Docker `apt-get update` Error

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I could build Friday, but now our build scripts are failing today ``` => ERROR [5/9] RUN apt-get update 0.8s

[5/9] RUN apt-get update: 0.419 Get:1 bookworm InRelease [151 kB] 0.548 Err:1 bookworm InRelease 0.548 At least one invalid signature was encountered. 0.552 Get:2 bookworm-updates InRelease [52.1 kB] 0.608 Err:2 bookworm-updates InRelease 0.608 At least one invalid signature was encountered. 0.622 Get:3 bookworm-security InRelease [48.0 kB] 0.662 Err:3 bookworm-security InRelease 0.662 At least one invalid signature was encountered. 0.665 Reading package lists... 0.687 W: GPG error: bookworm InRelease: At least one invalid signature was encountered. 0.687 E: The repository ' bookworm InRelease' is not signed. 0.687 W: GPG error: bookworm-updates InRelease: At least one invalid signature was encountered. 0.687 E: The repository ' bookworm-updates InRelease' is not signed. 0.687 W: GPG error: bookworm-security InRelease: At least one invalid signature was encountered. 0.687 E: The repository ' bookworm-security InRelease' is not signed.


16 | # Clear apt cache to resolve the invalid signature issue before update 17 | RUN apt-get clean 18 | >>> RUN apt-get update 19 | RUN apt-get install openssl curl -y 20 | RUN npm ci --omit dev

ERROR: failed to solve: process "/bin/sh -c apt-get update" did not complete successfully: exit code: 100 make[1]: *** [build-app-ui-docker] Error 1 make: *** [build-demo] Error 2``` What is causing this?The error you're encountering indicates that the apt-get update command in your Docker build process is failing due to issues with verifying the signatures of the Debian repositories. Specifically, the error messages state "At least one invalid signature was encountered," and as a result, the repositories are considered not signed. This is a common issue that can arise for a few reasons:

  1. Keyring Out-of-Date: The keyring package, which stores the public keys used by apt to verify signatures, might be out-of-date. Debian periodically updates the keys used to sign their repositories, and if the keyring package isn't up-to-date, apt won't be able to verify the repository's signature.

  2. Network or Proxy Issues: If you're behind a proxy or there are network issues, it might interfere with apt's ability to fetch and verify the signatures.

  3. Repository Issues: On rare occasions, there might be an issue with the Debian repository itself, although this is less likely if the issue suddenly appears in a previously working setup.

To troubleshoot and potentially resolve this issue, you can try the following steps:

  1. Update the Keyring Package: If possible, update the debian-archive-keyring package which contains the archive keys of Debian repositories. However, this might not be directly feasible in your Dockerfile without first ensuring that the existing keys are trusted.

  2. Use a Different Mirror: Temporary issues with a specific Debian mirror can also cause this problem. Switching to a different mirror in your Dockerfile might resolve the issue.

  3. Skip Signature Verification Temporarily: As a temporary measure (and not recommended for production environments), you can bypass the signature check. This is generally not advised because it compromises the security of your build process. The command would be apt-get -o Acquire::Check-Valid-Until=false -o Acquire::AllowInsecureRepositories=true update. Use this only as a last resort and for troubleshooting purposes.

  4. Manually Add the Key: If you know the key that is missing or not recognized, you could manually add it using apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys KEY_ID, replacing KEY_ID with the actual key ID. However, this approach requires knowing which key is causing the issue.

  5. Ensure Date and Time are Correct: Ensure the system's date and time are correct. A significant discrepancy can lead to issues with verifying signatures.

  6. Clear the Docker Cache: Sometimes, clearing the Docker cache can resolve strange issues that arise due to stale data. You can do this by adding the --no-cache option to your Docker build command.

Without more context on how your Docker environment is configured or any recent changes to the Debian repositories, these are general suggestions. If the issue persists, you might need to look into more specific logs or reach out to the Debian or Docker community for more targeted advice.It looks like I am usig FROM node:lts-bookworm-slim. How do I pick the best official node Docker imageChoosing the best official Node.js Docker image for your project depends on several factors, including your project's specific requirements, the environment where the application will run, and your priorities in terms of performance, size, and compatibility. Here's a guide to help you pick the most suitable Node.js Docker image:

1. Image Variants

Node.js images come in several variants, each tailored for different use cases:

  • node:<version> or node:<version>-bullseye: These are the default images based on Debian Bullseye. They offer a good balance between size and utility, including a minimal Debian installation that supports most applications.
  • node:<version>-slim or node:<version>-bullseye-slim: Slim images are based on Debian Bullseye but with fewer packages installed. These images are smaller and provide a reduced attack surface, making them suitable for production environments where you need to minimize the footprint.
  • node:<version>-buster or node:<version>-buster-slim: These images are based on the older Debian Buster. They might be necessary if your project relies on packages not yet supported in Bullseye.
  • node:<version>-alpine: Alpine images are based on Alpine Linux, a security-oriented, lightweight Linux distribution. These images are significantly smaller than Debian-based images, ideal for minimizing the size of your Docker images. However, you might run into compatibility issues with native dependencies.
  • node:<version>-stretch: Based on an older Debian version (Stretch), these images are generally not recommended for new projects due to their age.

2. Node.js Version

You should select the image with the version of Node.js that your application requires. Using the LTS (Long-Term Support) version is generally recommended for most applications due to its balance between new features and stability. For example:

  • node:lts or node:lts-slim for the latest LTS version.
  • Specific versions like node:16 or node:16-slim if you need a particular Node.js version.

3. Environment Considerations

  • Development vs. Production: For development, you might prefer a fuller image like node:<version> or node:<version>-bullseye for more convenience and tools available in the image. For production, node:<version>-slim or node:<version>-alpine might be preferable for reduced size and attack surface.
  • Compatibility with Dependencies: If your application relies on native modules or specific dependencies, test it with the chosen base image to ensure compatibility. Alpine images, for example, might require additional dependencies to be manually installed due to their minimal nature.

4. Updating Your Dockerfile

Once you've chosen the best image for your needs, update your Dockerfile accordingly. For example, to use the latest LTS version on Alpine for a smaller image size, you would start your Dockerfile with:

FROM node:lts-alpine

Remember to regularly update your base image to catch the latest security updates and bug fixes. This involves periodically checking for updated versions of the Node.js Docker images and testing your application with the new image to ensure compatibility before deploying it.Could the issue be that I'm running out of space and need to clean up my docker images?Yes, running out of disk space can definitely cause issues when building Docker images, including failures during the apt-get update step or any other step that requires writing to the disk. Docker images and containers can consume a significant amount of space, especially if you have many of them or if they are large. Cleaning up unused Docker images, containers, volumes, and networks can help free up space.

Here are some commands to help you clean up your Docker environment and potentially resolve the space issue:

  1. List all Docker images to see what's currently stored on your system:

    docker images
  2. Remove unused Docker images. This command removes all images that are not used by any existing container:

    docker image prune -a
  3. Remove stopped containers, unused networks, dangling images, and build cache:

    docker system prune

    Add the -a flag to remove all unused images, not just dangling ones:

    docker system prune -a
  4. Remove unused volumes to free up more space. Be careful with this command, as it will remove all volumes not used by at least one container and you might lose data:

    docker volume prune
  5. Inspect specific images or containers if you believe they're unusually large, to see if there's something you can modify to make them smaller:

    docker inspect <container_or_image_id>

Before running these prune commands, ensure you won't be removing anything necessary for your development or production environments. It's also a good idea to stop all containers before pruning to avoid removing something in use. If you're working in a shared environment or with critical containers, double-check what each command does before executing it to avoid accidental data loss.

If you find that you're regularly running out of space due to Docker, consider implementing a regular maintenance schedule to clean up your Docker environment or increasing the disk space allocated to Docker.

Docker `apt-get update` Error created at Tue Jan 20 1970 18:12:34 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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