Tests untuk initializeNewThread

TODO: collapasable, copyable, download, etc

For this funciton, export const initializeNewThread = ( threadGuid: string, setChatSessionId: any, setPendingSessionId: any, ) => { // TODO: AOK what is the role of pendingSessionId and chatSessionid? setChatSessionId(threadGuid); console.log("AOK clearing pending session id"); setPendingSessionId(null); window.history.pushState(null, "", `/threads/${threadGuid}`); };

Please write useful tests with import { describe, it, expect } from "vitest";To test the initializeNewThread function effectively using Vitest, you want to verify that the function behaves as expected under various conditions. Here's a series of tests that checks the main functionalities and edge cases:

  1. Test that setChatSessionId is called with the correct parameter.
  2. Test that setPendingSessionId is set to null, ensuring it clears any existing session.
  3. Test that the URL is updated correctly using window.history.pushState.
  4. Test behavior when an invalid threadGuid is provided (like an empty string or null).

Here's how you can write these tests using Vitest:

import { describe, it, expect, vi } from "vitest";
import { initializeNewThread } from './path-to-your-function-file'; // adjust the import path accordingly

describe('initializeNewThread', () => {
  it('calls setChatSessionId with the correct threadGuid', () => {
    const mockSetChatSessionId = vi.fn();
    const mockSetPendingSessionId = vi.fn();
    const threadGuid = '12345';

    initializeNewThread(threadGuid, mockSetChatSessionId, mockSetPendingSessionId);


  it('clears the pending session id by setting it to null', () => {
    const mockSetChatSessionId = vi.fn();
    const mockSetPendingSessionId = vi.fn();
    const threadGuid = '12345';

    initializeNewThread(threadGuid, mockSetChatSessionId, mockSetPendingSessionId);


  it('updates the browser URL to the new thread page', () => {
    const mockSetChatSessionId = vi.fn();
    const mockSetPendingSessionId = vi.fn();
    const threadGuid = '12345';
    const pushStateSpy = vi.spyOn(window.history, 'pushState');

    initializeNewThread(threadGuid, mockSetChatSessionId, mockSetPendingSessionId);

    expect(pushStateSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(null, "", `/threads/${threadGuid}`);

  it('handles edge cases where threadGuid is invalid', () => {
    const mockSetChatSessionId = vi.fn();
    const mockSetPendingSessionId = vi.fn();
    const invalidGuids = ['', null, undefined];

    invalidGuids.forEach(guid => {
      initializeNewThread(guid, mockSetChatSessionId, mockSetPendingSessionId);

      expect(window.history.pushState).toHaveBeenCalledWith(null, "", `/threads/${guid}`);

These tests cover the primary functionalities and some edge cases for initializeNewThread. Make sure you adjust the import path and any other specifics depending on your project setup and coding conventions.

Tests untuk initializeNewThread created at Tue Jan 20 1970 20:09:11 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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