Frontend Dev Interview Question

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Can you help me come up with a good interview question for a candidate to write React or other code to interview for a frontend developer position?

Here is what I have so far:

"Let's implement a page so that a teacher can view the grades that they have given to students on various assignments. You can assume you can hit an API on the same web server at /api/teacher/:teacherid/class/:classid/grades and this returns a useful JSON blob of the data.

Follow up question once they make progress: Can you add a feature so that the teacher can sort on all the columns?"

How would you improve this interview question?Your interview question is a good starting point, as it assesses a candidate's ability to implement a functional component in React (or a similar framework) and handle data from an API. Here are some suggestions to refine and enhance the question:

  1. Specify Requirements Clearly:

    • Define what the JSON blob might look like, including the structure and types of data. This will help candidates understand what they're working with.
    • Clarify what "sorting on all columns" entails. Does it include ascending and descending sorting? Should the sorting be done client-side or with additional API calls?
  2. Incorporate Component Design:

    • Ask how they would design the components for this page. This assesses their understanding of component-based architecture and reusability.
    • Include a question about error handling and loading states for the API calls.
  3. Add Styling Considerations:

    • Include a requirement for styling the page. This can be basic CSS or using a framework/library. It tests their ability to create a visually appealing UI.
    • Optionally, ask how they would make the table responsive or accessible.
  4. State Management:

    • Inquire about how they would manage the state of the grades data and the sorting feature. This tests their understanding of state management within React or other frameworks.
  5. Testing:

    • Ask what tests they would write for this page. This could include unit tests for components or integration tests for the API call and sorting functionality.
  6. Performance Optimization:

    • Discuss potential performance issues with rendering large datasets and how they would optimize the page for performance.
  7. Code Quality and Best Practices:

    • Encourage the use of best practices in coding, naming conventions, and file structure.
    • Ask how they would ensure code quality and maintainability.
  8. Follow-up Questions:

    • After they implement the basic functionality, ask how they would extend the feature. For example, adding a filter feature, user authentication, or connecting to a different API endpoint.

By incorporating these elements, you can create a comprehensive interview question that not only tests the candidate's technical skills in frontend development but also their problem-solving approach, design thinking, and attention to detail.Can you generate an example JSON?Certainly! Here's an example JSON structure that represents the grades given by a teacher to students in various assignments. This JSON is designed based on the API endpoint /api/teacher/:teacherid/class/:classid/grades you mentioned:

  "teacherId": "12345",
  "classId": "67890",
  "className": "Mathematics 101",
  "grades": [
      "studentId": "s001",
      "studentName": "Jane Doe",
      "assignments": [
          "assignmentId": "a001",
          "assignmentName": "Algebra Quiz",
          "grade": "A"
          "assignmentId": "a002",
          "assignmentName": "Geometry Test",
          "grade": "B+"
      "studentId": "s002",
      "studentName": "John Smith",
      "assignments": [
          "assignmentId": "a001",
          "assignmentName": "Algebra Quiz",
          "grade": "B"
          "assignmentId": "a002",
          "assignmentName": "Geometry Test",
          "grade": "A-"
    // ... more students and their grades ...

This JSON structure includes:

  • teacherId and classId to identify the teacher and class.
  • className for the name of the class.
  • An array of grades, where each entry represents a student:
    • studentId and studentName for student identification.
    • An array of assignments for each student, with each assignment having:
      • assignmentId and assignmentName for identification and description.
      • grade showing the grade the student received for that assignment.

This structure allows for easy access to both student-level data and specific assignment grades, which is suitable for creating a front-end interface to display and manipulate this data.What is an example hindu teacher nameA common Hindu teacher name could be "Anand Sharma". In this name:

  • "Anand" is a first name that means "bliss" or "happiness" in Sanskrit.
  • "Sharma" is a common surname among Hindus, typically used by Brahmins (the priestly class in Hinduism).

This name reflects a common naming convention in Hindu culture, where the first name often has a Sanskrit origin with a meaningful definition, and the surname may indicate the family's caste or occupational background.From a europan name, what would be a good pun for a name for a kid that has failing grades... something like "not gonna make it" but it should sound like a real nameCreating a pun name that subtly hints at "not gonna make it" while still sounding like a plausible European name can be a bit tricky, but here's a suggestion that might work:

"Justin Case"

This name sounds like a typical European name, but when said quickly, it can sound like "Just in case," hinting at a need for a backup plan, which might be fitting for a student who is struggling with their grades. This name balances the pun with maintaining the semblance of a real name.Can I get 10 more?Certainly! Here are ten more pun-based names that could be used for a character with struggling grades, styled to sound like realistic European names:

  1. Noah Lott - (Sounds like "Know a lot," but ironically for someone with failing grades.)
  2. Phil Lure - (A play on "Failure.")
  3. Ella Vate - (Sounds like "Elevate," but she's not elevating her grades.)
  4. Sara Tonin - (Like "serotonin," associated with happiness, but perhaps not with her grades.)
  5. Miles Behind - (Implies the student is miles behind in studies.)
  6. Paige Turner - (Sounds like a book enthusiast, but maybe not for textbooks.)
  7. Brock Enrecord - (A play on "broken record," suggesting a consistent pattern of poor grades.)
  8. Drew Peelow - (Sounds like "droopy low," hinting at low grades.)
  9. Hope Less - (While it's a real name, it implies a lack of hope in academic success.)
  10. Lou Zing - (A play on "Losing," as in not winning in academic achievements.)

These names are meant to be light-hearted and fun, used creatively for characters in fictional settings where a bit of humor is appropriate.What are some example scores for a B+, a D, and an AIn many grading systems, particularly in the United States, letter grades correspond to specific ranges of percentages or points. Here are examples of score ranges for a B+, a D, and an A:

  1. A: Typically, an A grade represents outstanding performance. The range for an A is usually:

    • 90-100% (or 4.0 on a 4.0 scale for GPA calculations)
    • In some systems, this range might be slightly different, such as 93-100%.
  2. B+: A B+ is generally considered to be above average but not quite at the top. The range for a B+ might be:

    • 87-89% (varies by institution; some might use 85-89%)
    • On a 4.0 GPA scale, a B+ might translate to around 3.3 or 3.4.
  3. D: A D grade is usually the lowest passing grade. The range for a D often falls into:

    • 60-69% (or 1.0 on a 4.0 scale for GPA calculations)
    • Again, this can vary slightly depending on the institution's grading policy.

It's important to note that these ranges can vary significantly from one educational system to another, and even from one institution to another within the same system. Some schools also use plus and minus (like B- or C+) to provide a more precise evaluation. Additionally, some educational systems may use different grading scales, such as 1-10 or A-F without pluses and minuses.What is a good Math pun for a teacher's nameA fun and clever math pun for a teacher's name could be "Al G. Bra." This name playfully references "Algebra," a fundamental branch of mathematics. It's a humorous and memorable name that students might find amusing and fitting for a math teacher.And 10 moreSure, here are ten more math pun names suitable for a math teacher:

  1. Cal Q. Lus - A play on "Calculus."
  2. Addie Sion - Sounds like "Addition."
  3. Polly Gon - Referring to "Polygon."
  4. Geo Metry - A nod to "Geometry."
  5. Cypher R. Code - "Cypher" resembling the mathematical term "Cipher."
  6. Max Minus - Playing with "Maximum" and "Minus."
  7. Hugh Mungus Numbers - A humorous twist implying "Huge, Immense Numbers."
  8. Rhoda Curve - Sounds like "Rho," a Greek letter used in mathematics, and "Curve."
  9. Dottie Matrix - A pun on "Dot Matrix," with a nod towards matrices in math.
  10. Pi A. Radius - A play on "Pi" and "Radius," key concepts in circles and geometry.

These names incorporate various mathematical terms and concepts, adding a playful touch to the potentially daunting subject of mathematics.Can you re-write this to make it sound like an interview question: Let's implement a page so that a teacher can view the grades that they have given to students on various assignments. You can assume you can hit an API on the same web server at /api/teacher/:teacherid/class/:classid/grades and this returns a useful JSON blob of the data.Certainly! Here's how you could phrase this scenario as an interview question:

"Imagine you are tasked with developing a web page for teachers to view the grades they have assigned to students across various assignments. Your goal is to create a user-friendly interface that displays this data effectively. You will be retrieving the necessary data from our server's API, accessible at the endpoint /api/teacher/:teacherid/class/:classid/grades. This API will provide you with a JSON object containing all the relevant grading information. Could you walk us through how you would approach this task, including your thoughts on the design of the interface, how you would handle the API call, and the way you would present the data to the teacher?"

Frontend Dev Interview Question created at Tue Jan 20 1970 17:36:50 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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