Reset Saving State Strategically

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I have a React component. When I click save, I set isSaving to true and show a spinner. However: ussaully saving takes 100ms and I don't want this progress image to flash on the screen. So I've code this up to only show the spinner when there is some amount of latency. Because of this, we want to make sure that we reset isSaving to false each time this component is shown again. Is this the best solution?


  // Each time we render, reset the saving state to false
  useEffect(() => {

  const handleTitleUpdate = (newTitle: string) => {
    (async () => {
      if (!threadId) return;

      setTimeout(() => setSaving(true), 500);

      await updateThreadTitle(threadId, newTitle);
  };```Using `useEffect` to reset the `isSaving` state each time the component is re-rendered might not be the best approach. This method could lead to unnecessary re-renders and might also interfere with the user's experience in cases where the saving state needs to be maintained across renders. Here are a few considerations and alternative strategies:

1. **Conditional Delay for Spinner**: You're already using a timeout to delay the `setSaving(true)` until 500ms have passed. This is a good strategy to prevent the spinner from flashing quickly during fast network requests. Ensure that you clear this timeout if the component unmounts before the timeout completes to avoid potential errors or state updates on an unmounted component.

   Update your `handleTitleUpdate` function to include cleanup logic for the timeout:

   const handleTitleUpdate = (newTitle: string) => {
     let timeoutId;
     (async () => {
       if (!threadId) return;

       timeoutId = setTimeout(() => setSaving(true), 500);

       await updateThreadTitle(threadId, newTitle);

     return () => {
  1. Resetting on Component Mount: If your intent is to reset the saving state specifically when the component is shown again, consider using useEffect to reset the state only when the component mounts, not on every render:

    useEffect(() => {
    }, []); // Empty dependency array to run only once on mount

    This way, the saving state is reset only when the component initially mounts, not on every subsequent update.

  2. Component Visibility: If the component's visibility is toggled rather than it being remounted, you may need to use a different approach to reset the state, such as using a prop change or a context change to trigger the reset.

  3. External Trigger: If another component controls the visibility or the existence of this component, consider resetting the isSaving state from that parent component right before this component is shown or re-mounted.

Here's an example using a prop passed from a parent that could control the reset:

useEffect(() => {
  if (props.isVisible) {
}, [props.isVisible]);

This setup assumes that isVisible is a prop that changes based on the visibility of your component, effectively resetting the state only when needed.

Reset Saving State Strategically created at Tue Jan 20 1970 20:17:54 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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