Fix ExpandableGroupPanel Filter Error

TODO: collapasable, copyable, download, etc

I have a SvelteKit app. I have three components query_builder_filter_group ```

<ExpandableGroupPanel on:click={handleAddFilter}

		Button here is not DRY. Why? If filters are present, we want to wrap this in a div,
		otherwise no div so that it can collapse in-line with the Group By Add button

	{#each filters as filter, i (}
		<QueryBuilderFilter {queryBuilderStore} {attributeDisplayKeyStore} filterIndex={i} />
exapandable_panel_group ```<script>
    // TODO export let class
	style="min-height: 38px"	
    class="border border-solid border-rounded p-2 mb-4 flex items-start bg-red-900" on:click>
<slot />

<style>div {
    min-height: 38px;

and lastly query_builder_filter ```<script>
	import { onMount } from 'svelte';
	import { TrashBinOutline } from 'flowbite-svelte-icons';
	import { Button } from 'flowbite-svelte';

	import AutocompleteInput from './autocomplete_input.svelte';
	import { autocompleteAttributeValues } from '$lib/query_metrics';
	import QueryBuilderFilterOperator from './query_builder_filter_operator.svelte';
	import {
	} from '$lib/stores/attribute_display_name_store';

	export let queryBuilderStore;
	export let attributeDisplayKeyStore;
	export let filterIndex;
	let events = [];

	let filter;
	$: filter = $queryBuilderStore.filters[filterIndex];

	let selectedFilterKey = '';
	let filterAttributeValues = [];

	let filterValueInputRef;

	onMount(() => {
		if (!filter || !filter.key || filter.key.length == 0) {

				detail: {
					selected: filter.key

	const updateFilter = (selectedFilterKey, selectedFilterValue) => {
		selectedFilterValue = selectedFilterValue || '';
		queryBuilderStore.update((previous) => {
			let newFilters = previous.filters.slice(0);

			newFilters.forEach((filter, idx) => {
				if (idx === filterIndex) {
					filter.key = selectedFilterKey;
					filter.value = selectedFilterValue;

			return {
				filters: newFilters
	const handleFilterNameSelected = ({ detail }, filterValue) => {
		// filterValue will be populated in the case we hit Edit on a chart
		filterValue = filterValue || '';
		selectedFilterKey = resolveAttributeValue(detail.selected, queryBuilderStore);
		(async () => {
			let rawFilterAttributeValues = await autocompleteAttributeValues(selectedFilterKey);

			if (rawFilterAttributeValues.filter) {
				filterAttributeValues = rawFilterAttributeValues.filter(
					(value) => !!value && value.length > 0
			} else {
				filterAttributeValues = rawFilterAttributeValues;
		updateFilter(selectedFilterKey, filterValue); // value depends on key, clear the value

	const handleValueChange = (newOperator) => {
		queryBuilderStore.update((previous) => {
			let newFilters = previous.filters.slice(0);

			newFilters.forEach((filter, idx) => {
				if (idx === filterIndex) {
					filter.operator = newOperator;

			return {
				filters: newFilters

	const filterValueSelected = ({ detail }) => {
		updateFilter(selectedFilterKey, detail.selected);

	const handleRemoveFilter = (event) => {
		console.log('abf handleRemoveFilter', event);
		queryBuilderStore.update((previous) => {
			let newFilters = previous.filters.filter((filter, idx) => {
				console.log('AOK filtering', filter, filterIndex, idx, idx != filterIndex);
				return idx != filterIndex;});
			return {
				filters: newFilters

	const handleFilterKeyCleared = () => {
		console.log('filter key cleared');
		events = [, 'clear'];

	const handleFilterValueCleared = () => {
		console.log('filter value cleared');
		events = [, 'clear'];

<div class="flex justify-start item-start mb-1">
	<!-- code>{JSON.stringify($attributeDisplayKeyStore)}</code -->
	{#if filter} 
		value={displayValueForKey(filter.key, attributeDisplayKeyStore)}
		extract={(item) => item}

	{#if filter && !!filter.key}
		<QueryBuilderFilterOperator operator={filter.operator} onValueChange={handleValueChange} />
	{#if filter && filter.value != null}
		extract={(item) => item}
		class="self-end ml-8 ml-1"
		title="Remove Filter"><TrashBinOutline class="w-3.5 h-5" /></Button

	:global(input) {
		margin: 0;

Before I put in ExpandableGroupPanel, everything was working well. I extracted the div to ExpandableGroupPanel and now I get errors around <AutocompleteInput label="" placeholder={`(everywhere)`} showAllResultsOnFocus value={displayValueForKey(filter.key, attributeDisplayKeyStore)} that filter is null when reading key. What changes do I need to make to be able to refactor to ExpandableGroupPanel?The issue you're encountering seems to be related to the lifecycle of the Svelte components and the way data is passed down from the parent (ExpandableGroupPanel) to the child (QueryBuilderFilter). When you refactored the code to use ExpandableGroupPanel, it's possible that the timing of when the filter object is available in the child components changed, leading to the error where filter is null when trying to access filter.key.

Here are some steps to debug and potentially fix the issue:

  1. Ensure Proper Data Flow: Make sure that the filter object is correctly passed down from the ExpandableGroupPanel to the QueryBuilderFilter. This involves checking the queryBuilderStore updates and how they propagate through the components.

  2. Check for Null or Undefined: In QueryBuilderFilter, before using filter.key, add a check to ensure filter is not null or undefined. This is a safeguard against attempts to access properties of a null object.

  3. Svelte's Reactive Statements: Svelte's reactivity is triggered when assignments are made. Ensure that your stores and reactive statements are correctly set up to respond to changes. Sometimes, restructuring or moving reactive statements ($:) can solve timing issues.

  4. Debugging Logs: Add console log statements at different points in the component lifecycle (onMount, reactive statements, event handlers) to track the value and state of filter. This can give you insights into when and why filter becomes null.

  5. Component Lifecycle: Investigate if there are lifecycle issues due to the ExpandableGroupPanel. The timing of child component creation in Svelte can sometimes lead to issues if the parent component's state changes after the child components are initialized.

  6. Using bind:this: In some cases, using bind:this to get a reference to the child component and then manually handling updates can solve timing issues.

  7. Async Data Loading: If the filter data is loaded asynchronously, ensure that the components properly handle states where data is not yet available.

  8. Svelte Context API: If the data needs to be shared across deeply nested components, consider using Svelte's context API to pass down data without prop drilling.

Here is a simple check you can add to QueryBuilderFilter:

    // ... existing imports and exports

    $: if (filter) {
        // existing reactive statements that depend on filter

<div class="flex justify-start item-start mb-1">
    {#if filter}
        <!-- existing HTML and component logic -->

This ensures that the component logic within QueryBuilderFilter only runs when filter is not null, potentially avoiding the errors you're encountering.You have all the code, can you check Ensure Proper Data Flow for me?Certainly! To ensure proper data flow in your SvelteKit application, let's analyze how data is passed and used across the provided components. We'll focus on the filters object, how it's updated, and how it's passed down to child components.

1. query_builder_filter_group Component

  • Data Source: The filters array is derived from the queryBuilderStore.
  • Reactivity: Reactive statements ($:) are used to keep the filters array in sync with the queryBuilderStore.
  • Child Components: filters is iterated over, and for each filter, a QueryBuilderFilter component is instantiated.

Key Observation:

  • Ensure that the queryBuilderStore is correctly initialized and updated. The reactivity should automatically update the filters array whenever the store changes.

2. ExpandableGroupPanel Component

  • Role: This component seems to be a wrapper that provides an expandable UI feature.
  • Data Handling: It doesn't directly handle the filters array but acts as a container for the rendered QueryBuilderFilter components.

Key Observation:

  • Since ExpandableGroupPanel does not directly manipulate filters, it should not be the source of the issue unless it affects the rendering lifecycle of its child components.

3. query_builder_filter Component

  • Data Reception: Receives data related to a single filter, such as filterIndex, queryBuilderStore, and attributeDisplayKeyStore.
  • Initialization Check: Ensure that filter is defined before accessing its properties like filter.key.

Key Observation:

  • Add a safeguard to check if filter is defined before using its properties. This can prevent attempts to access properties of an undefined object.

Debugging Steps:

  1. Check Store Initialization: Verify that queryBuilderStore is properly initialized before being passed to query_builder_filter_group.

  2. Reactive Update Validation: Confirm that the reactive statements in query_builder_filter_group are correctly updating the filters array when queryBuilderStore changes.

  3. Child Component Rendering: Ensure that each QueryBuilderFilter component receives the correct filter object. You might want to log the filter object inside each QueryBuilderFilter instance to verify it's receiving the correct data.

  4. Null Checks: In query_builder_filter, add checks to ensure filter is not null or undefined before accessing its properties.

  5. Lifecycle Methods: Use Svelte's lifecycle methods like onMount in query_builder_filter to handle any initialization that depends on external props.

  6. Testing Store Updates: Temporarily hard-code some filter values in the queryBuilderStore to see if they properly propagate to the child components. This can help identify if the issue is with the store or the component implementation.

By following these steps, you should be able to trace and fix the issue related to the filter object being null. Remember, in reactive frameworks like Svelte, the order of operations and the timing of reactivity are crucial. Ensuring that data flows correctly through the components is key to resolving such issues.

Fix ExpandableGroupPanel Filter Error created at Tue Jan 20 1970 17:32:30 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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