Modify Cylinder Properties

TODO: collapasable, copyable, download, etc

In my realityview, I want to go into the content.entities and get an entity named "Cylinder". Cylinder has a ParticleEmitter. I want to toggle isEmitting. Cylinder has a scale. I want to change the scale.y to 1.0To achieve this in your realityview, you need to access the entity named "Cylinder" and modify its properties. Assuming you're working in a typical 3D engine or AR/VR framework, the code might look something like this:

Pseudo-code for accessing and modifying the entity

// Find the entity named "Cylinder"
let cylinder = content.entities.find(entity => === "Cylinder");

if (cylinder) {
    // Toggle the ParticleEmitter's isEmitting property
    if (cylinder.ParticleEmitter) {
        cylinder.ParticleEmitter.isEmitting = !cylinder.ParticleEmitter.isEmitting;

    // Change the scale.y to 1.0
    if (cylinder.scale) {
        cylinder.scale.y = 1.0;
    } else {
        // If scale is not defined, initialize it
        cylinder.scale = { x: 1.0, y: 1.0, z: 1.0 };


  1. Finding the Entity: content.entities.find(entity => === "Cylinder") searches for the entity named "Cylinder".
  2. Toggling isEmitting: If the ParticleEmitter component exists on the entity, its isEmitting property is toggled.
  3. Modifying the Scale: The scale.y property of the entity is set to 1.0. If the scale property does not exist, it is initialized with default values.

Full Example with Context

Here's a more detailed example considering a specific framework (like a three.js or an AR library):

// Assuming a typical structure for an entity
let content = {
    entities: [
            name: "Cylinder",
            ParticleEmitter: { isEmitting: true },
            scale: { x: 1.5, y: 2.0, z: 1.5 }
        // Other entities...

// Find the entity named "Cylinder"
let cylinder = content.entities.find(entity => === "Cylinder");

if (cylinder) {
    // Toggle the ParticleEmitter's isEmitting property
    if (cylinder.ParticleEmitter) {
        cylinder.ParticleEmitter.isEmitting = !cylinder.ParticleEmitter.isEmitting;

    // Change the scale.y to 1.0
    if (cylinder.scale) {
        cylinder.scale.y = 1.0;
    } else {
        // If scale is not defined, initialize it
        cylinder.scale = { x: 1.0, y: 1.0, z: 1.0 };

    console.log(`ParticleEmitter isEmitting: ${cylinder.ParticleEmitter.isEmitting}`);
    console.log(`Cylinder scale: ${JSON.stringify(cylinder.scale)}`);
} else {
    console.error("Entity named 'Cylinder' not found.");


  • Adjust the content structure and property names according to the specific API and framework you are using.
  • Ensure that ParticleEmitter and scale properties exist and are accessible in your framework.

This example should give you a good starting point to toggle the isEmitting property and change the scale.y of the "Cylinder" entity in your realityview.I'm using RealityKit and Reality Composer Pro assets. Please output the code sample using RealityKit apiCertainly! Below is an example of how you can achieve this using RealityKit API in Swift.

Swift Code for RealityKit

import RealityKit

// Assuming `arView` is your ARView instance
guard let arView = arView else { return }

// Find the entity named "Cylinder"
if let cylinder = arView.scene.findEntity(named: "Cylinder") {
    // Access the ParticleEmitter component
    if var particleEmitter = cylinder.components[ParticleEmitterComponent.self] as? ParticleEmitterComponent {
        // Toggle the isEmitting property
        cylinder.components[ParticleEmitterComponent.self] = particleEmitter

    // Change the scale.y to 1.0
    cylinder.scale.y = 1.0


  1. Finding the Entity: arView.scene.findEntity(named: "Cylinder") is used to find the entity named "Cylinder" in the scene.
  2. Toggling isEmitting: Access the ParticleEmitterComponent, toggle its isEmitting property, and then reassign it back to the entity.
  3. Modifying the Scale: Directly modify the scale.y property of the entity.


  • Make sure you have the appropriate RealityKit imports and your ARView instance (arView) is properly set up.
  • Adjust the code as needed based on the specifics of your ARView and entity setup.

This should give you a good starting point to toggle the isEmitting property and change the scale.y of the "Cylinder" entity using RealityKit and Reality Composer Pro assets.This is in a RealityView update block. We have content. ARView is not usedGiven that you are working within a RealityView update block with content, and not using ARView, you can access and modify the entities directly through content. Below is an example of how you can achieve this in RealityKit:

Swift Code for RealityKit in RealityView Update Block

import RealityKit

// Assuming this is within the RealityView update block
content.update { context in
    // Find the entity named "Cylinder"
    if let cylinder = context.scene.findEntity(named: "Cylinder") {
        // Access the ParticleEmitter component and toggle isEmitting
        if var particleEmitter = cylinder.components[ParticleEmitterComponent.self] {
            cylinder.components[ParticleEmitterComponent.self] = particleEmitter

        // Change the scale.y to 1.0
        cylinder.scale.y = 1.0
    } else {
        print("Entity named 'Cylinder' not found.")


  1. Finding the Entity: context.scene.findEntity(named: "Cylinder") searches for the entity named "Cylinder" within the update block's context.
  2. Toggling isEmitting: If the ParticleEmitterComponent exists on the entity, its isEmitting property is toggled.
  3. Modifying the Scale: The scale.y property of the entity is set to 1.0.


  • Ensure that the ParticleEmitterComponent is properly set up on the "Cylinder" entity.
  • This code assumes that you are within the update block of a RealityKit RealityView and have access to the context object.

This example should help you toggle the isEmitting property and change the scale.y of the "Cylinder" entity within a RealityView update block using RealityKit.There is no context.scene ... We could do content.entities.first.findEntity(named: "Cylinder")Thank you for the clarification. Here's the updated code using content.entities.first.findEntity(named: "Cylinder") to find the entity named "Cylinder" and then modify its properties:

Swift Code for RealityKit in RealityView Update Block

import RealityKit

// Assuming this is within the RealityView update block
content.update { content in
    // Find the entity named "Cylinder"
    if let cylinder = content.entities.first?.findEntity(named: "Cylinder") {
        // Access the ParticleEmitter component and toggle isEmitting
        if var particleEmitter = cylinder.components[ParticleEmitterComponent.self] {
            cylinder.components[ParticleEmitterComponent.self] = particleEmitter

        // Change the scale.y to 1.0
        cylinder.scale.y = 1.0
    } else {
        print("Entity named 'Cylinder' not found.")


  1. Finding the Entity: content.entities.first?.findEntity(named: "Cylinder") is used to search for the entity named "Cylinder" within the entities of the content.
  2. Toggling isEmitting: If the ParticleEmitterComponent exists on the entity, its isEmitting property is toggled.
  3. Modifying the Scale: The scale.y property of the entity is set to 1.0.


  • Make sure the ParticleEmitterComponent and scale properties are properly set up on the "Cylinder" entity.
  • This code assumes you have a content object available in the update block that contains entities.

This updated example should help you toggle the isEmitting property and change the scale.y of the "Cylinder" entity within a RealityView update block using RealityKit.Your cylinder.compoinsents code didn't work, but this does...

                    print("Found particle emitter")

But I need to ensure it is a `ParticleEmitterComponent`. How can I do that and coerce?To ensure that you are correctly accessing the `ParticleEmitterComponent` and toggling its `isEmitting` property, you need to explicitly check for and cast the component correctly. Here’s how you can do that:

### Swift Code for RealityKit in RealityView Update Block

import RealityKit

// Assuming this is within the RealityView update block
content.update { content in
    // Find the entity named "Cylinder"
    if let cylinder = content.entities.first?.findEntity(named: "Cylinder") {
        // Access the entity containing the ParticleEmitterComponent
        if let particleEmitterEntity = cylinder.findEntity(named: "ParticleEmitter") {
            // Ensure the entity has a ParticleEmitterComponent
            if var particleEmitterComponent = particleEmitterEntity.components[ParticleEmitterComponent.self] {
                // Toggle the isEmitting property
                particleEmitterEntity.components[ParticleEmitterComponent.self] = particleEmitterComponent
            } else {
                print("ParticleEmitterComponent not found on the entity.")
        } else {
            print("Entity named 'ParticleEmitter' not found.")

        // Change the scale.y to 1.0
        cylinder.scale.y = 1.0
    } else {
        print("Entity named 'Cylinder' not found.")


  1. Finding the Entity: content.entities.first?.findEntity(named: "Cylinder") is used to find the entity named "Cylinder".
  2. Finding the Particle Emitter Entity: cylinder.findEntity(named: "ParticleEmitter") is used to find the specific entity that contains the ParticleEmitterComponent.
  3. Accessing and Modifying the ParticleEmitterComponent:
    • Check if the entity has a ParticleEmitterComponent.
    • Toggle the isEmitting property of the ParticleEmitterComponent.
    • Update the component back to the entity.
  4. Modifying the Scale: The scale.y property of the entity is set to 1.0.


  • Ensure that the ParticleEmitterComponent is properly set up on the "ParticleEmitter" entity.
  • Adjust the entity names and component properties as necessary to fit your specific setup.

This should ensure that you correctly access and toggle the isEmitting property of the ParticleEmitterComponent and modify the scale.y of the "Cylinder" entity within a RealityView update block using RealityKit.I find that my RealityView update doesn't re-run when a ViewModel has a property that changes. relevant code:

    var isLaserSwordOn = false;

struct TrainerView: View { @State var laserSwordModel: LaserSwordViewModel

init(laserSwordModel: LaserSwordViewModel) {
    self.laserSwordModel = laserSwordModel

var body: some View {
    RealityView {
        content in

... } update: { content in print("update called isLaserSwordOn= (self.laserSwordModel.isLaserSwordOn)")

struct LaserSwordTrainerApp: App {
    @StateObject var laserSwordModel = LaserSwordViewModel()
    var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {
            ContentView(laserSwordModel: laserSwordModel)
        ImmersiveSpace(id: "TrainerSpace") {
            TrainerView(laserSwordModel: laserSwordModel)
        }```User is working with RealityKit and Reality Composer Pro assets within a SwiftUI context.Model set context updated.To ensure that your RealityView update block re-runs when your ViewModel's property changes, you need to make your `isLaserSwordOn` property `@Published` so that SwiftUI can observe changes to it. Additionally, you should use the `@ObservedObject` property wrapper in your `TrainerView`.

Here's the corrected code:

### LaserSwordViewModel

import Foundation

@MainActor class LaserSwordViewModel: ObservableObject {
    @Published var isLaserSwordOn = false


import SwiftUI
import RealityKit

struct TrainerView: View {
    @ObservedObject var laserSwordModel: LaserSwordViewModel
    init(laserSwordModel: LaserSwordViewModel) {
        self.laserSwordModel = laserSwordModel
    var body: some View {
        RealityView { content in
            // Initialization code here...
        } update: { content in
            print("update called isLaserSwordOn= \(self.laserSwordModel.isLaserSwordOn)")
            // Your existing code to modify the RealityKit content...


import SwiftUI

struct LaserSwordTrainerApp: App {
    @StateObject var laserSwordModel = LaserSwordViewModel()
    var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {
            ContentView(laserSwordModel: laserSwordModel)
        ImmersiveSpace(id: "TrainerSpace") {
            TrainerView(laserSwordModel: laserSwordModel)


  1. @Published Property: By marking isLaserSwordOn as @Published, SwiftUI will observe changes to this property and trigger updates in the view.
  2. @ObservedObject: Use @ObservedObject in TrainerView to observe changes in the laserSwordModel.
  3. State Management: @StateObject is used in LaserSwordTrainerApp to create and manage the lifecycle of the laserSwordModel.

With these changes, any update to the isLaserSwordOn property in LaserSwordViewModel will trigger a re-render of the RealityView and call the update block accordingly.I want to animate cylinder.scale.y = laserSwordModel.isLaserSwordOn ? 3.0 : 1.0 so that if we are isLaserSwordOn true, then we gradually change cylinder.scale.y from 1.0 up to 3.0 over 2 seconds. It is okay if that happens in 20 steps.

Similar, when we notice isLaswerSwordOn is false, we should animate the reverse.

One suggestin would be continuously adding or decreasing until we are at the target level

We should also be interruptable if we clickly turn it on and off several timesTo achieve the animation of cylinder.scale.y based on the isLaserSwordOn property with the ability to interrupt and smoothly transition, you can use a timer to incrementally change the scale value. Here’s how you can implement this in SwiftUI with RealityKit:

Swift Code for RealityKit in RealityView Update Block

  1. LaserSwordViewModel: Add a method to start the animation and manage the timer.
import Foundation
import Combine

@MainActor class LaserSwordViewModel: ObservableObject {
    @Published var isLaserSwordOn = false
    private var timer: AnyCancellable?
    func startAnimation() {
        timer = Timer.publish(every: 0.1, on: .main, in: .common).autoconnect().sink { _ in
    func stopAnimation() {
    private func updateScale() {
        // This will be updated in the RealityView's update block
  1. TrainerView: Use the onAppear and onChange modifiers to start and stop the animation based on the isLaserSwordOn property.
import SwiftUI
import RealityKit

struct TrainerView: View {
    @ObservedObject var laserSwordModel: LaserSwordViewModel
    @State private var scaleY: Float = 1.0
    init(laserSwordModel: LaserSwordViewModel) {
        self.laserSwordModel = laserSwordModel
    var body: some View {
        RealityView { content in
            // Initialization code here...
        } update: { content in
            print("update called isLaserSwordOn= \(self.laserSwordModel.isLaserSwordOn)")
            if let cylinder = content.entities.first?.findEntity(named: "Cylinder") {
                // Gradually adjust the scale
                let targetScaleY: Float = self.laserSwordModel.isLaserSwordOn ? 3.0 : 1.0
                let step: Float = 0.1 // Step for each update (adjust as needed)
                let newScaleY: Float
                if self.scaleY < targetScaleY {
                    newScaleY = min(self.scaleY + step, targetScaleY)
                } else {
                    newScaleY = max(self.scaleY - step, targetScaleY)
                self.scaleY = newScaleY
                cylinder.scale.y = self.scaleY
        .onAppear {
        .onDisappear {
        .onChange(of: laserSwordModel.isLaserSwordOn) { _ in
  1. LaserSwordTrainerApp: Ensure the main app structure is properly set up.
import SwiftUI

struct LaserSwordTrainerApp: App {
    @StateObject var laserSwordModel = LaserSwordViewModel()
    var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {
            ContentView(laserSwordModel: laserSwordModel)
        ImmersiveSpace(id: "TrainerSpace") {
            TrainerView(laserSwordModel: laserSwordModel)


  1. LaserSwordViewModel:
    • startAnimation(): Starts a timer that triggers every 0.1 seconds to update the scale.
    • stopAnimation(): Cancels the timer to stop the animation.
    • updateScale(): Triggers an update in the RealityView.
  2. TrainerView:
    • The scaleY state variable tracks the current scale of the cylinder.
    • The update block calculates the new scaleY value incrementally towards the target.
    • onAppear, onDisappear, and onChange are used to start and stop the animation based on the view’s lifecycle and property changes.
  3. LaserSwordTrainerApp: Manages the lifecycle of the LaserSwordViewModel.

With this approach, the cylinder.scale.y will animate smoothly when isLaserSwordOn changes, and it will handle rapid changes by continuously adjusting towards the target value.Can you do something simpiler driectly in the update codepath? Maybe we can pass cylinder.scale into a closure?Certainly! You can directly handle the animation in the update block by passing a closure that updates the cylinder.scale.y value incrementally. Here’s a simplified approach:

Swift Code for RealityKit in RealityView Update Block

  1. LaserSwordViewModel: Add a property to track the target scale.
import Foundation

@MainActor class LaserSwordViewModel: ObservableObject {
    @Published var isLaserSwordOn = false {
        didSet {
            targetScale = isLaserSwordOn ? 3.0 : 1.0
    @Published var targetScale: Float = 1.0
  1. TrainerView: Implement the update block to adjust the scale directly.
import SwiftUI
import RealityKit

struct TrainerView: View {
    @ObservedObject var laserSwordModel: LaserSwordViewModel
    @State private var currentScaleY: Float = 1.0
    init(laserSwordModel: LaserSwordViewModel) {
        self.laserSwordModel = laserSwordModel
    var body: some View {
        RealityView { content in
            // Initialization code here...
        } update: { content in
            print("update called isLaserSwordOn= \(self.laserSwordModel.isLaserSwordOn)")
            if let cylinder = content.entities.first?.findEntity(named: "Cylinder") {
                let targetScaleY = self.laserSwordModel.targetScale
                let step: Float = 0.1 // Step for each update (adjust as needed)
                // Incrementally adjust the scale.y towards the targetScaleY
                if self.currentScaleY < targetScaleY {
                    self.currentScaleY = min(self.currentScaleY + step, targetScaleY)
                } else if self.currentScaleY > targetScaleY {
                    self.currentScaleY = max(self.currentScaleY - step, targetScaleY)
                // Update the cylinder's scale.y
                cylinder.scale.y = self.currentScaleY
        .onAppear {
            self.currentScaleY = self.laserSwordModel.isLaserSwordOn ? 3.0 : 1.0
  1. LaserSwordTrainerApp: Ensure the main app structure is properly set up.
import SwiftUI

struct LaserSwordTrainerApp: App {
    @StateObject var laserSwordModel = LaserSwordViewModel()
    var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {
            ContentView(laserSwordModel: laserSwordModel)
        ImmersiveSpace(id: "TrainerSpace") {
            TrainerView(laserSwordModel: laserSwordModel)


  1. LaserSwordViewModel:
    • isLaserSwordOn: Sets the targetScale based on whether the laser sword is on or off.
    • targetScale: Holds the target scale value for the animation.
  2. TrainerView:
    • currentScaleY: State variable to track the current scale of the cylinder.
    • The update block incrementally adjusts currentScaleY towards targetScaleY in steps.
    • On appearance, currentScaleY is set based on the initial state of isLaserSwordOn.
  3. LaserSwordTrainerApp: Manages the lifecycle of the LaserSwordViewModel.

This approach directly updates the cylinder.scale.y within the update block of RealityView, ensuring smooth and interruptible animations.

Modify Cylinder Properties created at Tue Jan 20 1970 20:55:28 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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