Docker PostgreSQL Connection Issue

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I have two docker images. postgres-service is running and postgres is on port 5432. My app image, when I build it, I try to connect and do a Prisma migration. I get this error ``` => ERROR [11/11] RUN npx prisma db push 1.1s

[11/11] RUN npx prisma db push: 0.904 Prisma schema loaded from prisma/schema.prisma 0.906 Datasource "db": PostgreSQL database "appdata", schema "public" at "postgres-service:5432" 1.002 1.002 Error: P1001: Can't reach database server at postgres-service:5432 1.002 1.002 Please make sure your database server is running at postgres-service:5432.


33 | # Apply schema migrations to mysql-service (except on docker build stage) 34 | RUN if [[ -z "${GITHUB_ACTIONS}" ]]; then npx prisma db push; else echo "No prisma migration will apply on Github Actions"; fi 35 | >>> RUN npx prisma db push 36 | 37 | # Run the application

ERROR: failed to solve: process "/bin/sh -c npx prisma db push" did not complete successfully: exit code: 1 make: *** [build-app-ui-docker] Error 1```The error you're encountering indicates that your application container is unable to connect to the PostgreSQL database running in the postgres-service container. This is a common issue in Docker environments, often related to networking configuration. Here are some steps to troubleshoot and resolve this issue:

  1. Docker Network Configuration: Ensure both containers (postgres-service and your app) are on the same Docker network. Containers on the same network can communicate with each other using their container names as hostnames.

    • Create a Docker Network (if not already done):

      docker network create my_network
    • Attach Containers to the Network: Make sure both your postgres-service and app containers are part of my_network. You can specify the network when you run the containers using the --network=my_network option.

  2. Database Connection Configuration:

    • Ensure the database URL in your Prisma configuration is correct. It should use the service name (postgres-service) as the hostname.
    • The database URL typically looks like: postgresql://username:password@postgres-service:5432/database_name.
  3. Check PostgreSQL Service:

    • Verify that the PostgreSQL service is running and accessible on the specified port (5432). You can exec into the postgres-service container and use tools like psql to check if the database is running.
    • Ensure that PostgreSQL is configured to accept connections from your application container. This usually involves configuring pg_hba.conf and postgresql.conf appropriately.
  4. Docker Build Context:

    • The error message suggests the issue occurs during the Docker build process. Remember that the RUN commands in a Dockerfile are executed during the image build, not when the container is running. During the build process, the database service may not be accessible.
    • To handle database migrations, consider running them as a startup command in your application container instead of during the build stage. This ensures the database is available when the migrations are attempted.
  5. Environment Variables:

    • If you are using environment variables to configure the database connection in Prisma, ensure they are correctly passed into the Docker container during the build or run process.
  6. Prisma Configuration:

    • Double-check your Prisma schema configuration to ensure everything is set up correctly.
  7. Logs and Debugging:

    • Look at the logs for both the postgres-service and your application container for any additional clues.
    • You can increase the verbosity of the Prisma logs to get more detailed information about the connection issue.
  8. Firewall or Security Groups:

    • If running in a cloud environment or behind a firewall, ensure that the required ports are open and accessible.

By following these steps, you should be able to diagnose and resolve the connectivity issue between your app container and the PostgreSQL service running in Docker.How do I:

  • startup command in your application container
  • increase the verbosity of the Prisma logsTo address your two specific questions:
  1. Setting up a Startup Command in Your Application Container:

    To run database migrations as a startup command in your application container, you'll need to modify the command or entry point in your Dockerfile or your docker-compose.yml (if you're using Docker Compose). This command will be executed every time a container is started from the image.

    • Using Dockerfile: You can use the CMD directive in your Dockerfile to specify the command to be executed when a container starts. For example:

      # ... your existing Dockerfile commands ...
      CMD ["sh", "-c", "npx prisma db push && node your-app-start-command.js"]

      This command will first run npx prisma db push to apply the Prisma migrations, and then start your application with node your-app-start-command.js.

    • Using docker-compose.yml: If you're using Docker Compose, you can specify the startup command in the command field for your service:

      version: '3'
          build: .
          command: sh -c "npx prisma db push && node your-app-start-command.js"
          # ... other configuration ...

    This setup ensures that your database migrations are applied each time the container starts, which is useful for environments like development or staging. However, for production, you might want to handle migrations differently to avoid potential issues with automatic schema changes.

  2. Increasing the Verbosity of Prisma Logs:

    Prisma provides a logging feature that can help you debug issues by increasing the verbosity of the logs. You can configure this in your Prisma schema file (schema.prisma) by using the log attribute in the datasource block.

    datasource db {
      provider = "postgresql"
      url      = env("DATABASE_URL")
      log      = ["query", "info", "warn", "error"]

    In this configuration:

    • query: Logs all database queries.
    • info: Logs general information about the query execution.
    • warn: Logs warnings.
    • error: Logs all errors.

    By adding these options, Prisma will provide more detailed logs which can be crucial for debugging connectivity issues and understanding how your queries are executed.

Remember to adjust these settings according to your development and production needs, as verbose logging and running migrations automatically at startup may not be suitable for all environments.Can I have two CMD in a single Dockerfile?No, you cannot have multiple CMD instructions in a single Dockerfile. If you define more than one CMD, only the last CMD will take effect. The CMD instruction is used to set a default command, which will be executed only when you run a container without specifying a command.

If you need to run multiple commands at the startup of a container, you have a couple of options:

  1. Use a Shell Script: Create a shell script that includes all the commands you need to run, and then use CMD to execute this script. For example:

    • Create a script

      npx prisma db push  # Run Prisma migrations
      node app.js         # Start your Node.js app
    • In your Dockerfile, copy this script into the image and set the CMD to execute it:

      COPY /
      RUN chmod +x /
      CMD ["/"]
  2. Inline Multiple Commands: You can inline multiple commands in a single CMD instruction using shell syntax. This is less clean than using a script but works for simpler cases:

    CMD npx prisma db push && node app.js

    Here, npx prisma db push will run first, and if it succeeds, node app.js will run next.

Using a separate script is generally preferred for readability and maintainability, especially if the startup sequence is complex. This approach also makes it easier to modify the startup process without having to rebuild the Docker image, as you can mount the script into the container during development.I was able to exec into my app container and from there I can connect to postgres-service via psql. But in the container, if I run npx prisma db push I get Prisma schema loaded from prisma/schema.prisma Datasource "db": PostgreSQL database "appdata", schema "public" at "postgres-service:5432" Error: ERROR: permission denied for schema public 0: sql_schema_connector::apply_migration::migration_step with step=CreateTable { table_id: TableId(0) } at schema-engine/connectors/sql-schema-connector/src/ 1: sql_schema_connector::apply_migration::apply_migration at schema-engine/connectors/sql-schema-connector/src/ 2: schema_core::state::SchemaPush at schema-engine/core/src/ error message ERROR: permission denied for schema public indicates that the database user specified in your Prisma configuration does not have sufficient permissions to modify the public schema in your PostgreSQL database. This is a database-level issue rather than a problem with Prisma or your Docker setup.

To resolve this issue, you need to ensure that the database user has the necessary permissions. Here are the steps to address this:

  1. Log into your PostgreSQL Database: Access the PostgreSQL database using a user with administrative privileges (like postgres). You can use psql for this purpose:

    psql -h postgres-service -U postgres
  2. Grant Permissions: Once logged in, you need to grant the required permissions to the user that Prisma uses to connect to the database. Replace your_db_user with the actual username that Prisma uses:

    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE appdata TO your_db_user;
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON SCHEMA public TO your_db_user;

    These commands will give the user full access to the appdata database, the public schema, and all tables and sequences within that schema.

  3. Review Prisma Schema: Ensure that your Prisma schema (schema.prisma) is correctly set up to use the user with the granted permissions. The url in the datasource block should be something like:

    datasource db {
      provider = "postgresql"
      url      = "postgresql://your_db_user:your_db_password@postgres-service:5432/appdata"
  4. Retry the Prisma Command: After granting the permissions, try running npx prisma db push again from within your container.

  5. Additional Checks:

    • If the error persists, double-check that the user indeed has the correct permissions. You might also want to check for any roles or group roles that could be interfering with permissions.
    • Ensure that there are no other PostgreSQL roles or configurations that could be overriding or conflicting with the permissions you've set.

By ensuring that the database user used by Prisma has the appropriate permissions, you should be able to resolve the permission denied error and successfully run the Prisma migration.We have ```-- Create appdata database with UTF-8 settings CREATE DATABASE appdata WITH ENCODING 'UTF8' LC_COLLATE = 'en_US.utf8' LC_CTYPE = 'en_US.utf8' TEMPLATE template0;

-- Create user CREATE USER deductive WITH PASSWORD 'Rf8HoCLMkuzpFCCe2aAY';

-- Grant privileges on appdata GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE appdata TO deductive;

-- For development (Prisma): Create appdata_shadow database and grant privileges CREATE DATABASE appdata_shadow WITH ENCODING 'UTF8' LC_COLLATE = 'en_US.utf8' LC_CTYPE = 'en_US.utf8' TEMPLATE template0;

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE appdata_shadow TO deductive; ``` based on your feedback, what is missing?Based on the SQL commands you've shared, it looks like you have correctly created the appdata and appdata_shadow databases, created a user deductive, and granted this user all privileges on these databases. However, the error you're encountering (permission denied for schema public) suggests that the issue is with schema-level permissions within the appdata database.

In PostgreSQL, granting privileges on a database does not automatically grant privileges on schemas or objects within that database. So, you've granted the user deductive privileges on the database, but you also need to ensure that this user has the necessary privileges on the public schema and on all tables within this schema.

Here's what you might be missing:

  1. Grant Privileges on the Schema: You need to specifically grant privileges on the public schema to the deductive user. You can do this by connecting to the appdata database and running:

  2. Grant Privileges on All Current and Future Tables: To ensure that the deductive user has privileges on all tables within the public schema, including tables that will be created in the future, run:


    Similarly, if your application uses sequences (like serial IDs), you'll want to grant privileges on those as well:


These additional commands ensure that the deductive user has full access to the public schema and all objects within it, both existing and those created in the future. This should resolve the permission issues you're facing with Prisma.What are the different types of postgres sequences?In PostgreSQL, sequences are special types of database objects used to generate unique numerical identifiers, typically for primary key columns in tables. While there's primarily one type of sequence in PostgreSQL, there are various aspects and properties of sequences that can be customized to fit different use cases. Here are some key features and variations you can apply to PostgreSQL sequences:

  1. Increment: Sequences can increment by a positive or negative value. This allows you to create sequences that count upwards (1, 2, 3, ...) or downwards (... -3, -2, -1).

  2. Minimum and Maximum Values: You can set the minimum and maximum values for a sequence. This is useful for ensuring that sequence values stay within certain bounds.

  3. Cycling: Sequences can be created with or without the CYCLE property. A cycling sequence will reset to its minimum value after reaching its maximum (or to its maximum if incrementing negatively).

  4. Cache Size: You can specify a cache size for sequences. This determines how many sequence numbers are preallocated and stored in memory for faster access. A larger cache size can improve performance but can result in gaps in the sequence if the database is restarted.

  5. Start Value: Sequences can start from a specified initial value.

  6. Owned By: A sequence can be "owned by" a specific table column, meaning that if the table or column is dropped, the sequence is also dropped. This is typical for sequences used for primary keys.

Here’s an example of creating a customized sequence in PostgreSQL:

    MAXVALUE 10000
    CACHE 20

This sequence starts at 1 and increments by 1, with a minimum value of 1 and a maximum of 10000. It has a cache size of 20 and will cycle when it reaches its maximum value.

Understanding these properties allows you to tailor sequences to your specific requirements, whether you need a simple auto-incrementing primary key or a more complex numbering system.Can postgres automatically create primary key values and if so, would I need sequence permission?Yes, PostgreSQL can automatically create primary key values, typically through the use of sequences. This is commonly achieved by defining a column as a SERIAL or BIGSERIAL type, which are not true types, but rather a convenience notation that creates a sequence behind the scenes and sets the default value of the column to the next value from the sequence.

Here's how it works:


    • SERIAL: This is the equivalent of creating an INTEGER column and linking it to a sequence for auto-incrementing. It's suitable for most cases where you expect the number of rows to be less than 2 billion.
    • BIGSERIAL: This is similar to SERIAL but is used for a BIGINT column, suitable for very large tables where the number might exceed the range of a standard INTEGER.
  2. Automatic Sequence Creation: When you define a column as SERIAL or BIGSERIAL, PostgreSQL automatically creates a sequence object for that column and sets it to increment. For example:

    CREATE TABLE my_table (
        name VARCHAR(100)

    This command creates a table my_table with an id column as a primary key, which auto-increments using a sequence.

  3. Permissions: When a sequence is automatically created using the SERIAL or BIGSERIAL types, the permissions for the sequence are typically set to allow the user who created the table to use it. However, if you have other users or roles that need to insert rows into this table, you'll need to ensure they have the necessary permissions. This usually involves granting usage on the sequence to those users or roles:

    GRANT USAGE ON SEQUENCE my_table_id_seq TO other_user;

    In this case, my_table_id_seq is the default naming convention used by PostgreSQL for the sequence associated with the id column of my_table.

In summary, if you're using SERIAL or BIGSERIAL to automatically create primary key values in PostgreSQL, the sequence is managed internally, and you typically don't need to worry about sequence permissions unless you have multiple users or roles interacting with the table.I'm using SvelteKit and docker. I have a problem. When I develop locally, I want vite to see my .env file. That file points the DATABASE_URL to localhost. When I run the app under docker, I want docker to use the ENV variable in the docker file. That is points the DATABASE_URL to postgres-service.

Right now when I run in docker mode, docker is picking up .env and that overrides the value in the Dockerfile.

What is the best way to fix this and set things up so I can do either workflow?To manage environment variables in a way that supports both local development and Docker deployments with SvelteKit and Vite, you can use a combination of strategies. The main goal is to ensure that the local .env file is used during development, while the environment variables defined in the Dockerfile take precedence in the Docker environment. Here are the steps to achieve this:

  1. Ignore .env File in Docker Build: Modify your Dockerfile to ensure that the .env file is not copied into the Docker image. This can be done by adding .env to your .dockerignore file. This way, the Docker build process won't include your local .env file, and therefore won't use its DATABASE_URL.

    In your .dockerignore:

  2. Define Environment Variables in Dockerfile: In your Dockerfile, explicitly define the DATABASE_URL environment variable for the Docker environment:

    ENV DATABASE_URL=postgres://user:password@postgres-service:5432/dbname
  3. Load .env for Local Development: Ensure that your local development setup (running outside of Docker) correctly loads the .env file. Vite should automatically handle this if the .env file is in the root of your project.

  4. Override for Docker Run: When running your container, you can also override environment variables using the -e flag with docker run. This can be useful if you need to change the DATABASE_URL or other variables without rebuilding the image:

    docker run -e DATABASE_URL=postgres://user:password@postgres-service:5432/dbname your-image
  5. Use Different .env Files: If needed, you can have multiple .env files for different environments (like .env.local for local development and .env.production for production). You can then instruct Vite to load the appropriate file based on the environment. However, this is more useful when you have a variety of different environments and configurations.

By setting up your project in this way, you ensure that your local development uses the .env file for configuration, while your Docker environment uses the environment variables defined in the Dockerfile or provided at runtime with docker run. This setup provides flexibility and ensures that the correct configurations are used in different environments.Which one will win: an ENV variable set in my .env or in my Dockerfile?In the context of Docker and environment variables, the priority or "winner" between an environment variable set in a .env file and one set in a Dockerfile depends on how and where the Docker container is run and the specific technology used in the application (in your case, SvelteKit and Vite).

  1. Docker Build Process:

    • During the Docker image build process (docker build), if you have specified an ENV instruction in your Dockerfile, it sets an environment variable in the image. This environment variable is included in the layers of the Docker image.
    • If your Docker build process also copies a .env file into the image (and your application is configured to read from .env at runtime), then the application will use the values from the .env file, overriding the ENV values set in the Dockerfile.
  2. Running a Docker Container:

    • When you run a container (docker run), you can specify environment variables using the -e or --env flag. These runtime environment variables override anything set in the Dockerfile.
    • If the application inside the Docker container is configured to prioritize .env file values (like many Node.js applications do), and if this file exists within the container, it will take precedence over the ENV variables set in the Dockerfile.
  3. SvelteKit and Vite Behavior:

    • SvelteKit and Vite, by default, load environment variables from .env files at build time for client-side code and at runtime for server-side code. This means if your .env file is copied into the Docker image and your application reads from it when starting up inside the container, it will use these .env values.
  4. Best Practice:

    • To prevent confusion and ensure consistent behavior, it is a good practice to exclude the .env file from your Docker images (using .dockerignore). Instead, rely on ENV instructions in the Dockerfile or runtime environment variables passed with docker run. This approach is clearer and more secure, especially for production deployments.

In summary, if both are present and the application is configured to read .env files, the .env file usually takes precedence. However, for Docker deployments, it's advisable to rely on environment variables set in the Dockerfile or passed at runtime to ensure clarity and consistency across different environments.While building a Docker image, is the network available? Should it be able to resolve postgres-service?During the build process of a Docker image, network access is indeed available, but it is important to note that the network context is different from that of a running container. This means that while the build process can access external networks (like the internet), it does not have access to the Docker-defined networks you may have set up for running containers. As a result, the build process cannot resolve service names defined in Docker Compose or Docker networks, such as postgres-service.

Here are key points to consider:

  1. External Network Access:

    • The Docker build process can download files from the internet, such as when pulling base images or fetching dependencies.
    • However, it cannot access services running on Docker-defined networks or services defined in a docker-compose.yml file.
  2. Docker-Defined Networks:

    • Docker networks are used to facilitate communication between running containers. They do not apply during the build process.
    • Names like postgres-service are resolved within the Docker network at runtime, not during the build.
  3. Implications for Database Access:

    • If your build process requires database access (for example, to perform database migrations), it won't be able to connect to a database service using Docker networking aliases like postgres-service.
    • A common workaround is to perform such operations at container startup rather than during the build process. This can be done by using entrypoint scripts or by specifying commands in CMD or docker-compose.yml.
  4. Build-Time vs. Run-Time:

    • It's a common best practice to separate build-time operations (like compiling code or installing dependencies) from run-time operations (like database migrations or dynamic configuration). This separation aligns with the principles of immutable infrastructure and helps in creating reproducible environments.

In summary, while building a Docker image, you should not expect to resolve or connect to services using Docker network aliases. Such operations should be deferred to the container runtime phase, where the appropriate network contexts and service dependencies are fully established.If I put all of this in my init.sql, are any lines redundant?


ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES IN SCHEMA public GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON TABLES TO deductive;```Your `init.sql` script contains several SQL statements to set up permissions for the user `deductive` on the `appdata_shadow` database and within the `public` schema. Let's break down each statement to understand their roles and assess if any are redundant:

1. **`GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE appdata_shadow TO deductive;`**
   This grants the `deductive` user all privileges on the `appdata_shadow` database. This includes the ability to connect to the database, create, modify, and delete objects within the database, but it does not grant privileges on specific schemas or tables within the database.

2. **`GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON SCHEMA public TO deductive;`**
   This grants the `deductive` user all privileges on the `public` schema within the current database context. This is important because having database-level privileges doesn't automatically confer privileges on the schemas within it.

   This grants the `deductive` user privileges on all existing tables within the `public` schema. This is necessary for the user to perform operations on these tables.

   This statement sets the default privileges for new tables created in the `public` schema. It ensures that the `deductive` user will automatically have all privileges on new tables created in the future within this schema.

In summary, these statements are not redundant, as each serves a specific purpose:

- The first grants database-level privileges.
- The second grants schema-level privileges.
- The third grants privileges on all existing tables within the schema.
- The fourth sets default privileges for future tables.

This setup ensures that the `deductive` user has comprehensive access to the `appdata_shadow` database, specifically within the `public` schema, both for existing and future tables. This is a typical setup for a user who needs full access to a specific database and its contents.If I only did 1,2, and 4 would that work?If you apply statements 1, 2, and 4 from your `init.sql` script, here's what would happen:

1. **`GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE appdata_shadow TO deductive;`**
   This grants the `deductive` user all privileges at the database level for `appdata_shadow`. It allows the user to connect to the database and perform a wide range of administrative functions on the database itself, but it does not automatically grant privileges on the schemas or tables within the database.

2. **`GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON SCHEMA public TO deductive;`**
   This grants the `deductive` user all privileges on the `public` schema within the `appdata_shadow` database. This means the user can create, alter, and drop objects within the `public` schema. However, this doesn't automatically grant privileges on existing tables or other objects within the schema.

   This statement sets the default privileges for future tables created in the `public` schema. It means that any tables created in the future will automatically grant all privileges to the `deductive` user.

By omitting statement 3 (`GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO deductive;`), you will not grant `deductive` privileges on any tables that already exist in the `public` schema at the time these commands are run. The user will have full rights to manage the schema and the database, and full rights on any new tables created after these commands are executed, but will not have rights on pre-existing tables.

So, whether this setup works for you depends on your requirements:

- If you need `deductive` to have immediate access to existing tables, you must include statement 3.
- If there are no existing tables at the time of running these commands, or if you don't need the user to access existing tables immediately, then statements 1, 2, and 4 are sufficient.I have 1 - 4 of the grant statements in my postgres-serivce docker file.

Here is what happens in my app-ui docker
```> [email protected] docker:start
> npx prisma db push; node build
Environment variables loaded from .env
Prisma schema loaded from prisma/schema.prisma
Datasource "db": PostgreSQL database "appdata", schema "public" at "postgres-service:5432"
Error: ERROR: permission denied for schema public
   0: sql_schema_connector::apply_migration::migration_step
           with step=CreateTable { table_id: TableId(0) }
             at schema-engine/connectors/sql-schema-connector/src/
   1: sql_schema_connector::apply_migration::apply_migration
             at schema-engine/connectors/sql-schema-connector/src/
   2: schema_core::state::SchemaPush
             at schema-engine/core/src/```

Here are the logs from the postgres-service ```2024-01-05 23:19:37.825 UTC [104] ERROR:  permission denied for schema public at character 14
2024-01-05 23:19:37.825 UTC [104] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "UserProfile" (
            "guid" SERIAL NOT NULL,
            "email" CHAR(255) NOT NULL,
            "data" TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '{}',

            CONSTRAINT "UserProfile_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("guid")
        )```The error message you're encountering, `ERROR: permission denied for schema public`, indicates a permissions issue in PostgreSQL. Despite applying the grant statements in your PostgreSQL Docker setup, the Prisma migration is failing due to insufficient permissions on the `public` schema in the `appdata` database.

Let's break down the problem and potential solutions:

1. **Timing of Grant Statements Execution:**
   Ensure that the SQL commands for granting permissions are actually being executed before you try to run the Prisma migration. If these commands are part of your `postgres-service` Dockerfile, they need to be executed after the PostgreSQL service has started and is ready to accept connections.

2. **Check the Connected User:**
   The Prisma migration is attempting to create a table in the `public` schema. Ensure that the user specified in the `DATABASE_URL` in your `.env` file (or the environment variable provided to the Docker container) is the same user (`deductive`) to whom you granted the permissions.

3. **Explicit Permissions for Existing Tables:**
   If there are pre-existing tables in the `public` schema and Prisma needs to modify them, you need to ensure that the `deductive` user has explicit permissions on these existing tables. This requires running the following command in PostgreSQL:

  1. Re-Check Grant Statements: Verify that the grant statements have been correctly executed in the PostgreSQL environment. You can do this by connecting to the database and checking the permissions:

    \c appdata
    \du deductive
  2. Schema Ownership: It's also possible that the deductive user does not have ownership of the public schema. Ownership would allow the user to perform any action on the schema. You can set the user as the owner of the public schema with:

    ALTER SCHEMA public OWNER TO deductive;
  3. Docker Environment Variables: Make sure that the environment variable DATABASE_URL in your app-ui Docker environment is correctly pointing to postgres-service and using the deductive user.

By ensuring that the deductive user has the necessary permissions and is correctly configured in your Prisma setup, the permission denied error should be resolved, allowing Prisma to successfully execute migrations in your PostgreSQL database.# \du List of roles Role name | Attributes
-----------+------------------------------------------------------------ deductive | postgres | Superuser, Create role, Create DB, Replication, Bypass RLSBased on the output of \du, the deductive user currently does not have any specific privileges or roles assigned. This is likely the cause of the permission issues you are experiencing. The deductive user needs appropriate privileges to perform actions such as creating tables in the PostgreSQL database.

To resolve the permission issue, you should grant the necessary privileges to the deductive user. Here's what you need to do:

  1. Grant Necessary Privileges: Connect to the PostgreSQL database as a superuser (like postgres) and execute the following commands:

    -- Grant all privileges on the 'appdata' database to 'deductive'
    -- Connect to the 'appdata' database
    \c appdata
    -- Grant all privileges on all tables in the 'public' schema to 'deductive'
    -- Grant privileges on the schema itself
    -- Set default privileges for future tables
    -- Optionally, make 'deductive' the owner of the 'public' schema
    ALTER SCHEMA public OWNER TO deductive;
  2. Verify the Changes: After executing these commands, you can check the privileges again using \du to ensure that the deductive user now has the appropriate privileges.

  3. Retry Prisma Migration: Once the privileges are correctly set, try running the Prisma migration again in your app-ui Docker container. The deductive user should now have sufficient permissions to create and modify tables in the public schema of the appdata database.

These steps should resolve the permission denied error you're encountering with Prisma during the migration process.I connected to postgres as the super user and ran all of the commands from step 1. Nothing changedIf executing the commands as a superuser didn't change the privileges for the deductive user as expected, it's possible that there's an issue with how the commands are being executed or interpreted. Let's try a different approach to diagnose and solve the problem:

  1. Re-Check Connection and Database: Ensure you are connected to the correct database where you want to apply the changes. Sometimes, the commands might be executed against a different database unintentionally.

  2. Execute Privilege Commands Again: Connect to the PostgreSQL database as the postgres superuser and carefully execute the privilege commands again. Pay close attention to any error messages that might appear when running these commands:

    -- Connect to the 'appdata' database
    \c appdata
    -- Grant privileges on the schema
    -- Grant privileges on all current and future tables in the 'public' schema
    -- Make 'deductive' the owner of the 'public' schema
    ALTER SCHEMA public OWNER TO deductive;
  3. Check Role Assignments and Privileges: After running the commands, verify the role assignments and privileges again. You can check the specific privileges granted to deductive on the public schema and its tables:

    \du deductive
    -- Check privileges on the public schema
    \dn+ public
    -- Check privileges on tables in the public schema
    \dp+ public.*
  4. Test with a Simple Operation: As the deductive user, try performing a simple operation that requires schema privileges, like creating a test table in the public schema:

    CREATE TABLE public.test_table (id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY);
    DROP TABLE public.test_table;
  5. Review Application Configuration: Make sure that your application (or the Prisma migration command) is indeed using the deductive user with the correct connection string. Verify the DATABASE_URL in the environment where the application is running.

  6. Check for Overrides: If you are using a Docker environment or a specific deployment setup, ensure that there are no environment variable overrides or other configuration settings that might be causing the application to connect with different credentials or to a different database.

By following these steps, you should be able to diagnose why the privilege assignment isn't working as expected and ensure that the deductive user has the necessary permissions to perform the required database operations.appdata=# \du deductive List of roles Role name | Attributes -----------+------------ deductive |

appdata=# \dn+ public List of schemas Name | Owner | Access privileges | Description
--------+-----------+------------------------+------------------------ public | deductive | deductive=UC/deductive+| standard public schema | | =U/deductive | (1 row)

appdata=# \dn+ public.* cross-database references are not implemented: public.Based on the output you've provided, it appears that the deductive user now owns the public schema in the appdata database, which is a good step forward. However, the output also suggests that there may be some misunderstanding in checking table-level privileges. Let's clarify and proceed with further steps:

  1. Check Table-Level Privileges: The command \dn+ public.* is incorrect for listing table privileges. Instead, you should use \dp+ public.*. This command will show you the privileges on all tables within the public schema.

    \dp+ public.*
  2. Testing Table Creation: Since deductive is now the owner of the public schema, you should test creating a table as this user. Connect to the database as deductive and try the following:

    CREATE TABLE public.test_table (id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY);
    DROP TABLE public.test_table;

    This will confirm whether deductive has the necessary permissions to create and drop tables in the public schema.

  3. Verify Prisma Configuration: Double-check your Prisma configuration to ensure it's using the correct DATABASE_URL. This should point to the appdata database and use deductive as the user. The format should be something like:

  4. Re-run Prisma Migration: With the deductive user now owning the public schema, try running the Prisma migration again in your Docker environment. Ensure that the DATABASE_URL is correctly set in the environment where the migration command is executed.

  5. Review Any Remaining Errors: If you still encounter errors, pay close attention to their details. The error messages will provide clues about what might still be missing or misconfigured.

  6. PostgreSQL Logs: If the problem persists, consult the PostgreSQL logs for more detailed error information. This can often provide more context about why a particular operation is failing.

By following these steps, you should be able to determine whether the deductive user has the appropriate permissions to create tables and whether there are any remaining issues with your Prisma migration. \dn+ public.* cross-database references are not implemented: public.* appdata=# \dp+ public.* Access privileges Schema | Name | Type | Access privileges | Column privileges | Policies --------+------+------+-------------------+-------------------+---------- (0 rows)The output you've shown indicates that there are no tables currently in the public schema of the appdata database, or at least, no tables with explicitly set access privileges different from the default. Since deductive is the owner of the public schema, this user should have all necessary privileges to create and manipulate tables within this schema.

Given this information, let's proceed with the following steps:

  1. Test Table Creation: As the deductive user, test creating a table to confirm that you indeed have the necessary permissions. Connect to the appdata database as deductive and execute:

    CREATE TABLE public.test_table (id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY);

    If this operation succeeds, it confirms that deductive has the required permissions. Don't forget to drop the test table afterward if it's not needed:

    DROP TABLE public.test_table;
  2. Retry Prisma Migration: With the confirmation that deductive can create tables, try running the Prisma migration again in your Docker environment. Make sure that the DATABASE_URL environment variable is correctly set to use the deductive user and points to the postgres-service.

    It should look something like this:

  3. Check for Environmental Variables Override: If the Prisma migration still fails with the same permission error, double-check that the DATABASE_URL environment variable is not being overridden somewhere in your setup. This could happen in the Docker configuration, a .env file, or within the application code.

  4. Review Docker Configuration: Ensure that your Docker setup for the app-ui service correctly passes the DATABASE_URL to the application. If you're using Docker Compose, this would typically be set in the docker-compose.yml file.

  5. Consult PostgreSQL Logs: If the issue persists, the PostgreSQL logs may offer more detailed insights. Check the logs of the postgres-service container immediately after the failed Prisma migration attempt.

By following these steps, you should be able to determine the root cause of the issue. If deductive can successfully create a table, but the Prisma migration still fails, the issue might lie in the configuration of your Docker environment or the way Prisma is set up to interact with the database.Is there a command to flush privilages or somehting on pg?In PostgreSQL, there isn't a direct equivalent to the MySQL's FLUSH PRIVILEGES command. In MySQL, FLUSH PRIVILEGES is used to reload the grant tables so that privilege changes take effect immediately. However, in PostgreSQL, privilege changes made with GRANT or REVOKE commands take effect immediately without the need for an additional command to reload permissions.

Here are a few points to keep in mind:

  1. Immediate Effect of Privilege Commands: When you grant or revoke privileges in PostgreSQL, the changes are effective immediately. Any new sessions started after the change will see the new privileges.

  2. Existing Sessions: If there are existing database sessions (connections) that were started before the privilege changes were made, these sessions might not see the updated privileges until they reconnect. This is because the privilege set is determined at the start of the session.

  3. Restarting Services: Although not usually necessary for privilege changes, restarting the PostgreSQL service can ensure that all sessions start fresh with the updated privileges. This can be done with a command like sudo service postgresql restart on most Linux systems.

  4. Checking for Mistakes: If privileges don't seem to be applied as expected, double-check the exact GRANT or REVOKE statements you've used. Ensure they were executed on the correct database and schema and that they specify the correct user and privileges.

  5. Verifying Connection Information: Ensure that the application (or user) is connecting with the expected username and to the correct database. Sometimes, issues arise due to connecting with a different user or database than intended.

  6. Consult Logs: If you're still encountering unexpected behavior, check the PostgreSQL server logs for any errors or warnings that might provide further insights.

If after ensuring all the above, your Prisma migration still fails with permission issues, the problem might lie elsewhere, such as in the application configuration, network settings, or Docker setup. Ensure that your application is using the correct database connection string and that it's indeed connecting to the intended PostgreSQL instance.In my init.sql file, I didn't have any \c appdata, could that have been the problem?Yes, the absence of the \c appdata command in your init.sql file could indeed be a part of the problem, especially if the SQL commands that followed were intended to be executed against the appdata database.

In PostgreSQL, \c or \connect is used to connect to a specific database within a PostgreSQL instance. If you have SQL commands in init.sql that are meant to modify the appdata database (such as granting privileges, creating tables, or altering schemas), and you do not specify \c appdata, these commands will execute against the default database to which the session is connected. This default is often the user's default database, often named after the user (e.g., postgres for the postgres user).

Here's what you should do:

  1. Modify Your init.sql: Add the command to connect to the appdata database at the beginning of your init.sql. It should look like this:

    \c appdata
    -- (rest of your SQL commands)
  2. Re-run the Initialization Script: After modifying init.sql, re-run this script against your PostgreSQL instance. This will ensure that all subsequent commands are executed in the context of the appdata database.

  3. Check if the Changes Took Effect: After running the modified script, check if the necessary privileges are set correctly by using \du, \dn+, and \dp+ commands as you did previously.

  4. Retry the Operations Requiring the Privileges: Once you've confirmed that the privileges are correctly set, retry any operations (such as your Prisma migrations) that previously failed due to permission issues.

By ensuring that your SQL commands are executed against the correct database, you can resolve issues arising from executing them in the wrong context.Please output all of my init.sql I don't have the capability to retrieve or display files from your local system, including your init.sql file. However, I can guide you on how to view or output the contents of your init.sql file on your own system.

If you're using a Unix-like operating system (like Linux or macOS), or if you have tools like Git Bash or WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) on Windows, you can use the cat command in the terminal to display the contents of your init.sql file. Here's how:

  1. Open Terminal or Command Line Interface: Open your terminal or command prompt.

  2. Navigate to the Directory: Use the cd command to navigate to the directory where your init.sql file is located. For example:

    cd path/to/directory
  3. Display File Contents: Use the cat command to display the contents of the init.sql file:

    cat init.sql

This will print the contents of your init.sql file to the terminal, allowing you to review it.

If you're using Windows without Unix-like tooling, you can use the type command in Command Prompt:

  1. Open Command Prompt: Open your Command Prompt.

  2. Navigate to the Directory: Change to the directory containing your init.sql file.

  3. Display File Contents: Type the following command and press Enter:

    type init.sql

This will output the contents of your init.sql file in the Command Prompt window.

If you encounter any issues or have specific questions about the contents or structure of your init.sql file, feel free to ask!For this init.sql, where should I put the \c lines? does this look good? Am I missing anything? ```-- Create appdata database with UTF-8 settings CREATE DATABASE appdata WITH ENCODING 'UTF8' LC_COLLATE = 'en_US.utf8' LC_CTYPE = 'en_US.utf8' TEMPLATE template0;

-- Create user CREATE USER deductive WITH PASSWORD 'Rf8HoCLMkuzpFCCe2aAY';

-- Grant privileges on appdata -- Connect to the 'appdata' database


-- For development (Prisma): Create appdata_shadow database and grant privileges CREATE DATABASE appdata_shadow WITH ENCODING 'UTF8' LC_COLLATE = 'en_US.utf8' LC_CTYPE = 'en_US.utf8' TEMPLATE template0;

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE appdata_shadow TO deductive;

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON SCHEMA public TO deductive; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO deductive; ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES IN SCHEMA public GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON TABLES TO deductive; ALTER SCHEMA public OWNER TO deductive;```The placement of the \c command in your init.sql file is important to ensure that certain commands are executed within the correct database context. Let's revise your script for proper placement:

-- Create appdata database with UTF-8 settings
LC_COLLATE = 'en_US.utf8'
LC_CTYPE = 'en_US.utf8'
TEMPLATE template0;

-- Create user

-- Connect to the 'appdata' database
\c appdata

-- Grant privileges on appdata

-- Grant privileges on the public schema and its tables in appdata
ALTER SCHEMA public OWNER TO deductive;

-- Create appdata_shadow database for development (Prisma)
CREATE DATABASE appdata_shadow
LC_COLLATE = 'en_US.utf8'
LC_CTYPE = 'en_US.utf8'
TEMPLATE template0;

-- Connect to the 'appdata_shadow' database
\c appdata_shadow

-- Grant privileges on appdata_shadow
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE appdata_shadow TO deductive;

-- Grant privileges on the public schema and its tables in appdata_shadow
ALTER SCHEMA public OWNER TO deductive;

Here’s what’s happening in this revised script:

  1. Database and User Creation: The script first creates the appdata and appdata_shadow databases and the deductive user. These commands do not require being in a specific database context as they are executed at the PostgreSQL instance level.

  2. Switching Context with \c: The \c command is used to switch the context to the appdata database first, and then later to the appdata_shadow database. This ensures that the subsequent commands are executed in the context of the correct database.

  3. Granting Privileges: After switching to each database, the script grants privileges on the database, its public schema, and the tables within that schema. This includes setting default privileges and changing the schema owner to deductive.

This revised script should properly set up your databases and user with the required privileges in each context. Remember to execute this script using a PostgreSQL user with sufficient privileges to create databases and users, such as the postgres superuser.Why do you repeat this block GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON SCHEMA public TO deductive; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO deductive; ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES IN SCHEMA public GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON TABLES TO deductive; ALTER SCHEMA public OWNER TO deductive; isn't having it once at the end sufficient?You are correct in observing that the block of commands granting privileges on the public schema and altering its ownership is repeated for both the appdata and appdata_shadow databases. The reason for this repetition depends on how you intend to use these databases and the scope of the privileges for the user deductive.

Let's break down the scenarios:

  1. If Both Databases Require Similar Access: If you intend for the user deductive to have the same level of access to both the appdata and appdata_shadow databases (including all operations on the public schema and its tables), then yes, you need to repeat these commands for each database. This is because the privileges granted to schemas and tables are specific to each database. Privileges granted in one database do not automatically apply to another, even if the databases are on the same PostgreSQL server.

  2. If Only One Database Requires Specific Access: If the user deductive only needs this level of access for one of the databases (e.g., only for appdata but not for appdata_shadow), then you would only include these commands while connected to that specific database.

From your script, it seems you want deductive to have full privileges on both databases' public schemas. In this case, repeating the block for each database is necessary and correct. Here's the logic:

  • After creating the appdata database, you connect to it using \c appdata and then grant privileges on its public schema.
  • Then, you do the same for the appdata_shadow database: create it, connect to it using \c appdata_shadow, and grant similar privileges on its public schema.

This ensures that deductive has the necessary permissions in both databases independently.

Docker PostgreSQL Connection Issue created at Tue Jan 20 1970 17:28:10 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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