying within best practices isn’t that hard, and definitely makes implementation less risky and less stressful.

Have you tested your schema update, so you can be reasonably sure it will behave as expected when implemented in production?

The reason this question gets so sticky is that customers either don’t have a test environment, or they don’t have a test environment that reasonably reflects the production environment.  With respect to testing a schema extension, the best test environment is one that has an identical schema to the production environment.  How can you build and/or maintain a test environment that has a schema that is identical to production?

  1. Maintain a test Active Directory environment.  On an ongoing basis, be sure to apply all schema extensions to your test environment that you do to your production environment.

  2. Build a test Active Directory environment, then synchronize the schema to production.  Specifically:

a. Start by building the test environment to the same AD version as production.  That is, if all your production DCs are Windows Server 2003 or lower, make sure your test environment has a 2003 schema.  If the production schema has been extended to 2008 R2, apply the 2008 R2 schema extensions to your test environment.


b. Apply other any known production schema extensions to the test environment.  This includes things like Exchange, OCS, LYNC or SCCM.

c. Fellow PFE Ashley McGlone has a cool PowerShell script that will analyze your production schema for other extensions, to help you “remember” any other schema extensions.

d. AD LDS (formally known as ADAM) has an awesome schema analyzer tool that will compare two schemas, and prepare an ldif file so you can actually synchronize the schemas.  You should definitely use this tool to otherwise sync the schemas across your production and test environments.

  1. Perform a Forest Recovery Test on your production forest.  (Please be sure you isolate your recovery environment when you test forest recovery).  Your recovered forest will most certainly have an identical schema to production.  Perform your schema update test on this recovered environment.

Typically people will shy away from #3 because it seems the hardest (and potentially most dangerous if you forget to fully isolate the recovered forest).  However, based on my experiences, I think #3 is the best option.  Why?  Because if forces you to do something you should be doing anyways (see the section below), and there is no doubt that the schema in your test/recovered environment will be the same as the schema in production.

Do you have a roll-back plan?  And is it tested?

There’s no delicate way of saying this, so I’m just going to say it: The only supported/guaranteed way to roll back a schema change is a full forest recovery. Thus, the best (only?) roll-back plan is a well-designed, documented and tested forest recovery plan.  I know it sounds harsh (and it is), but you must be prepared for forest recovery.  A couple points to make this otherwise bitter pill a bit easier to swallow:

  1. You should have a documented and tested forest recovery plan anyways.  It’s a general best practice.  You’ve probably been ignoring it for a while, so if you’re serious about a roll-back plan for your schema update, now is the time to get serious about documenting and testing forest recovery plan.

  2. It’s not as hard as it appears.  But it is very unforgiving in the details. 【76† We’ve got a great whitepaper †】 to help you through the details.

  3. You can actually kill two birds with one stone here.  The forest recovery test will actually generate a great test environment for testing your schema extension (see option #3, above, for testing schema updates). If you’ve avoided testing forest recovery this long, I expect you won’t go down without a fight.


Here are some of the “alternatives” I’ve heard people used for potential roll-back strategies:

  1. Disable inbound/outbound replication on the schema master.  Then perform the schema update on the schema master.  Any badness is contained to the schema master.  If something goes bad, blow up the schema master and repair the rest of the forest (seize schema master on another DC and clean out the old schema master). 

  2. Shut down/stop replication on select DCs.  Do the schema upgrade, and if something goes bad, kill all the DCs that were on-line and may have potentially replicated the “badness”. Light up the DCs that were offline and repair/restore your forest.

Typically, I don’t like to go down those rabbit-holes.  First, choosing one of those strategies still does not absolve you from needing a documented and tested forest recovery plan.  Second, either of those strategies requires a good bit of work in preparing and executing.  Failure to execute properly could be disastrous.  Third, if I’m upgrading the schema I like to make sure AD replication is healthy before, during and after the update.  Taking DCs offline, or isolating them, significantly impairs the ability to check health, you need to be on your toes to distinguish real errors from self-inflicted errors (caused by the isolation).  Finally, be aware that for some schema upgrades (ADPREP specifically), 【77†Microsoft recommends against disabling replication on the schema master†】.  Also, 【78†check out another strong recommendation against isolation†】.

Thus, I would recommend investing your valuable resources in a forest recovery test, and a schema extension test (on the recovered forest).  After that, there’s not a lot of value in additional risk-mitigation strategies like schema master isolation.  If you’ve tested the schema extension and validated recovery you’ve done your due diligence, so know the odds are monumentally in your favor.  Schema extensions, especially Microsoft-packaged schema extensions, have a proven and well-tested track record.  And real-life examples of customers needing to perform a production forest-recovery are almost non-existent.

Put it all together and it’s really quite simple

Get yourself in the habit of preparing for all schema extensions with a one-two step.  First, test your forest recovery plans.  Second, test your schema extensions in your recovery environment and in any other test/non-production environments you may have. The first time you perform the exercise, be sure to document. Every subsequent time, be sure to review/update your documentation. You can them be confident that you’ve done everything possible to insure the schema extension goes off without a hitch.


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One thing about LDAP schemas that takes a little getting used to for SQL developers is that schema modifications are more or less permanent in Active Directory and ADAM. While it is possible to set schema objects to a defunct state that prevents them from being used, we cannot actually delete them. Furthermore, a variety of attributes on schema elements can be set only at creation time. We do not have the luxury of simply dropping our tables and starting over.

As such, schema extensions require a little bit more thought than what some developers might typically put into defining SQL schemas. Before ADAM, this process could be a little painful, as many organizations would keep around a "junk" Active Directory on which to test schema extensions. However, today we recommend modeling all of our schema modifications on ADAM first, when possible, since ADAM instances are easy to bring up and tear down. If we make a mistake (which we inevitably will), it is easy enough to simply start over. We don't often have the luxury of starting over with a production Active Directory schema mistake, so be sure to test thoroughly before moving to production.

Set the schemaIDGUID Attribute

There is an additional unique attribute that we can set on classes and attributes, called schemaIDGUID, which contains a GUID value. This GUID is typically used in Active Directory and ADAM for applying security settings to individual attributes in access control lists (ACLs). This is how the directory is able to apply such fine-grained access control on directory objects.

We really want to set this value explicitly, because Active Directory and ADAM will create a random GUID for us if we don't specify one. This creates problems when we install the same schema extensions in a development and production environment, because we will need to apply different access control entries in each environment, as each attribute will have a different GUID. However, if we set the GUID explicitly, then we can simply publish this information and make things easier for consumers of our schema. If you examine the MSDN Active Directory Schema reference documentation, you will notice that Microsoft follows this practice.

Use Company-Specific Prefixes on ldapDisplayNames

In practice, we are much more likely to receive a naming collision from the actual name of an attribute than from the OID or even the linkID values. For instance, if we were creating a directory-enabled product and we were providing our own schema extension for customers to install, choosing an attribute name like birthDate, ssn, or preferredName might be a bad idea. It is highly likely that someone in our customer base has already used these names in their own schema extensions. Instead, it is common practice to prefix our attributes with our company or organization name to try to keep them unique (e.g., acmeBirthDate or acme-BirthDate). This rule of thumb applies to both classes and attributes. We have even noticed that Microsoft has begun doing this for some of its newer schema extensions, using the msds- prefix.

Part I: Fundamentals

Introduction to LDAP and Active Directory

  • 【3†Introduction to LDAP and Active Directory】
  • 【4†A Brief History of Directory Services】
  • 【5†Definition of LDAP】
  • 【6†Definition of Active Directory】
  • 【7†Definition of ADAM】
  • 【8†LDAP Basics】
  • 【9†Summary】

Introduction to .NET Directory Services Programming

  • 【10†Introduction to .NET Directory Services Programming】
  • 【11†.NET Directory Services Programming Landscape】
  • 【12†Native Directory Services Programming Landscape】
  • 【13†System.DirectoryServices Overview】
  • 【14†System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory Overview】
  • 【15†System.DirectoryServices.Protocols Overview】
  • 【16†Selecting the Right Technology】
  • 【17†Summary】

Binding and CRUD Operations with DirectoryEntry

  • 【18†Binding and CRUD Operations with DirectoryEntry】
  • 【19†Property and Method Overview】
  • 【20†Binding to the Directory】
  • 【21†Directory CRUD Operations】
  • 【22†Summary】

Searching with the DirectorySearcher

  • 【23†Searching with the DirectorySearcher】
  • 【24†LDAP Searching Overview】
  • 【25†DirectorySearcher Overview】
  • 【26†The Basics of Searching】
  • 【27†Building LDAP Filters】
  • 【28†Controlling the Content of Search Results】
  • 【29†Executing the Query and Enumerating Results】
  • 【30†Returning Many Results with Paged Searches】
  • 【31†Sorting Search Results】
  • 【32†Summary】

Advanced LDAP Searches

  • 【33†Advanced LDAP Searches】
  • 【34†Administrative Limits Governing Active Directory and ADAM】
  • 【35†Understanding Searching Timeouts】
  • 【36†Optimizing Search Performance】
  • 【37†Searching the Global Catalog】
  • 【38†Chasing Referrals】
  • 【39†Virtual List View Searches】
  • 【40†Searching for Deleted Objects】
  • 【41†Directory Synchronization Queries】
  • 【42†Using Attribute Scope Query】
  • 【43†Extended DN Queries】
  • 【44†Reading Security Descriptors with Security Masks】
  • 【45†Asynchronous Searches】
  • 【46†Summary】

Reading and Writing LDAP Attributes

  • 【47†Reading and Writing LDAP Attributes】
  • 【48†Basics of Reading Attribute Values】
  • 【49†Collection Class Usage】
  • 【50†Understanding the ADSI Property Cache】
  • 【51†LDAP Data Types in .NET】
  • 【52†ADSI Schema Mapping Mechanism】
  • 【53†.NET Attribute Value Conversion】
  • 【54†Standard Data Types】
  • 【55†Binary Data Conversion】
  • 【56†COM Interop Data Types】
  • 【57†Syntactic versus Semantic Conversion】
  • 【58†Dealing with Attributes with Many Values】
  • 【59†Basics of Writing Attribute Values】
  • 【60†Writing COM Interop Types】
  • 【61†Summary】

Active Directory and ADAM Schema

  • 【1†Active Directory and ADAM Schema】
  • Schema Extension Best Practices
  • 【2†Choosing an Object Class】
  • 【62†Choosing Attribute Syntaxes】
  • 【63†Modeling One-to-Many and Many-to-Many Relationships】
  • 【64†Search Flags and Indexing】
  • 【65†Techniques for Extending the Schema】
  • 【66†Discovering Schema Information at Runtime】
  • 【67†Summary】

Security in Directory Services Programming

  • 【68†Security in Directory Services Programming】
  • 【69†Binding and Delegation】
  • 【70†Directory Object Permissions in Active Directory and ADAM】
  • 【71†Code Access Security】
  • 【72†Summary】

Introduction to the ActiveDirectory Namespace

  • 【73†Introduction to the ActiveDirectory Namespace】
  • 【74†Working with the DirectoryContext Class】
  • 【75†Locating Domain Controllers】
  • 【76†Understanding the Active Directory RPC APIs】
  • 【77†Useful Shortcuts for Developers】
  • 【78†Summary】

Part II: Practical Applications

User Management

  • 【79†User Management】
  • 【80†Finding Users】
  • 【81†Creating Users】
  • 【82†Managing User Account Features】
  • 【83†Managing Passwords for Active Directory Users】
  • 【84†Managing Passwords for ADAM Users】
  • 【85†Determining User Group Membership in Active Directory and ADAM】
  • 【86†Summary】

Group Management

  • 【87†Group Management】
  • 【88†Creating Groups in Active Directory and ADAM】
  • 【89†Manipulating Group Membership】
  • 【90†Expanding Group Membership】
  • 【91†Primary Group Membership】
  • 【92†Foreign Security Principals】
  • 【93†Summary】


  • 【94†Authentication】
  • 【95†Authentication Using SDS】
  • 【96†Authentication Using SDS.P】
  • 【97†Authentication Using SSPI】
  • 【98†Discovering the Cause of Authentication Failures】
  • 【99†Summary】

Part III: Appendixes

Appendix A. Three Approaches to COM Interop with ADSI

  • 【100†Appendix A. Three Approaches to COM Interop with ADSI】
  • 【101†The Standard Method】
  • 【102†The Reflection Method】
  • 【103†Handcrafted COM Interop Declarations】
  • 【104†Summary】

Appendix B. LDAP Tools for Programmers

  • 【105†Appendix B. LDAP Tools for Programmers】
  • 【106†LDP】
  • 【107†ADSI Edit】
  • 【108†Active Directory Users and Computers】
  • 【109†LDIFDE】
  • 【110†ADFind/ADMod】
  • 【111†BeaverTail LDAP Browser】 federal_tax=product_price*federal_tax_rate total_tax=state_tax+federal_tax total_cost=product_price+total_tax

In this first example, the text is squished together and challenging to decipher. However, by separating out the content and using comments and whitespace, we can make this section much more readable.

#Calculate the price of the product

#Calculate the tax owed

#Calculate the total cost

#TODO create function for looking up state tax rates 

Using indentation and consistent formatting

Throughout your code, consistency is key. In some languages, you can use indentation to visually separate different sections. This can be useful to differentiate sections that work inside of loops, for example. Beware: some languages, like Python, use indentation functionally, so you may be unable to use it for visual differentiation.

Consistent formatting is important as it improves readability and meets reader expectations.

Documentation and communication

Many programming tasks in data professions are team efforts. Even if you spend long periods coding in solitude, that code will often be sent around to a team for review and use. This makes it imperative that communication about the code be clear within the team.

When sending code to a teammate, it’s important to send information about the code’s purpose, proper use, and any quirks they need to consider about the code while running it. This type of communication is called documentation and should always accompany the code.

The convention is to provide this documentation within a text file called README.txt that is stored in the same folder as the main code file. However, specific teams may have different standards for documentation, such as using 【34†Notion †】or a Google Doc.

What should be documented?

The documentation file should include everything someone would need to know to take over the project. There should be information about how to use the code, the code’s purpose, architecture, and design. You should include notes about what the inputs and outputs are when the code is run, as well as any quirks.

It’s also useful to add information about error detection and maintenance. Depending on your company’s coding standards, you may also include author information, project completion dates, or other information.

Creating reader-friendly README files

When writing README files, it’s important to maintain a clear structure. Clearly label your inputs and outputs and the different sections of your document. Put the most important information for your user at the top. Anything that is critical should be labeled and made to stand out with either all caps, a series of dashes, or something else.

[Image 0: Example of documentation coding best practices.]


A docstring can be useful for someone who is using your code for the first time. This is a string literal written into your code that provides information about the code. In Python, if you use the command line to find documentation on a class, method, or function, the text that is displayed is the docstring within that code.

Here is an example of a docstring for a function:

def calculate_total_price(unit_price, quantity):
    Calculate the total price of items based on unit price and quantity.

        unit_price (float): The price of a single item.
        quantity (int): The number of items purchased.

        float: The total price after multiplying unit price by quantity.

        >>> calculate_total_price(10.0, 5)
    total_price = unit_price * quantity
    return total_price

Documenting your code may seem like a lot of work, especially when you already know the ins and outs of your program. But proper documentation can save tons of time when passing your code off to someone else or when revisiting an old project you haven’t worked with in a while. Here’s an article where you can read more about best practices for 【35†documenting Python code】.

Coding Best Practices: Efficient Data Processing

In addition to clarity, good code should run efficiently. You can include a few practices in your writing to ensure your code processes data efficiently.

Avoiding unnecessary loops and iterations

Loops are often very processor-heavy tasks. One or two loops may be unavoidable, but too many loops can quickly bog down an otherwise efficient program. By limiting the number of loops and iterations you have in your code, you can boost your code’s performance.

Vectorizing operations for performance

One way to reduce the number of loops in your code is to vectorize operations. This means performing an operation on an entire vector at once instead of going through each value one at a time.

list_a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
list_b = [6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
result = []

for i in range(len(list_a)):
    result.append(list_a[i] + list_b[i])


In this example, we use a for loop to add two lists together. By vectorizing, we can remove the loop and concatenate the two lists without iterating.

import numpy as np

list_a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
list_b = [6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

array_a = np.array(list_a)
array_b = np.array(list_b)

result = array_a + array_b


Another technique for reducing loops in Python is to use list comprehensions, which you can learn more about in 【36†DataCamp’s Python list comprehension tutorial】.

Memory management and optimization techniques

Efficient memory management is crucial for data processing apps. Inefficient memory usage can lead to performance bottlenecks and even app crashes. To optimize memory usage, consider the following techniques:

Memory profiling

Use 【37†memory profiling tools†】 to identify memory leaks and areas of excessive memory consumption in your code. Profilers help pinpoint the parts of your program that need optimization and allow you to focus your efforts on the most critical areas.

Data serialization and compression

When dealing with large datasets, consider serializing data to disk or using data compression. Serialization reduces memory usage by storing data in a compact format, while compression further reduces storage requirements.

Data chunking

If you're processing extremely large datasets that don't fit into your allotted memory, try data chunking. This involves dividing the data into smaller, manageable chunks that can be processed sequentially or in parallel. It helps avoid excessive memory usage and allows you to work with larger datasets.

DataCamp has a great course on 【38†writing efficient Python code】.

Coding Best Practices: Scaling and Performance

It is a good idea to keep performance in mind while coding. After you’ve designed and written your initial code, you should edit it to further improve performance.

Profiling code for performance bottlenecks

A process called profiling allows you to find the slowest parts of your program so you can focus your editing efforts there. Many IDEs (Integrated Development Environments) have profiling software built in that allows you to easily find the bottlenecks in your code and improve them.

Parallel processing

Once you have identified bottlenecks, you need to find the best methods of resolving them. One technique is parallel processing. This is a technique that involves splitting a task between multiple processors on your computer or in the cloud. This can be very useful if you have thousands of calculations that need to be computed.

Strategies for handling larger datasets

As your program scales, you'll likely encounter larger datasets that need to be processed efficiently. Implementing the right strategies is essential to avoid performance degradation.

Data partitioning

Partition large datasets into manageable chunks. This approach, known as data partitioning, allows you to process data in parallel and distribute the workload across multiple processing units. Additionally, it minimizes the memory requirements for processing.

Data compression

Consider using data compression techniques to reduce the storage and transmission overhead of large datasets. Compression libraries like 【39†zlib †】and 【40†Snappy†】 can significantly decrease the size of data without compromising its integrity.

Distributed databases

Distributed database solutions like 【41†Apache Cassandra†】, 【42†Amazon DynamoDB†】, or 【43†Google Cloud Bigtable†】 can help manage large datasets. These databases are designed to handle massive datasets and provide efficient data storage and retrieval mechanisms.

Balancing optimization with code readability

Some optimization techniques also improve the readability of the code. However, other optimizations may make it harder to follow what’s going on. It’s important to balance these two goals when writing and optimizing your code.

If a technique will greatly improve the efficiency of your program, it might be worth it looking a little more convoluted. If you do this, you should be sure to document it well. On the other hand, a technique that will save you only a little bit of time may not be worth it if it makes it much harder to read.

Best Practices For Version Control and Collaboration

When writing code, a useful tool is version control software. By far the most popular version of this is Git. Git saves previous versions of your code, allowing you to make changes and always revert to an earlier version if you make a catastrophic mistake. It’s essentially a backup. Git also facilitates collaboration on a project by easily highlighting differences and resolving conflicts.

Check out our 【44†introduction to version control with Git】 course for more details.

Importance of version cThe practice of designing object schemas in a way that allows for future evolution, such as preferring { error: { msg: "there was an error" } } over a simpler foo = { error: "there was an error" }, is grounded in principles that ensure extendibility and maintainability of code and data structures. This approach is not only about allowing future modifications but also about ensuring that these structures can support additional data without breaking existing functionalities.

One of the best practices in schema extension, especially in environments like Active Directory and ADAM, is to be cautious with schema modifications because they are essentially permanent. Once a schema object is created, it can be set to a defunct state but not deleted. Attributes on schema elements are often set only at creation, which underscores the importance of thoughtful planning before making changes【6†source】.

For instance, Microsoft's guidance on schema updates in Active Directory emphasizes the importance of testing in an environment that mirrors production as closely as possible. This ensures that any changes will behave as expected when deployed. Microsoft also stresses having a rollback plan, acknowledging that the only guaranteed way to revert a schema change is a complete forest recovery. Hence, preparation and testing are crucial steps before implementing schema changes .

Coding best practices further support this approach by emphasizing readability, maintainability, and clear documentation. Effective use of comments, consistent formatting, and comprehensive documentation—including README files and docstrings—facilitate understanding and collaborating on code. These practices are not only beneficial for coding projects but can also be applied to schema design by ensuring that every element of the schema is well-documented and its purpose and usage are clear to all team members【7†source】.

To get more in-depth insights on these practices, including technical details and step-by-step guides, I recommend looking into resources focused on LDAP schema extensions and Active Directory, as well as general coding best practices guides that emphasize documentation and code readability. These resources can provide a foundation for designing extensible and maintainable object schemas.

Schema Evolution Best Practices created at Tue Jan 20 1970 19:35:04 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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