Prisma Setup and Usage

TODO: collapasable, copyable, download, etc

Are you familiar with the Typescript db ORM Prisma? Would you be able to generate code that uses it?Yes, I'm familiar with Prisma, a popular ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) for TypeScript and JavaScript. It allows developers to work with databases in a type-safe manner.

To help you better, could you please provide me with more context? For instance:

  1. Which database are you using (e.g., PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite)?
  2. What's the intended use case or what specific functionality are you looking for?
  3. Do you need just the Prisma setup, or do you want a specific query or mutation?

Here's a very basic example of setting up Prisma with a PostgreSQL database:

  1. Setting Up Prisma: First, you'll need to install Prisma CLI and initialize Prisma:
npm install @prisma/cli --save-dev
npx prisma init
  1. Database Configuration: In prisma/.env file, set your database connection string:
  1. Define your Prisma Schema: In prisma/schema.prisma file:
generator client {
  provider = "prisma-client-js"

datasource db {
  provider = "postgresql"
  url      = env("DATABASE_URL")

model User {
  id    Int      @id @default(autoincrement())
  name  String
  email String   @unique
  posts Post[]

model Post {
  id       Int      @id @default(autoincrement())
  title    String
  content  String?
  authorId Int
  author   User     @relation(fields: [authorId], references: [id])
  1. Generate Prisma Client: Once your schema is defined, you can generate the Prisma Client:
npx prisma generate
  1. Use Prisma Client in Your Code:
import { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client';

const prisma = new PrismaClient();

async function main() {
  const newUser = await prisma.user.create({
    data: {
      name: 'Alice',
      email: '[email protected]',
      posts: {
        create: { title: 'Hello Prisma', content: 'Getting started with Prisma' },
  console.log('New user:', newUser);

  .catch(e => {
    throw e;
  .finally(async () => {
    await prisma.$disconnect();

This is a basic example, and there's a lot more you can do with Prisma! If you have a specific use case or query in mind, let me know, and I'll help you further.I have a Dockerfile for mysql. Is that a good place to initially create the database if it doesn't exist? Can you give me an updated Dockerfile that creates a MySQL database that handles utf8 and other concerns?Yes, using a Dockerfile (or more commonly, a docker-compose.yml) to provision a MySQL database is a common practice. It ensures a consistent environment for your database regardless of where Docker is running.

However, to note, initializing the database or creating tables is often not done directly in the Dockerfile. Instead, a standard approach is to use an initialization script. MySQL Docker images can execute arbitrary SQL scripts and shell scripts during container startup.

Here's a sample Docker setup for MySQL:

  1. Initialization Script:

Create an initialization script. You can name it init.sql. This script will be executed when the MySQL container starts up:

-- Set utf8 settings globally
SET collation_server = utf8_unicode_ci;
SET character_set_server = utf8;

-- Create a database
  1. Dockerfile:

You typically don't need to customize the Dockerfile for MySQL unless you have special requirements. Instead, use the official MySQL image directly and mount the initialization script to the appropriate directory.

  1. Docker Compose (recommended):

It's often more convenient to use docker-compose.yml for databases, as it allows you to easily link services, manage volumes, and set environment variables:

version: '3'

    image: mysql:8.0
    container_name: my-mysql-container
      MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: rootpassword
      MYSQL_DATABASE: myDatabase
      # Add other environment variables like MYSQL_USER, MYSQL_PASSWORD if needed
      - mysql-data:/var/lib/mysql
      - ./init.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/init.sql
    command: ['--character-set-server=utf8mb4', '--collation-server=utf8mb4_unicode_ci']


Here's what happens:

  • We're using the official MySQL 8.0 image.
  • The initialization script init.sql is mounted to /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/. Any .sql file in this directory gets automatically executed on startup.
  • We're setting the character set and collation globally for the MySQL server through the command directive.

To start your MySQL service with Docker Compose, you can run:

docker-compose up -d

Remember, setting up a database in Docker for development is different from production. In a production environment, you would consider using managed database services or ensure that your Docker setup is fine-tuned for performance, backup, and recovery.If I had a user troubleshooter and a password x that are both already in the system, how would I grant troubleshooter access to this new database?If you've already created a user named troubleshooter in your MySQL system, and you want to grant this user access to the new database (let's call it myDatabase as in the previous example), you would use the GRANT statement.

The SQL command to grant all privileges to the user troubleshooter for the database myDatabase would look like:

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON myDatabase.* TO 'troubleshooter'@'%';

Here's what each part means:

  • GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES: This grants all permissions to the user for the specified database. Be cautious about granting all privileges, especially in production environments.

  • ON myDatabase.*: This specifies the database and its tables that the user should have access to. The asterisk (*) denotes all tables within the myDatabase.

  • TO 'troubleshooter'@'%': This specifies the user and the host from which the user can connect. The % is a wildcard that allows the user to connect from any host. If you want to restrict the user to connect only from a specific host or IP, replace % with that specific hostname or IP address.

If you're using the initialization script approach from the previous example, you can append this GRANT statement to the init.sql script. When the MySQL container starts and initializes, it will also grant the necessary permissions to the troubleshooter user.

Additionally, after modifying privileges, it's good practice to run:


This ensures that all the changes to user privileges take immediate effect. You can also append this command to your initialization script after the GRANT statement.Would this go in the init.sql file?Yes, you can include the GRANT statement in the init.sql file to ensure that the user troubleshooter is granted the necessary privileges when the MySQL container is initialized.

Here's how you could modify the init.sql file from the previous example:

-- Set utf8 settings globally
SET collation_server = utf8_unicode_ci;
SET character_set_server = utf8;

-- Create a database

-- Grant permissions to troubleshooter
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON myDatabase.* TO 'troubleshooter'@'%';

-- Refresh privileges

By adding these statements to the init.sql file, when the MySQL container starts up, it will:

  1. Set the global character set and collation settings.
  2. Create the myDatabase database if it doesn't exist.
  3. Grant all privileges on myDatabase to the user troubleshooter.
  4. Flush the privileges to ensure that changes take immediate effect.

Remember, granting all privileges provides complete access, so in a production or sensitive environment, you might want to specify which exact privileges (like SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, etc.) are granted to the user.For the following requirements, can you output the prisma/schema.prisma file? user_profile Table

guid: INTEGER (foreign key) email: CHAR(255) data: TEXT created_at: TIMESTAMP updated_at: TIMESTAMP

chat_session Table

guid: INTEGER (foreign key) created_at: TIMESTAMP updated_at: TIMESTAMP

chat_message Table

guid: auto incrementing integer chat_session_guid: INTEGER (foreign key) type: CHAR(16) user_guid: CHAR(255) data: TEXT - JSON encoded object created_at: TIMESTAMP updated_at: TIMESTAMP

pinboard Table

guid: auto incrementing integer chat_session_guid: INTEGER (foreign key) data: TEXT - JSON encoded object created_at: TIMESTAMP updated_at: TIMESTAMP

Based on the given requirements, here's the prisma/schema.prisma file:

generator client {
  provider = "prisma-client-js"

datasource db {
  provider = "postgresql" // or "mysql" or other supported databases
  url      = env("DATABASE_URL")

// user_profile Table
model UserProfile {
  guid        Int      @id // Assuming this is the primary key since it's a foreign key elsewhere
  email       String   @unique @db.Char(255)
  data        String?
  created_at  DateTime
  updated_at  DateTime

// chat_session Table
model ChatSession {
  guid        Int      @id // Assuming this is the primary key since it's a foreign key elsewhere
  created_at  DateTime
  updated_at  DateTime
  messages    ChatMessage[]
  pinboards   Pinboard[]

// chat_message Table
model ChatMessage {
  guid              Int      @id @default(autoincrement())
  chat_session_guid Int
  type              String   @db.Char(16)
  user_guid         String   @db.Char(255)
  data              String   // JSON encoded object
  created_at        DateTime
  updated_at        DateTime
  chatSession       ChatSession @relation(fields: [chat_session_guid], references: [guid])

// pinboard Table
model Pinboard {
  guid              Int      @id @default(autoincrement())
  chat_session_guid Int
  data              String   // JSON encoded object
  created_at        DateTime
  updated_at        DateTime
  chatSession       ChatSession @relation(fields: [chat_session_guid], references: [guid])

Key points:

  1. Field Types: Prisma has specific ways of representing database types. For instance, a CHAR is represented as String with an @db.Char() attribute to specify its length.

  2. Relations: The relations between the tables have been defined using the @relation attribute. The fields in the @relation attribute denote which fields in the current model are used for the relation, while references denote which fields in the related model are referenced.

  3. Default Values: For auto-incrementing fields, the @default(autoincrement()) attribute has been added.

  4. Assumptions:

    • The guid fields in both UserProfile and ChatSession models are primary keys. This is because they are specified as foreign keys in other tables, so they likely serve as primary keys in their own tables.
    • There are no explicit relationships defined between UserProfile and other tables despite its guid being mentioned as a foreign key. If there's a direct relationship, it should be described further for a more accurate schema.

Remember, after defining or updating your Prisma schema, you should run npx prisma generate to generate or update the Prisma Client.Great, but a couple of changes: Please make all guid fields primary keys that are auto-incrementing Int, Please make ChatMessage.user_guid a foreign key reference to UserProfile.guid. Got it. Here's the updated prisma/schema.prisma file based on your changes:

generator client {
  provider = "prisma-client-js"

datasource db {
  provider = "postgresql" // or "mysql" or other supported databases
  url      = env("DATABASE_URL")

// user_profile Table
model UserProfile {
  guid        Int         @id @default(autoincrement())
  email       String      @unique @db.Char(255)
  data        String?
  created_at  DateTime
  updated_at  DateTime
  messages    ChatMessage[]

// chat_session Table
model ChatSession {
  guid        Int         @id @default(autoincrement())
  created_at  DateTime
  updated_at  DateTime
  messages    ChatMessage[]
  pinboards   Pinboard[]

// chat_message Table
model ChatMessage {
  guid              Int         @id @default(autoincrement())
  chat_session_guid Int
  type              String      @db.Char(16)
  user_guid         Int
  data              String      // JSON encoded object
  created_at        DateTime
  updated_at        DateTime
  chatSession       ChatSession @relation(fields: [chat_session_guid], references: [guid])
  user              UserProfile @relation(fields: [user_guid], references: [guid])

// pinboard Table
model Pinboard {
  guid              Int         @id @default(autoincrement())
  chat_session_guid Int
  data              String      // JSON encoded object
  created_at        DateTime
  updated_at        DateTime
  chatSession       ChatSession @relation(fields: [chat_session_guid], references: [guid])

Changes made:

  1. All guid fields are now auto-incrementing integers with @default(autoincrement()) and are set as primary keys with @id.
  2. Added a relation between ChatMessage.user_guid and UserProfile.guid. The relation indicates that each ChatMessage has one UserProfile linked via user_guid, and a UserProfile can have multiple messages.What does data String? mean? If it is optional, let's make it required with the default value of "{}"In Prisma, the ? after a field type denotes that the field is optional, meaning it can have a null value in the database.

To make the data field in the UserProfile model required and provide it with a default value of "{}", you can update the schema as follows:

// ... (rest of the schema)

// user_profile Table
model UserProfile {
  guid        Int         @id @default(autoincrement())
  email       String      @unique @db.Char(255)
  data        String      @default("{}")
  created_at  DateTime
  updated_at  DateTime
  messages    ChatMessage[]

// ... (rest of the schema)

With this update, the data field in the UserProfile model is now required, and if no value is provided when creating a new record, Prisma will use the default value of "{}".Can you troubleshoot this? ```npx prisma migrate dev --name init_appdata Environment variables loaded from .env Prisma schema loaded from prisma/schema.prisma Datasource "db": MySQL database

Error: Prisma schema validation - (validate wasm) Error code: P1012 error: Error validating field user in model ChatMessage: The relation field user on model ChatMessage is missing an opposite relation field on the model UserProfile. Either run prisma format or add it manually. --> schema.prisma:38 | 37 | chatSession ChatSession @relation(fields: [chat_session_guid], references: [guid]) 38 | user UserProfile @relation(fields: [user_guid], references: [guid]) 39 | } |```The error message is indicating that the ChatMessage model has a relation field named user which references the UserProfile model, but the UserProfile model does not have a corresponding back-reference.

In Prisma, when you define a relation between two models, both models need to have relation fields that point to each other to form a complete bi-directional relationship.

To fix this:

  1. You'll need to add a back-reference from the UserProfile model to the ChatMessage model.

  2. Since a UserProfile can have multiple ChatMessages (which is a one-to-many relationship), the back-reference should be in the form of a list.

Here's the modification:

model UserProfile {
  // ... other fields ...
  messages    ChatMessage[]  // This is the back-reference

model ChatMessage {
  // ... other fields ...
  user              UserProfile @relation(fields: [user_guid], references: [guid])

In this setup:

  • ChatMessage.user refers to a single UserProfile.
  • UserProfile.messages refers to a list of ChatMessages.

After making this change, you should be able to run the migrate dev command without any errors.When I run npx prisma migrate dev --name init_appdata and my env variable has DATABASE_URL="mysql://troubleshooter:fl4uVU#3@localhost:3306/appdata" I get this error message: Error: P1013: The provided database string is invalid. invalid port number in database URL. Please refer to the documentation in for constructing a correct connection string. In some cases, certain characters must be escaped. Please check the string for any illegal characters.The issue you're encountering is due to the presence of the # character in your password within the DATABASE_URL. The # character is a reserved character in URLs and is interpreted as the start of a fragment identifier. Therefore, any character after the # will be considered as a part of a fragment and not the password, leading to an invalid port number error.

To solve this, you need to URL encode the special characters in your connection string. The # character should be encoded as %23.

Here's the corrected DATABASE_URL:


You replaced # with %23 to ensure the connection string is valid.

After making this change, try running the migration command again.Thank you. Now I have this error. How do I create a shadow db?

Error: P3014

Prisma Migrate could not create the shadow database. Please make sure the database user has permission to create databases. Read more about the shadow database (and workarounds) at

Original error: Error code: P1010

User troubleshooter was denied access on the database appdataThe shadow database is an essential part of Prisma's migration process. Prisma Migrate uses this temporary database (with the same schema as your main database) to test and apply migrations before executing them against your primary database. This approach allows Prisma to determine the side effects of applying a migration and, if successful, replicate those changes to your main database.

To fix the error you're encountering:

  1. Ensure the Database User Has Permissions: The troubleshooter user must have sufficient permissions to create and manage databases in MySQL.

    You can grant these permissions with the following command:

    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'troubleshooter'@'localhost';

    After executing this command, don't forget to run:

  2. Manually Create the Shadow Database: If you don't want to grant troubleshooter global database permissions, you can manually create the shadow database.

    The shadow database's name is typically your main database's name with a suffix. The naming convention is <DATABASE_NAME>_shadow. So for your appdata database, the shadow database name would be appdata_shadow.

    Create the shadow database manually:

    CREATE DATABASE appdata_shadow;

    Then, grant all privileges on the shadow database to the troubleshooter user:

    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON appdata_shadow.* TO 'troubleshooter'@'localhost';

    And flush the privileges:

  3. Re-run the Migrate Command: After ensuring the user has the appropriate permissions, re-run the npx prisma migrate dev --name init_appdata command.

Remember that allowing global database permissions (GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.*) can be a security concern, especially in production environments. Make sure to limit the privileges and restrict the access of the database users in production systems.If I connect as root and run GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'troubleshooter'@'localhost'; I get ERROR 1410 (42000): You are not allowed to create a user with GRANTThe error you're encountering typically arises when the MySQL server is in a mode where it does not permit the creation of new users implicitly through the GRANT command. In this case, you're not trying to create a new user, but the message can be somewhat misleading.

Here's a step-by-step approach to solve this:

  1. Explicitly Create the User (If Not Exists): Before granting privileges, ensure that the user troubleshooter exists:

    CREATE USER 'troubleshooter'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'your_password_here';

    Replace 'your_password_here' with the desired password for the troubleshooter user.

  2. Grant Privileges: After ensuring the user exists, grant the privileges:

    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'troubleshooter'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION;

    The WITH GRANT OPTION allows the troubleshooter user to grant or remove other users' privileges, but it's optional based on your security preferences.

  3. Flush Privileges: As always, after granting or updating permissions, refresh the grant tables to ensure changes take effect:

  4. Re-run the Migrate Command: Once you've successfully granted the privileges, you can re-run the npx prisma migrate dev --name init_appdata command.

Do note that granting all privileges to a user, especially on all databases (*.*), should be done with caution. For production environments, it's crucial to restrict user permissions to only what's necessary.But the troubleshooter account already existedIf the troubleshooter account already exists, then the error you're seeing is not about creating the user but about the privilege escalation itself.

Here are the steps to grant the necessary privileges to the existing troubleshooter user:

  1. Grant Privileges:

    To grant all privileges on all databases to the troubleshooter user:

    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'troubleshooter'@'localhost';

    If you still get an error, you may want to be more specific with your grants. For example, if you only want to grant the permissions on the appdata and its shadow database:

    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON appdata.* TO 'troubleshooter'@'localhost';
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON appdata_shadow.* TO 'troubleshooter'@'localhost';
  2. Flush Privileges:

    After granting the permissions, ensure you flush the privileges:

  3. Re-run the Migrate Command:

    Now, try running the npx prisma migrate dev --name init_appdata command again.

If you still face issues, you might want to check the MySQL version and configuration. Some older MySQL versions or specific configurations can restrict certain grant operations. In such cases, you'd need to adjust your MySQL configuration or consider updating MySQL to a more recent version.could you update the primsma file to have default now for the created_at dates across all tablesCertainly! To set a default value for the created_at fields to be the current timestamp, you can use @default(now()) in the Prisma schema.

Here's the updated prisma/schema.prisma file with the @default(now()) directive for all created_at fields:

generator client {
  provider = "prisma-client-js"

datasource db {
  provider = "mysql"
  url      = env("DATABASE_URL")

model UserProfile {
  guid        Int           @id @default(autoincrement())
  email       String        @unique @db.Char(255)
  data        String        @default("{}")
  created_at  DateTime      @default(now())
  updated_at  DateTime
  messages    ChatMessage[]

model ChatSession {
  guid        Int           @id @defaultHow will defaults affect updates to the table? Will it cause created_at to get accidentally overwritten?In Prisma, the `@default` directive only affects the behavior of the field when a new record is created and does not influence updates to existing records.

So, in the context of the `created_at` field:

- When you create a new record and do not provide a value for `created_at`, Prisma will use the default value (in this case, the current timestamp via `now()`).
- When updating an existing record, the `@default` directive has no effect on the `created_at` field. Unless you explicitly specify a new value for the `created_at` field in the update, it will remain unchanged.

In summary, you don't have to worry about the `created_at` timestamp being accidentally overwritten during updates due to the `@default` directive. It will only set the default value during record creation.when I am developing a schema change, how can I reset the schema and regenerate the migration file?When you're actively developing and iterating on your database schema using Prisma, you might find the need to reset your migrations and start afresh. Here's a step-by-step guide to reset the schema and regenerate the migration file:

1. **Delete the Existing Migrations Folder**:
   Prisma stores the migration files in a `migrations` folder inside the `prisma` directory by default. To reset your migrations, you can delete this folder:

rm -rf prisma/migrations

2. **Reset the Database**:

If you've already applied migrations to your database, you might want to reset it. You can use raw SQL commands or tools like Prisma or others to drop and recreate the database. Here's a way using Prisma:

npx prisma db push --preview-feature --force-reset

The --force-reset flag will drop the database and recreate it from the current schema. Please note that this command will delete all data in the database, so use it with caution, especially not in production.

  1. Generate a New Migration:

    With the migrations folder deleted and the database reset, you can now create a new migration from your modified prisma/schema.prisma file:

    npx prisma migrate dev --name your_migration_name

    Replace your_migration_name with a descriptive name for your migration.

Remember to always backup your data before performing any destructive operations, especially in production environments. The above steps are primarily for development environments where you're iterating on the schema and can afford to lose data.Are these guid fields marked as primary keys?Yes, in the schema provided earlier, the guid fields in each model are marked as primary keys using the @id directive:

guid Int @id @default(autoincrement())
  • @id: This directive indicates that the field is a primary key.

  • @default(autoincrement()): This directive indicates that the field is auto-incrementing.

So, in each of the models (UserProfile, ChatSession, ChatMessage, and Pinboard), the guid field serves as the primary key and is auto-incrementing.

Prisma Setup and Usage created at Tue Jan 20 1970 15:41:33 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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