Detecting SvelteKit Environment: Logging

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I have a js library that might be called from client side SvelteKit code or server side ... How can I detect the environment and provide winston in one case or console.log in the other?To detect the environment (client-side or server-side) in your JavaScript library when it's being used in a SvelteKit application, and provide either winston for server-side logging or console.log for client-side logging, you can use the global nature of specific objects available in these environments. Specifically, in a Node.js (server-side) environment, the global object is available, whereas in a browser (client-side) environment, the window object is available.

Here's a simple approach to achieve this:

  1. Detect the Environment: You can check if typeof window === "undefined" to determine if the code is running on the server (Node.js) side. If window is undefined, it means the code is executing in a Node.js environment.

  2. Conditional Logging: Based on the environment check, you can conditionally use winston for server-side logging or fallback to console.log for client-side logging.

  3. Setting Up Winston: For server-side logging with winston, ensure you have winston installed in your project. If not, you can install it using npm or yarn.

Here's an example implementation:

// logger.js
let logger;

if (typeof window === "undefined") {
    // Server-side (Node.js environment)
    const winston = require('winston');

    // Configure winston as needed. This is a basic configuration.
    logger = winston.createLogger({
        level: 'info',
        format: winston.format.json(),
        transports: [
            new winston.transports.Console(),
            // Add more transports as needed
} else {
    // Client-side (Browser environment)
    logger = console;

module.exports = logger;

This code defines a logger that adapts to the environment. On the server-side, it initializes winston with a basic configuration. On the client-side, it simply assigns console to logger. You can then use logger.log,, logger.warn, etc., seamlessly in your library without worrying about the environment.

Remember to adjust the winston configuration according to your logging needs, such as setting different log levels, adding file transports, or customizing the log format.

Finally, wherever you need logging in your library, import this logger and use it directly. This way, your library remains environment-agnostic, and the logging mechanism adapts to the context in which your library is used.SvelteKit doesn't use require, but instead import. Does that still work?You're correct that SvelteKit, aligning with modern JavaScript practices, prefers ES module syntax (import/export) over CommonJS (require/module.exports). The approach can be slightly modified to accommodate ES modules. However, keep in mind that when using ES modules, you'll typically be working with asynchronous dynamic imports if you're conditionally loading a module, such as winston, which might not be present or needed on the client-side.

Here's how you can adapt the previous example for ES module syntax, keeping in mind that dynamic imports (import()) return a promise:

// Create a logger.js or logger.mjs file
let loggerPromise;

if (typeof window === "undefined") {
    // Server-side: Dynamically import winston
    loggerPromise = import('winston').then(winston => {
        const logger = winston.createLogger({
            level: 'info',
            format: winston.format.json(),
            transports: [
                new winston.transports.Console(),
                // Add more transports as needed
        return logger;
} else {
    // Client-side: Use console
    loggerPromise = Promise.resolve(console);

export async function getLogger() {
    return loggerPromise;

To use this logger in your application, since the logger is now wrapped in a promise (because of the dynamic import), you'll need to await its resolution wherever you use it. Here's an example of how to use this logger in an async function:

import { getLogger } from './logger.js';

async function logMessage() {
    const logger = await getLogger();
    logger.log('info', 'This is a log message!');


This approach ensures compatibility with ES modules and aligns with SvelteKit's standards. It also gracefully handles the server-side dynamic import of winston, falling back to the globally available console on the client-side. Note that using dynamic imports for server-side code in SvelteKit (or any SSR framework) can have implications for bundle size and performance, so it's essential to test and optimize your application accordingly.It seems like a PITA to have async bleeding into our loggingIndeed, introducing asynchronous behavior into logging can complicate usage, especially when you want a straightforward and synchronous logging experience throughout your application. To avoid the complexities of asynchronous imports and keep your logging interface simple, you can leverage a slightly different strategy that takes advantage of the synchronous nature of ES module imports and the environment detection capabilities of SvelteKit.

Since SvelteKit applications can run code on both the server and the client, and because your goal is to use winston on the server and console on the client without async complexities, you can directly check the environment at runtime within a module that exports a logger interface. This method requires that any server-specific code (like importing winston) is safe to include in your bundle but conditionally executed only on the server.

Here's a more straightforward approach that stays synchronous:

// logger.js
import { browser } from '$app/env'; // SvelteKit provides this for environment detection
import * as winston from 'winston'; // Import winston, but only use it server-side

const isServer = !browser;

// Create a simple wrapper around winston and console
const logger = {
    log: (...args) => {
        if (isServer) {
            // Initialize winston logger or use a pre-initialized instance
            // This example assumes winston is configured similarly to the first example
            const serverLogger = winston.createLogger({
                level: 'info',
                format: winston.format.simple(),
                transports: [new winston.transports.Console()],
        } else {
    // Implement other methods (info, warn, error) as needed
    info: (...args) => logger.log('info', ...args),
    warn: (...args) => logger.log('warn', ...args),
    error: (...args) => logger.log('error', ...args),

export default logger;

This code snippet uses SvelteKit's $app/env module to determine the execution environment (browser is true on the client and false on the server). It then defines a logger object that wraps around either winston or console.log depending on where the code runs. This way, the import is synchronous, and you avoid the complexity of async imports for logging.

Keep in mind that this approach imports winston regardless of the environment, which might not be ideal if you're very sensitive to bundle sizes, especially on the client side. However, since the actual logging via winston is only invoked server-side, this should not be a problem in practice, particularly because SvelteKit and similar frameworks are smart about tree-shaking and excluding server-only code from client bundles.

This solution allows you to use the logger synchronously throughout your application without worrying about asynchronous code:

import logger from './logger.js';

// Example usage'This is an informational message');
logger.warn('This is a warning message');
logger.error('This is an error message');

It provides a seamless logging interface while respecting the execution environment, keeping your code clean and straightforward.

Detecting SvelteKit Environment: Logging created at Tue Jan 20 1970 18:07:11 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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