Swift HashMap Cache Bool

TODO: collapasable, copyable, download, etc

In swift, I want to have a hashmap from UInt64 to Bool so I can cache if I've seen a UUIdIn Swift, you can use a Dictionary to create a hashmap from UInt64 to Bool. This allows you to cache whether you have seen a UUID. Here's a simple example:

// Create a dictionary to store the cache
var uuidCache: [UInt64: Bool] = [:]

// Function to check if a UUID has been seen
func hasSeenUUID(_ uuid: UInt64) -> Bool {
    if let seen = uuidCache[uuid] {
        return seen
    } else {
        uuidCache[uuid] = true
        return false

// Example usage
let uuid1: UInt64 = 12345678901234567890
let uuid2: UInt64 = 98765432109876543210

print(hasSeenUUID(uuid1)) // Output: false (first time seeing uuid1)
print(hasSeenUUID(uuid1)) // Output: true (already seen uuid1)
print(hasSeenUUID(uuid2)) // Output: false (first time seeing uuid2)

In this example:

  • uuidCache is a dictionary that maps UInt64 to Bool.
  • The function hasSeenUUID(_:) checks if a UUID has been seen. If it has been seen, it returns true; otherwise, it adds the UUID to the cache and returns false.

This simple caching mechanism helps you keep track of whether a UUID has been encountered before.This won't compile, how can I use this ideom and make it compile? if event.entityA.name == "Enemy" && !priorCollisions[event.entityA.id]? {To make your code compile, you need to properly handle the optional value returned by the dictionary. You can use optional binding (if let) to unwrap the optional value and provide a default value if the key doesn't exist in the dictionary. Here’s how you can modify your code:

// Assuming you have the following dictionary to cache collisions
var priorCollisions: [UInt64: Bool] = [:]

// Example event structure
struct Event {
    var entityA: Entity

struct Entity {
    var name: String
    var id: UInt64

// Example event
let event = Event(entityA: Entity(name: "Enemy", id: 1234567890))

// Check if the entity name is "Enemy" and if it has not been seen before
if event.entityA.name == "Enemy" && !(priorCollisions[event.entityA.id] ?? false) {
    // Mark the entity as seen
    priorCollisions[event.entityA.id] = true
    // Handle the event for a new collision with an enemy
    print("New collision with Enemy")
} else {
    // Handle the event for a repeated collision or non-enemy entity
    print("Collision with previously seen entity or non-enemy")

In this modified code:

  • priorCollisions[event.entityA.id] ?? false uses the nil-coalescing operator (??) to provide a default value of false if the key does not exist in the dictionary. This ensures that the expression compiles and evaluates correctly.
  • If the entity name is "Enemy" and the entity has not been seen before, the code will mark the entity as seen by updating the priorCollisions dictionary and print "New collision with Enemy".
  • Otherwise, it handles the event for a repeated collision or non-enemy entity and prints "Collision with previously seen entity or non-enemy".

This approach ensures that your code compiles and behaves as expected.I have var priorCollisions: [UInt64: Bool] = [:] on my top level struct TrainerView: View {

When I try to do func subscribeToCollisions(content: RealityViewContent) { // TODO: do we need to cache the entity id to avoid spawning multiple times? let sub = content.subscribe(to: CollisionEvents.Began.self) {event in if event.entityA.name == "Enemy" && !(priorCollisions[event.entityA.id] ?? false) { Task { priorCollisions[event.entityA.id] = true

It says Cannot assign through subscript: 'self' is immutable. What is the best way to structure my code and fix this? Is there a simple fix? a better, but more complex fix?The user is working on Swift code involving collision events and entity handling in a view.Model set context updated.The issue you're encountering is because self is immutable within the closure. One way to handle this is to use a class to manage the state that needs to be mutable within the closure. Here's an example of how you can structure your code:

  1. Create a class to manage the collision state.
  2. Use this class within your TrainerView.

Here's how you can implement this:

Step 1: Create a Class to Manage Collision State

class CollisionManager: ObservableObject {
    @Published var priorCollisions: [UInt64: Bool] = [:]

    func checkAndMarkCollision(for entityID: UInt64) -> Bool {
        if priorCollisions[entityID] == true {
            return true
        } else {
            priorCollisions[entityID] = true
            return false

Step 2: Use This Class Within Your TrainerView

struct TrainerView: View {
    @StateObject private var collisionManager = CollisionManager()

    var body: some View {
        // Your view content

    func subscribeToCollisions(content: RealityViewContent) {
        let sub = content.subscribe(to: CollisionEvents.Began.self) { event in
            if event.entityA.name == "Enemy" && !self.collisionManager.checkAndMarkCollision(for: event.entityA.id) {
                Task {
                    // Handle the event for a new collision with an enemy
                    print("New collision with Enemy")
            } else {
                // Handle the event for a repeated collision or non-enemy entity
                print("Collision with previously seen entity or non-enemy")


  1. CollisionManager Class: This class manages the state of prior collisions and provides a method to check and mark collisions. The @Published property wrapper ensures that any changes to priorCollisions will notify SwiftUI to update the view if needed.

  2. TrainerView Struct: The @StateObject property wrapper is used to create and manage the CollisionManager instance. This allows the state to be mutable and shared across the view.

  3. subscribeToCollisions Method: This method subscribes to collision events and uses the collisionManager to check and mark collisions. By using the self.collisionManager.checkAndMarkCollision method, we can mutate the state within the closure.

This approach separates the state management from the view logic, making the code more modular and easier to maintain.All I want to do is only run the code once per enemy, but collisions can be generated several times for the same enemy. Is there a simpler way to accomplish this?To achieve the goal of running code only once per enemy despite multiple collision events for the same entity, you can leverage Swift's built-in Set to track seen enemies by their IDs. This approach is simpler and avoids the complexity of managing a Dictionary. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Use a Set to store the IDs of enemies you've already processed.
  2. Check for membership in the Set before running your code, and insert the ID into the Set afterward.


Here's how you can implement this in your TrainerView:

struct TrainerView: View {
    // Use a Set to track seen enemy IDs
    @State private var seenEnemies: Set<UInt64> = []

    var body: some View {
        // Your view content

    func subscribeToCollisions(content: RealityViewContent) {
        let sub = content.subscribe(to: CollisionEvents.Began.self) { event in
            if event.entityA.name == "Enemy" && !self.seenEnemies.contains(event.entityA.id) {
                Task {
                    // Your code to handle the first collision with this enemy
                    print("New collision with Enemy")
            } else {
                // Handle the event for a repeated collision or non-enemy entity
                print("Collision with previously seen entity or non-enemy")


  1. State Management: A Set named seenEnemies is used to store the IDs of enemies. Set is chosen because it provides efficient O(1) complexity for both contains and insert operations.

  2. Collision Handling: In the subscribeToCollisions method, before running your collision handling code, you check if the enemy's ID is already in the seenEnemies set. If not, you insert the ID into the set and proceed with your code.

  3. State Mutation: Using the @State property wrapper allows you to mutate the seenEnemies set within the closure.

This approach ensures that your collision handling code runs only once per enemy, regardless of how many collision events are generated for the same entity.

Swift HashMap Cache Bool created at Tue Jan 20 1970 20:59:38 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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