Find parent with class.

TODO: collapasable, copyable, download, etc

In JS for an, how can I look at that element and search it's parents to see if one of them has a css class of air-datepicker?In JavaScript, to check if an element's parent has a specific CSS class, you can use the closest method. This method travels up the DOM tree from the current element and returns the first element that matches a given selector. If no such element exists, it returns null.

For your specific case, where you're looking to see if any of the parent elements of an event target has a CSS class of air-datepicker, you can do something like this:

// Assuming `event` is the event object you're working with
const hasAirDatepickerParent ='.air-datepicker');

if (hasAirDatepickerParent) {
  console.log('Found a parent with the "air-datepicker" class!', hasAirDatepickerParent);
} else {
  console.log('No parent with the "air-datepicker" class found.');

Here's a breakdown of how this works:

  • is the element that triggered the event.
  • closest('.air-datepicker') searches for the nearest parent element (including the target itself) that has the air-datepicker class. The search includes the element itself and traverses up through its ancestors in the DOM tree.
  • If such an element is found, closest returns it, otherwise, it returns null.
  • You can then use an if statement to check if the result is truthy (an element was found) or falsy (null, meaning no such parent exists), and perform actions accordingly.

Find parent with class. created at Tue Jan 20 1970 18:28:33 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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