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When I use sveltekit in production, the code is obfuscated which makes finding and fixing bugs difficult. What are some other options?When deploying a SvelteKit application in production, encountering obfuscated code can indeed make debugging challenging. Here are some strategies you can consider to address this issue:

  1. Source Maps: Ensure that source maps are enabled in your production build. Source maps allow you to see the original source code in your browser's developer tools, even if the deployed code is minified or obfuscated. This is crucial for debugging production issues.

  2. Logging and Monitoring: Implement robust logging and monitoring in your application. Tools like Sentry, LogRocket, or even custom logging solutions can help capture errors and provide context about the state of your application when an error occurs.

  3. Feature Flags: Use feature flags to control the deployment of new features. This allows you to enable or disable features without redeploying the entire application. If a bug is found in a particular feature, you can quickly turn it off.

  4. Staging Environment: Maintain a staging environment that mirrors your production environment as closely as possible. This allows you to test changes in an environment similar to production before deploying them.

  5. Automated Testing: Invest in automated testing, including unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests. This helps catch bugs early in the development process before they reach production.

  6. Error Boundaries: Utilize error boundaries in your SvelteKit application. Error boundaries are a React concept, but similar patterns can be applied in Svelte to gracefully handle errors in parts of your application without affecting the entire app.

  7. Conditional Obfuscation: Configure your build process to only obfuscate certain parts of your code. For instance, you might choose to obfuscate third-party code or sensitive parts of your application, while keeping your core code more readable.

  8. Incremental Rollouts: Use incremental rollouts for deploying updates. By gradually rolling out changes to a small percentage of users initially, you can monitor for any issuesHow do I enable sourcemaps in SvelteKitEnabling source maps in SvelteKit involves configuring your svelte.config.js and possibly adjusting your build tool configuration (like Vite or Rollup). Here's a general approach to enable source maps:

  9. Update svelte.config.js:

    • In your SvelteKit project, open the svelte.config.js file.
    • Modify the configuration to include source map settings. This often involves setting the sourcemap option to true in the relevant sections (like
  10. Vite Configuration:

    • If you are using Vite (which is the default with SvelteKit), you can adjust the Vite configuration to enable source maps.
    • Inside svelte.config.js, under the kit section, you can add or modify the vite property to include source map settings for the build process.

Here's an example of how your svelte.config.js might look:

import { sveltekit } from '@sveltejs/kit/vite';
import path from 'path';

const config = {
    kit: {
        // Other kit configurations...
        vite: {
            build: {
                sourcemap: true // Enable source maps for production
            // Other Vite configurations...

export default config;
  1. Building for Production:

    • When you build your SvelteKit application for production, the source maps should now be generated alongside your code.
    • Run your build command, typically something like npm run build.
  2. Verifying Source Maps:

    • After the build, you should see .map files generated in your build output directory.
    • When you deploy and run your application, open the browser's developer tools. In the Sources tab, you should be able to see the original source code, thanks to the source maps.

Remember that while source maps are incredibly useful for debugging, they can also expose your source code. Ensure this aligns with your application's security requirements, especially for sensitive or proprietary code.

New chat created at Tue Jan 20 1970 17:23:53 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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