Teste de Unidade Vite

TODO: collapasable, copyable, download, etc

Can you write me a vite style unit test for my code? Setup... ```let callsAttrs = ["app.recommendation.cache_enabled","span.name","span.kind","status.code","attributes:service.name","app.product.id","flag.productCatalogTimeout","telemetry.sdk.version","service.namespace","telemetry.auto.version","resource:service.name","telemetry.sdk.language","telemetry.sdk.name","process.executable.name","process.runtime.version","os.type","process.executable.path","process.owner","process.command_args","host.name","process.pid","os.description","process.runtime.name","process.runtime.description","process.command_line","host.arch","container.id","process.command","service.instance.id","os.version","service.version","os.name"];

let appCurrencyCounter = ["currency_code","telemetry.sdk.version","service.namespace","service.name","telemetry.sdk.language","telemetry.sdk.name"];

My code ```import { displayValueForKeyByValues } from '$lib/stores/attribute_display_name_store';

export const isAttributeValid = (attribute, attributeDisplayKeys) => {	
	let displayValue = displayValueForKeyByValues(attribute, attributeDisplayKeys);
    let attributeDisplayNames = attributeDisplayKeys && attributeDisplayKeys.includes ? attributeDisplayKeys : [];
	return attributeDisplayNames.includes(displayValue);

displayValueForKeyByValues(attribute, attributeDisplayKeys); will have two different behaviors... For an input like attributes:span.name it will return span.name. For an input like attributes:service.name it will return attributes:service.name. So we want to do each permutation of that.

And then we want the permutation of displayValue being present in the attributeDisplayKeys and not present.To test your code efficiently, especially given the dynamic nature of the displayValueForKeyByValues function and the requirement to handle different permutations of inputs and their presence in attributeDisplayKeys, we will use the vitest framework to structure our tests. We'll focus on creating tests that cover the different behaviors of displayValueForKeyByValues and the scenarios where displayValue is present or not present in attributeDisplayKeys.

First, make sure you have Vitest installed in your project. If not, you can add it by running:

npm install vitest --save-dev

or if you're using Yarn:

yarn add vitest --dev

Here's an example of how you can structure your unit test for the isAttributeValid function:

import { describe, it, expect } from 'vitest';
import { isAttributeValid } from '$lib/yourModulePath'; // Adjust the path as necessary

// Mock the displayValueForKeyByValues function
const mockDisplayValueForKeyByValues = (attribute, attributeDisplayKeys) => {
    if (attribute.startsWith('attributes:')) {
        return attribute.split(':')[1];
    return attribute;

describe('isAttributeValid', () => {
        // Test cases for attributes that are transformed and found in attributeDisplayKeys
        ['attributes:span.name', ['span.name'], true],
        ['attributes:service.name', ['attributes:service.name'], true],
        // Test cases for attributes that are transformed but not found in attributeDisplayKeys
        ['attributes:span.name', ['service.name'], false],
        ['attributes:service.name', ['span.name'], false],
        // Test case for an attribute that is not transformed and found
        ['currency_code', ['currency_code'], true],
        // Test case for an attribute that is not transformed and not found
        ['currency_code', ['service.name'], false],
    ])('should correctly validate attribute "%s" with display keys %j', (attribute, attributeDisplayKeys, expected) => {
        // Replace the real displayValueForKeyByValues function with the mock
        global.displayValueForKeyByValues = mockDisplayValueForKeyByValues;

        const result = isAttributeValid(attribute, attributeDisplayKeys);

        // Restore the original function if necessary
        delete global.displayValueForKeyByValues;

In this test suite:

  1. We mock displayValueForKeyByValues based on the described behavior to return the correct value depending on the input.
  2. We use it.each to define multiple test cases concisely. This allows us to test various permutations of attribute inputs and attributeDisplayKeys arrays, along with the expected outcome (true or false).
  3. For each test case, we temporarily replace displayValueForKeyByValues with a mocked version that simulates its behavior. This approach isolates the test from the rest of the system, focusing on the isAttributeValid function's logic.

Make sure to adjust the path in the import statement to where your isAttributeValid function is located. This setup ensures comprehensive testing across different scenarios, validating the correctness of your implementation against specified requirements.Please do it again, but do not mock displayValueForKeyByValues. We can call the real codeTo test your isAttributeValid function without mocking displayValueForKeyByValues, we'll directly use the real implementation of this function. This approach will allow us to test the integration between isAttributeValid and displayValueForKeyByValues more accurately. Ensure that displayValueForKeyByValues is correctly implemented and exported from your module.

Here's how you could write the test suite in this case:

import { describe, it, expect } from 'vitest';
import { isAttributeValid } from '$lib/yourModulePath'; // Adjust the path as necessary
import { displayValueForKeyByValues } from '$lib/stores/attribute_display_name_store'; // Ensure this is the correct path

describe('isAttributeValid', () => {
        // Test cases for attributes that should be transformed and checked if present in attributeDisplayKeys
        ['attributes:span.name', ['span.name'], true],
        ['attributes:service.name', ['attributes:service.name'], true],
        // Test cases for attributes that are not found in attributeDisplayKeys
        ['attributes:span.name', ['service.name'], false],
        ['attributes:service.name', ['span.name'], false],
        // Test cases for attributes without transformation needed and their presence in attributeDisplayKeys
        ['currency_code', ['currency_code', 'telemetry.sdk.version'], true],
        // Test case for attribute without transformation and not found in attributeDisplayKeys
        ['currency_code', ['service.name'], false],
        // Test case for an attribute that does not get transformed and is found
        ['service.name', ['service.name'], true],
        // Test case for an attribute that does not get transformed and is not found
        ['service.version', ['service.name'], false],
    ])('should correctly validate attribute "%s" with display keys %j', (attribute, attributeDisplayKeys, expected) => {
        const result = isAttributeValid(attribute, attributeDisplayKeys);

This test suite covers several cases:

  • Attributes that are expected to be transformed by displayValueForKeyByValues and are found in attributeDisplayKeys.
  • Attributes that are transformed but not found in attributeDisplayKeys.
  • Attributes that do not require transformation and are directly checked against attributeDisplayKeys.

The .each method is used here to define multiple test cases succinctly, specifying the attribute, the array of attributeDisplayKeys, and the expected outcome (either true or false). This approach ensures comprehensive testing across different scenarios, directly utilizing the real displayValueForKeyByValues function.

Remember to adjust the import paths to match the actual locations of your isAttributeValid function and the displayValueForKeyByValues function within your project structure.

Teste de Unidade Vite created at Tue Jan 20 1970 18:34:18 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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