MultipeerManager Error Fix

TODO: collapasable, copyable, download, etc

I have this app Spatial computing goes even further with visionOS updates that bring enhanced support for volumetric apps, powerful new enterprise APIs, the new TabletopKit framework, and more.

visionOS Highlights

TabletopKit Create collaborative experiences centered around a table. This new framework handles the manipulation of cards and pieces, establishing placement and layout, and defining game boards.

New enterprise APIs provide access to spatial barcode scanning, the Apple Neural Engine, object tracking parameters, and more.

visionOS for enterprise

Volumetric APIs • Create apps that take full advantage of depth and space — and can

run side by side with other apps in the Shared Space.
• Resize volumes by using the SwiftUI scene

modifier windowResizability.

Decide if you want the user’s hands to appear in front of or behind your digital content.


Getting started? Explore the visionOS Pathway on 􀯻

• Detect planes in all orientations. • Allow anchoring objects on surfaces in your surroundings.
• Use Room Anchors to consider the user’s surroundings on a

per-room basis.
• Attach content to individual objects around the user with the new

Object Tracking API for visionOS.

Updates to scene understanding

I have this app ``` import SwiftUI

@main struct LaserSwordTrainerApp: App { @StateObject private var multipeerManager = MultipeerManager()

init() {


var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { RoutingView(multipeerManager: multipeerManager) } } ImmersiveSpace(id: "TrainerSpace") { TrainerView(multipeerManager: multipeerManager) } } }```

View Model ```import Foundation import MultipeerConnectivity import os import simd import Combine

final class MultipeerManager: NSObject, ObservableObject { @Published var receivedData: String = "" ... }```

Routing View ```import SwiftUI

struct RoutingView: View { @ObservedObject var multipeerManager: MultipeerManager @State var showWelcome = true

var body: some View {

TrainingView which is immersive
```import SwiftUI
import RealityKit
import RealityKitContent

struct TrainerView: View {
    @ObservedObject var multipeerManager: MultipeerManager
init(multipeerManager: MultipeerManager) {
        self.multipeerManager = multipeerManager
        SyncIPhoneSystem.handTrackingViewModel = self.model
    var body: some View {
        RealityView {
content.add(await model.setupContentEntity(aSoundManager: soundManager))
            content.add(await enemy.createEnemy())
            await addPreviewSaber(content: content)

And this System
```import RealityKit

class SyncIPhoneSystem : System {
public static var multipeerManager: MultipeerManager?

 required init(scene: Scene) {
        // Perform required initialization or setup.
        print("SyncIPhoneSystem init")

I have a couple of problems... 
1. TrainerView `@ObservedObject var multipeerManager: MultipeerManager` line has a runtime error `Accessing StateObject's object without being installed on a View. This will create a new instance each time.`
2. SyncIPhoneSystem never has a multipeerManager set on it at runtimeIt seems you have uploaded an overview of new features in visionOS from WWDC24, as well as documentation and code files
Spatial computing goes even further with visionOS 
updates that bring enhanced support for 
volumetric apps, powerful new enterprise APIs, the 
new TabletopKit framework, and more.

visionOS Highlights

Create collaborative experiences centered around a table. This new 
framework handles the manipulation of cards and pieces, establishing 
placement and layout, and defining game boards.

New enterprise APIs provide access to spatial barcode scanning, the 
Apple Neural Engine, object tracking parameters, and more.

visionOS for enterprise

Volumetric APIs
• Create apps that take full advantage of depth and space — and can 

run side by side with other apps in the Shared Space.  
• Resize volumes by using the SwiftUI scene 

modifier windowResizability. 

Decide if you want the user’s hands to appear in front of or 
behind your digital content.


Getting started?
Explore the visionOS Pathway on 􀯻

• Detect planes in all orientations. 
• Allow anchoring objects on surfaces in your surroundings.  
• Use Room Anchors to consider the user’s surroundings on a 

per-room basis.  
• Attach content to individual objects around the user with the new 

Object Tracking API for visionOS. 

Updates to scene understanding

Spatial computing goes even further with visionOS 
updates that bring enhanced support for 
volumetric apps, powerful new enterprise APIs, the 
new TabletopKit framework, and more.

visionOS Highlights

Create collaborative experiences centered around a table. This new 
framework handles the manipulation of cards and pieces, establishing 
placement and layout, and defining game boards.

New enterprise APIs provide access to spatial barcode scanning, the 
Apple Neural Engine, object tracking parameters, and more.

visionOS for enterprise

Volumetric APIs
• Create apps that take full advantage of depth and space — and can 

run side by side with other apps in the Shared Space.  
• Resize volumes by using the SwiftUI scene 

modifier windowResizability. 

Decide if you want the user’s hands to appear in front of or 
behind your digital content.


Getting started?
Explore the visionOS Pathway on 􀯻

• Detect planes in all orientations. 
• Allow anchoring objects on surfaces in your surroundings.  
• Use Room Anchors to consider the user’s surroundings on a 

per-room basis.  
• Attach content to individual objects around the user with the new 

Object Tracking API for visionOS. 

Updates to scene understanding

How can I assist you with your app? Are you looking for specific information about visionOS features, framework details, or code samples? Let me know your requirements so I can help you accordingly.To address your issues, let's start with the first one:

### Problem 1: `TrainerView` `@ObservedObject var multipeerManager: MultipeerManager` line has a runtime error

The error indicates that `multipeerManager` is not properly set as an `@StateObject` within a view hierarchy. To fix this, you should ensure that `multipeerManager` is passed down from a parent view where it is instantiated as an `@StateObject`.

In `LaserSwordTrainerApp`, `multipeerManager` is instantiated as an `@StateObject` which is correct. However, when you pass it to `TrainerView`, ensure that it is done correctly in the `ImmersiveSpace`.

Here's how you can modify your `TrainerView` and the `LaserSwordTrainerApp`:


import SwiftUI
import RealityKit
import RealityKitContent

struct TrainerView: View {
    @ObservedObject var multipeerManager: MultipeerManager

    init(multipeerManager: MultipeerManager) {
        self.multipeerManager = multipeerManager
        SyncIPhoneSystem.multipeerManager = self.multipeerManager

    var body: some View {
        RealityView { content in
            // Ensure that all async tasks are within the RealityView's context
            Task {
                content.add(await model.setupContentEntity(aSoundManager: soundManager))
                self.multipeerManager.setSoundManager(soundManager: soundManager)
                content.add(await enemy.createEnemy())
                subscribeToCollisions(content: content)
                await addPreviewSaber(content: content)


import SwiftUI

struct LaserSwordTrainerApp: App {
    @StateObject private var multipeerManager = MultipeerManager()

    init() {

    var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {
            RoutingView(multipeerManager: multipeerManager)
        ImmersiveSpace(id: "TrainerSpace") {
            TrainerView(multipeerManager: multipeerManager)

Problem 2: SyncIPhoneSystem never has a multipeerManager set on it at runtime

The multipeerManager should be set within the system initialization. The way you initialize SyncIPhoneSystem needs to ensure the multipeerManager is correctly assigned.


import RealityKit

class SyncIPhoneSystem: System {
    public static var multipeerManager: MultipeerManager?

    required init(scene: Scene) {
        // Perform required initialization or setup.
        print("SyncIPhoneSystem init")
        if let manager = SyncIPhoneSystem.multipeerManager {
            // Use the manager as needed
            print("MultipeerManager is set")
        } else {
            print("MultipeerManager is not set")

    // Other methods...

Make sure you call TrainerView with the multipeerManager being correctly passed down from LaserSwordTrainerApp.


  • Ensure multipeerManager is properly passed to TrainerView from the parent view (LaserSwordTrainerApp).
  • Initialize multipeerManager in the TrainerView constructor and set it to SyncIPhoneSystem.
  • Check the initialization flow in SyncIPhoneSystem to confirm that multipeerManager is being set correctly.

This should resolve both of your runtime errors. If you encounter further issues, feel free to ask!Your code fixed SyncIPhoneSystem having a multipeerManager, but you didn't address the Accessing StateObject's object without being installed on a View. This will create a new instance each time. issue. Your code is identical to mine. I instantiate the MultipeerManager in the App and then pass it down into views via the constructorsI apologize for the confusion. The error you're encountering typically occurs when an @StateObject is accessed in a context that doesn't properly manage its lifecycle. Given that TrainerView is part of an ImmersiveSpace, the issue might be related to how ImmersiveSpace handles state objects.

To ensure @StateObject is correctly used, let's explicitly pass multipeerManager as an environment object. This approach ensures that multipeerManager is only instantiated once and is accessible throughout the view hierarchy.

Step-by-Step Solution

  1. Define multipeerManager as an @EnvironmentObject in TrainerView.
  2. Provide the multipeerManager to the environment in the ImmersiveSpace.

Here's how you can achieve this:


import SwiftUI

struct LaserSwordTrainerApp: App {
    @StateObject private var multipeerManager = MultipeerManager()

    init() {

    var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {
            RoutingView(multipeerManager: multipeerManager)
        .environmentObject(multipeerManager) // Provide it to the environment

        ImmersiveSpace(id: "TrainerSpace") {
        .environmentObject(multipeerManager) // Provide it to the environment


import SwiftUI
import RealityKit
import RealityKitContent

struct TrainerView: View {
    @EnvironmentObject var multipeerManager: MultipeerManager // Use EnvironmentObject

    init() {
        SyncIPhoneSystem.multipeerManager = multipeerManager

    var body: some View {
        RealityView { content in
            // Ensure that all async tasks are within the RealityView's context
            Task {
                content.add(await model.setupContentEntity(aSoundManager: soundManager))
                self.multipeerManager.setSoundManager(soundManager: soundManager)
                content.add(await enemy.createEnemy())
                subscribeToCollisions(content: content)
                await addPreviewSaber(content: content)

By using @EnvironmentObject, you ensure that multipeerManager is instantiated only once and is shared across all views that need it. This approach also helps avoid issues related to improper state management in complex view hierarchies.


  1. Instantiate multipeerManager in LaserSwordTrainerApp as @StateObject.
  2. Provide multipeerManager to the environment in both WindowGroup and ImmersiveSpace.
  3. Use @EnvironmentObject in TrainerView to access multipeerManager.

This should resolve the Accessing StateObject's object without being installed on a View runtime error. If you encounter further issues or have any more questions, feel free to ask!If I pull out my networking code and seperate out ClientConnectedViewModel... How does my ClientConnectedViewModel get to know about the networking code? Is it passed as a constructor on environment object or ? What does swift usually call these manager type classes?In Swift, especially when using SwiftUI, it is common to use a combination of @StateObject, @ObservedObject, and @EnvironmentObject to manage the state and dependencies between your view models and managers. Manager-type classes are often referred to as "services" or "managers."

Solution Overview

  1. Separate Networking Code: Create a networking manager that handles all the networking-related tasks.
  2. ClientConnectedViewModel: Inject the networking manager into the view model, either through the initializer or via @EnvironmentObject.

Implementation Steps

Step 1: Create a Networking Manager

import Foundation
import Combine

final class NetworkingManager: ObservableObject {
    @Published var isConnected: Bool = false

    // Networking code here...

    func connect() {
        // Connection code...
        self.isConnected = true

    func disconnect() {
        // Disconnection code...
        self.isConnected = false

Step 2: Create ClientConnectedViewModel

Inject the NetworkingManager into the view model via the initializer.

import Foundation
import Combine

final class ClientConnectedViewModel: ObservableObject {
    @Published var isConnected: Bool = false
    private var networkingManager: NetworkingManager
    private var cancellables = Set<AnyCancellable>()

    init(networkingManager: NetworkingManager) {
        self.networkingManager = networkingManager
            .assign(to: \.isConnected, on: self)
            .store(in: &cancellables)

    func connect() {

    func disconnect() {

Step 3: Provide NetworkingManager as an Environment Object

Instantiate NetworkingManager in your main app and pass it down through the environment.


import SwiftUI

struct LaserSwordTrainerApp: App {
    @StateObject private var networkingManager = NetworkingManager()
    @StateObject private var clientConnectedViewModel = ClientConnectedViewModel(networkingManager: networkingManager)

    var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {
        ImmersiveSpace(id: "TrainerSpace") {

Step 4: Use ClientConnectedViewModel in a View


import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
    @EnvironmentObject var clientConnectedViewModel: ClientConnectedViewModel

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Text(clientConnectedViewModel.isConnected ? "Connected" : "Disconnected")
            Button(action: {
            }) {
            Button(action: {
            }) {


  • NetworkingManager: Handles all networking tasks and exposes its state using @Published properties.
  • ClientConnectedViewModel: Injects NetworkingManager and listens to its state changes using Combine.
  • EnvironmentObject: Pass NetworkingManager and ClientConnectedViewModel down the view hierarchy.

This approach ensures a clean separation of concerns and leverages SwiftUI's state management system to propagate changes efficiently. If you have further questions or need more detailed explanations, feel free to ask!Please tell me more about private var cancellables = Set<AnyCancellable>() and if that is required or optionalIn Swift, the private var cancellables = Set<AnyCancellable>() line is related to Combine, Apple’s framework for handling asynchronous events by combining event-processing operators. It is used to manage the lifecycle of subscriptions to publishers.

Understanding cancellables

  • Purpose: The cancellables set is used to store any AnyCancellable instances, which represent the cancellation tokens for Combine subscriptions. When a AnyCancellable instance is deallocated or explicitly canceled, the associated subscription is terminated.
  • Required or Optional: While not strictly required, using a cancellables set is a best practice to ensure that subscriptions are properly managed and don't cause memory leaks.

Why Use cancellables?

  1. Memory Management: Combine publishers produce events asynchronously, and you typically subscribe to these events using sink, assign, or other operator methods. Each subscription produces a AnyCancellable which, if not managed properly, can lead to memory leaks.
  2. Lifecycle Management: By storing AnyCancellable instances in a set, you ensure that they are kept alive as long as the owner (e.g., a view model) is alive. When the owner is deallocated, all AnyCancellable instances are also deallocated, which in turn cancels the subscriptions.

Example Usage

Here’s an example that shows how you might use cancellables in a view model:

import Combine

final class ExampleViewModel: ObservableObject {
    @Published var data: String = ""
    private var cancellables = Set<AnyCancellable>()

    init() {
            .sink(receiveCompletion: { completion in
                switch completion {
                case .finished:
                    print("Finished fetching data")
                case .failure(let error):
                    print("Error fetching data: \(error)")
            }, receiveValue: { [weak self] data in
                self?.data = data
            .store(in: &cancellables) // Store the subscription in the cancellables set

    func fetchData() -> AnyPublisher<String, Error> {
        // Simulate a network call or data fetch
        Just("Fetched Data")
            .setFailureType(to: Error.self)


  • Combine Subscription: When you call sink(receiveCompletion:receiveValue:), you create a subscription to the publisher. This subscription returns an AnyCancellable instance.
  • Storing the Subscription: The store(in:) method stores the AnyCancellable instance in the cancellables set. This ensures that the subscription remains active for the lifetime of the view model.
  • Automatic Cancellation: When the view model is deallocated, the cancellables set is also deallocated, and all stored AnyCancellable instances are canceled, terminating their subscriptions.


  • cancellables: A set used to store AnyCancellable instances for managing the lifecycle of Combine subscriptions.
  • Required: While not strictly required, using a set to manage subscriptions is a best practice for memory management and avoiding leaks.
  • Usage: Store AnyCancellable instances in the cancellables set using store(in:) to ensure proper cancellation when the owning object is deallocated.

Using cancellables helps you manage the subscriptions effectively, keeping your code clean and preventing potential memory issues.In my code ```import SwiftUI

@main struct LaserSwordTrainerApp: App {

@Environment(\.scenePhase) var scenePhase
// let currentImmersionStyle: ImmersionStyle = .mixed
@StateObject private var multipeerManager =  MultipeerManager()
@StateObject private var controllerConnectionStatusViewModel = ControllerConnectionStatusViewModel(multipeerManager: multipeerManager)

init() {
    // print("LaserSwordTrainerApp We've got a multipeerManager \(multipeerManager)")
    // Components in the RealityKitContent are automatically registered?
    // SaberComponent.registerComponent()

var body: some Scene {
    WindowGroup {```

I get the error Cannot use instance member 'multipeerManager' within property initializer; property initializers run before 'self' is availableThe error you're encountering is due to the fact that Swift's property initializers run before the self instance is fully available. This means you cannot reference another instance property in the initializer of another property. To resolve this issue, you need to initialize the ControllerConnectionStatusViewModel within the init method where self is available.

Here’s how you can adjust your code:


  1. Move the initialization of controllerConnectionStatusViewModel to the init method.
  2. Use a temporary variable within the init method to initialize controllerConnectionStatusViewModel.

Updated Code


import SwiftUI

struct LaserSwordTrainerApp: App {
    @Environment(\.scenePhase) var scenePhase
    @StateObject private var multipeerManager = MultipeerManager()
    @StateObject private var controllerConnectionStatusViewModel: ControllerConnectionStatusViewModel

    init() {
        // Initialize the StateObject properties
        let multipeerManager = MultipeerManager()
        _multipeerManager = StateObject(wrappedValue: multipeerManager)
        _controllerConnectionStatusViewModel = StateObject(wrappedValue: ControllerConnectionStatusViewModel(multipeerManager: multipeerManager))
        // Register components and systems
    var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {
        ImmersiveSpace(id: "TrainerSpace") {


  • Temporary Variable in init: You create a local variable multipeerManager within the init method and initialize _multipeerManager with it. This ensures that multipeerManager is initialized before being passed to ControllerConnectionStatusViewModel.
  • StateObject Initialization: Use the StateObject wrapper to initialize controllerConnectionStatusViewModel properly.


By initializing your StateObject properties within the init method, you avoid the issue of referencing instance properties before self is fully available. This approach ensures that your view models are correctly instantiated and passed through the environment as needed. If you have further questions or need additional assistance, feel free to ask!There seems like some magic... how does let multipeerManager = MultipeerManager() _multipeerManager = StateObject(wrappedValue: multipeerManager) _controllerConnectionStatusViewModel = StateObject(wrappedValue: ControllerConnectionStatusViewModel(multipeerManager: multipeerManager)) work in detail? I would have expected to just write self.controllerConnectionStatusViewModel = ControllerConnectionStatusViewModel(multipeerManager: multipeerManager)

I don't understand how self.controllerConnectionStatusViewModel gets set, since we only assign to _controllerConnectionStatusViewModelGreat question! Let’s break down how StateObject and _controllerConnectionStatusViewModel work in SwiftUI.

Understanding StateObject Initialization

In SwiftUI, @StateObject is used to create an observable object that the view owns. The underscore (_) prefix accesses the property wrapper directly, which allows you to manually control its initialization.

Why Use _ for Initialization?

When you use @StateObject, SwiftUI automatically manages the lifecycle of the object. However, you need to initialize it correctly. The @StateObject wrapper actually creates a backing storage property, which is accessed using the underscore prefix.

Detailed Explanation

  1. Creating a Local Instance: You create a local instance of MultipeerManager to ensure it's available before being passed to the ControllerConnectionStatusViewModel.

  2. Assigning to the Wrapper: Using _multipeerManager = StateObject(wrappedValue: multipeerManager) assigns the local instance to the state object’s backing storage.

  3. Controller Connection ViewModel Initialization: The same approach is used for ControllerConnectionStatusViewModel.

Here’s a step-by-step explanation of your initialization:

1. Creating a Local Instance:

let multipeerManager = MultipeerManager()

You create an instance of MultipeerManager.

2. Initializing the StateObject:

_multipeerManager = StateObject(wrappedValue: multipeerManager)

You assign the local multipeerManager instance to the StateObject backing storage.

3. Initializing Another StateObject:

_controllerConnectionStatusViewModel = StateObject(wrappedValue: ControllerConnectionStatusViewModel(multipeerManager: multipeerManager))

You create ControllerConnectionStatusViewModel using the previously created multipeerManager and assign it to its StateObject backing storage.

Why Not Use self.controllerConnectionStatusViewModel Directly?

In the context of @StateObject, using _ to access the backing storage is necessary to avoid using self before initialization is complete. Directly using self would lead to referencing instance properties before they are fully initialized, causing potential issues.

How self.controllerConnectionStatusViewModel Gets Set

SwiftUI uses the @StateObject property wrapper to manage the lifecycle of the object. When you assign to _controllerConnectionStatusViewModel, it sets up the internal storage that @StateObject uses to maintain the state of controllerConnectionStatusViewModel.

Example with Comments

Here’s your code with additional comments for clarity:

import SwiftUI

struct LaserSwordTrainerApp: App {
    @Environment(\.scenePhase) var scenePhase

    // Define @StateObject properties without initializing them yet
    @StateObject private var multipeerManager: MultipeerManager
    @StateObject private var controllerConnectionStatusViewModel: ControllerConnectionStatusViewModel

    init() {
        // Create a local instance of MultipeerManager
        let multipeerManager = MultipeerManager()
        // Assign the local instance to the StateObject's backing storage
        _multipeerManager = StateObject(wrappedValue: multipeerManager)
        // Initialize ControllerConnectionStatusViewModel with the MultipeerManager instance
        _controllerConnectionStatusViewModel = StateObject(wrappedValue: ControllerConnectionStatusViewModel(multipeerManager: multipeerManager))
        // Register components and systems

    var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {
                .environmentObject(multipeerManager) // Provide the environment object
                .environmentObject(controllerConnectionStatusViewModel) // Provide the environment object
        ImmersiveSpace(id: "TrainerSpace") {
                .environmentObject(multipeerManager) // Provide the environment object
                .environmentObject(controllerConnectionStatusViewModel) // Provide the environment object


  • Local Instances: Created to ensure they are available before assigning to StateObject.
  • Backing Storage: @StateObject uses _ prefix to access and set its backing storage.
  • Property Wrappers: SwiftUI manages the lifecycle of StateObject, ensuring proper initialization and state management.

Using this approach, you avoid referencing uninitialized properties and ensure your state objects are properly managed by SwiftUI.Should I call .environmentObject on the WindowGroup or the View?In SwiftUI, you should call .environmentObject on the view that is the root of the hierarchy where you want the environment object to be available. If you want the environment object to be available to all views within a WindowGroup, you should call .environmentObject on the WindowGroup.

Why Call .environmentObject on WindowGroup?

  1. Scope: Calling .environmentObject on the WindowGroup ensures that all views within that window group can access the environment object.
  2. Simplicity: It simplifies your code by ensuring that the environment object is only set once and is available to all descendant views.
  3. Consistency: This approach ensures that all views within the WindowGroup have consistent access to the same instance of the environment object.


Here is your updated code with .environmentObject called on the WindowGroup:


import SwiftUI

struct LaserSwordTrainerApp: App {
    @Environment(\.scenePhase) var scenePhase
    @StateObject private var multipeerManager: MultipeerManager
    @StateObject private var controllerConnectionStatusViewModel: ControllerConnectionStatusViewModel

    init() {
        let multipeerManager = MultipeerManager()
        _multipeerManager = StateObject(wrappedValue: multipeerManager)
        _controllerConnectionStatusViewModel = StateObject(wrappedValue: ControllerConnectionStatusViewModel(multipeerManager: multipeerManager))

    var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {
        ImmersiveSpace(id: "TrainerSpace") {


  • Initialization in init(): You create local instances and initialize the StateObject properties.
  • Providing Environment Objects: The .environmentObject modifiers are applied to the WindowGroup and ImmersiveSpace, ensuring that multipeerManager and controllerConnectionStatusViewModel are available to all views within these containers.


  • Call .environmentObject on WindowGroup: This ensures that the environment object is accessible to all descendant views within the group.
  • Initialization in init(): Properly initialize StateObject properties to avoid referencing uninitialized properties.

This approach ensures that your environment objects are consistently and correctly available throughout your app's view hierarchy. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!

MultipeerManager Error Fix created at Tue Jan 20 1970 21:18:12 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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