Sort Array by messageId

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In NodeJs, if I have an array a, of objects with a messageId property, how can I sort them by messageId? And does the sort happen in place or should I assign itIn Node.js, you can sort an array of objects by a specific property, such as messageId, using the sort() method of the array. This method sorts the array in place, meaning it modifies the original array without creating a new one. Here’s how you can sort the array by the messageId property:

let a = [
  { messageId: 10, message: "Hello" },
  { messageId: 5, message: "World" },
  { messageId: 8, message: "Node.js" }

a.sort((obj1, obj2) => obj1.messageId - obj2.messageId);

In this code, a.sort() takes a comparison function as an argument. This function compares two elements of the array (here represented as obj1 and obj2) and determines their order based on the result:

  • If the function returns a value less than 0, obj1 is sorted to a lower index than obj2, i.e., obj1 comes first.
  • If the function returns a value greater than 0, obj1 is sorted to a higher index than obj2, i.e., obj2 comes first.
  • If the function returns 0, obj1 and obj2 are considered equal in sort order.

Since the sort() method sorts the array in place, there is no need to assign the result to another variable; the array a itself will be sorted after the method call.obj1.messageId - obj2.messageId doesn't seem rightThe expression obj1.messageId - obj2.messageId used in the comparison function for sorting is indeed correct for sorting numerical values in JavaScript. This approach is commonly used when you want to sort numbers in ascending order. Here's why it works:

  • Subtraction Result: When you subtract obj2.messageId from obj1.messageId, the result will dictate the order:
    • If obj1.messageId is less than obj2.messageId, the result is negative, which means obj1 will come before obj2 in the sorted array (ascending order).
    • If obj1.messageId is greater than obj2.messageId, the result is positive, which means obj1 will come after obj2 (still ascending).
    • If they are equal, the result is zero, and their order relative to each other remains unchanged.

This approach is efficient and concise for sorting numbers. Here’s how it looks again in a simple form:

let a = [
  { messageId: 10, message: "Hello" },
  { messageId: 5, message: "World" },
  { messageId: 8, message: "Node.js" }

// Sorting the array by messageId in ascending order
aOur coding styleguide is to use < at the sacrafice of speedIf your coding style guide prefers using relational operators like `<` for clarity over the subtraction method, you can adjust the sorting comparison function accordingly. Here’s how you can implement the sort using the `<` operator:

let a = [
  { messageId: 10, message: "Hello" },
  { messageId: 5, message: "World" },
  { messageId: 8, message: "Node.js" }

a.sort((obj1, obj2) => {
  if (obj1.messageId < obj2.messageId) {
    return -1;
  } else if (obj1.messageId > obj2.messageId) {
    return 1;
  } else {
    return 0;

In this version:

  • If obj1.messageId is less than obj2.messageId, it returns -1, placing obj1 before obj2.
  • If obj1.messageId is greater than obj2.messageId, it returns 1, placing obj1 after obj2.
  • If the messageIds are equal, it returns 0, maintaining their current order relative to each other.

This method is more explicit and aligns with style guides that prioritize readability and explicit logic over concise expressions.

Sort Array by messageId created at Tue Jan 20 1970 20:19:11 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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