Troubleshoot Authkit Redirection Loop

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I have a sveltekit app with authkit authentication. I'm using credentials provider which I configued with error pages. When I go to http://localhost:5173/auth/error?error=CallbackRouteError , THat page redirects with a 302 to itself. I have a file /auth/error/+page.svelte. I can't figure out why it keeps redirectingThe issue you're encountering with your SvelteKit app, particularly the redirection loop at the /auth/error route when using Authkit with a credentials provider, could be caused by several factors. Here are some steps and considerations to help you troubleshoot and resolve the issue:

  1. Check Route Configuration: Ensure that your /auth/error/+page.svelte file is correctly set up. This file should handle the error display logic without any redirection.

  2. Examine Redirection Logic: Verify if there's any unintentional redirection logic within the /auth/error/+page.svelte file or in any global script that might be causing the loop. Sometimes, global authentication checks or route guards can inadvertently cause redirections.

  3. Inspect Authkit Configuration: Review your Authkit configuration for any misconfigurations, especially around the error pages. Ensure that the error handling is correctly set up to display errors without redirecting.

  4. Debug Network Activity: Use your browser's developer tools to monitor network activity. Pay close attention to the network requests and responses around the time you access the /auth/error route. This can give you insights into what's causing the redirect.

  5. Check Server-Side Logic: If you have any server-side logic (such as hooks in SvelteKit), ensure they are not causing the redirect. Sometimes server-side redirection can be overlooked.

  6. Review Application Logs: Check the logs of your SvelteKit application for any errors or warnings that might hint at the cause of the issue.

  7. Test with Different Error Types: Try triggering different types of errors to see if the issue is specific to CallbackRouteError or if it happens with other errors as well.

  8. Consult Documentation and Community: Review the Authkit and SvelteKit documentation for any known issues or special considerations regarding error handling. Additionally, searching or asking in relevant community forums (like Stack Overflow, GitHub issues, or SvelteKit community channels) might reveal insights from others who have faced similar problems.

  9. Isolate the Problem: Try to isolate the problem by creating a minimal reproducible example. Sometimes, stripping down the app to the bare essentials can help identify the root cause.

  10. Update Dependencies: Ensure that all your dependencies, including Authkit and SvelteKit, are up to date. Sometimes issues are resolved in newer versions of the libraries.

If none of these steps resolve the issue, providing more specific details or code snippets could help in diagnosing the problem further.

Troubleshoot Authkit Redirection Loop created at Tue Jan 20 1970 17:06:40 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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