Load Testing Jitsi Server

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I have a Jitsi server for live streaming meetings. I have a custom website UI for the video playback. I don't know how many users the system can reliably support. How would you find out if the system can support 200 users?To determine if your Jitsi server can reliably support 200 users, you can perform load testing or stress testing. Load testing involves simulating a large number of concurrent users accessing your Jitsi server to assess its performance, stability, and scalability. Here are the steps you can take to conduct load testing:

  1. Define Test Objectives: Clearly define the objectives of the load test, such as determining the maximum number of concurrent users the Jitsi server can support without performance degradation.

  2. Create Test Scenarios: Define test scenarios that simulate typical user behavior during a live streaming meeting. This may include actions such as joining a meeting, sharing screens, and sending chat messages.

  3. Use Load Testing Tools: Choose a load testing tool that can simulate a large number of virtual users accessing your Jitsi server. Some popular load testing tools include JMeter, Gatling, and Tsung. Additionally, consider using the Jitsi Meet Torture tool, which is specifically designed for load testing Jitsi Meet deployments.

  4. Configure Test Parameters: Configure the load testing tool to simulate the desired number of concurrent users (e.g., 200 users). Set up the test to gradually increase the number of users to observe how the system behaves under different levels of load.

  5. Monitor System Resources: Monitor the server's CPU, memory, network bandwidth, and other system resources during the test. Use monitoring tools to collect performance metrics and identify potential bottlenecks.

  6. Analyze Test Results: Analyze the results of the load test to determine the system's performance under different levels of load. Look for issues such as high latency, dropped connections, and video/audio quality degradation.

  7. Identify Bottlenecks: Identify any performance bottlenecks or limitations that may prevent the system from supporting 200 users. This may include insufficient server resources, network bandwidth limitations, or software configuration issues.

  8. Optimize and Retest: Make any necessary optimizations to address the identified bottlenecks. This may involve upgrading server hardware, optimizing network configurations, or adjusting Jitsi server settings. After making changes, re-run the load test to validate the improvements.

  9. Document Findings: Document the findings of the load test, including the maximum number of users the system can support, any identified bottlenecks, and the optimizations made.

It's important to note that load testing should be conducted in a controlled environment that closely resembles the production environment. Additionally, consider conducting the test during off-peak hours to avoid disrupting real users.

Keep in mind that the results of load testing are specific to the test scenarios and system configuration used during the test. As your system evolves or user behavior changes, you may need to conduct additional load testing to ensure continued performance and reliability.What is the difference between load and stress testing?Load Testing:

  • Load testing is a type of performance testing that focuses on evaluating the behavior and performance of a system under a specific expected load or a range of expected loads. The goal is to determine how well the system performs when subjected to a certain level of user activity or demand.
  • The primary objective of load testing is to identify performance bottlenecks, measure response times, and ensure that the system can handle the expected number of concurrent users or requests without significant degradation in performance.
  • Load testing typically involves gradually increasing the load on the system until it reaches the expected peak load. The system is then monitored to assess its ability to handle the load, and any issues that arise are analyzed and addressed.
  • Load testing helps to validate that the system meets its performance requirements and can handle the anticipated level of user activity in a production environment.

Stress Testing:

  • Stress testing is a type of performance testing that focuses on evaluating the behavior and performance of a system under extreme or excessive load conditions, beyond what the system is expected to handle in normal operation. The goal is to determine the system's breaking point and identify its limitations.
  • The primary objective of stress testing is to assess the system's robustness, stability, and reliability under extreme conditions. It helps to identify the maximum capacity of the system and determine how it behaves when pushed beyond its limits.
  • Stress testing typically involves applying an increasingly high load on the system until it becomes unresponsive, crashes, or exhibits other undesirable behavior. The test is used to identify the point at which the system fails and to observe how it recovers once the load is reduced.
  • Stress testing helps to identify potential issues that could arise in exceptional circumstances, such as sudden spikes in user activity or resource exhaustion. It provides valuable information about how the system handles failure and whether it can recover gracefully.

In summary, load testing is focused on ensuring that the system performs well under expected load conditions, while stress testing is focused on pushing the system to its limits to observe its behavior under extreme conditions. Both types of testing are important for assessing the overall performance and reliability of a system.How would you stress test in this situation?To conduct a stress test on your Jitsi server for live streaming meetings, you would need to simulate an extremely high number of concurrent users and observe how the system behaves under these extreme conditions. The goal is to identify the system's breaking point and assess its stability and reliability. Here are the steps you can take to conduct a stress test:

  1. Define Test Objectives: Determine the objectives of the stress test, such as identifying the maximum capacity of the Jitsi server and assessing its behavior under extreme load conditions.

  2. Create Test Scenarios: Define test scenarios that simulate user behavior during a live streaming meeting under extreme conditions. This may include actions such as a large number of users joining a meeting, sharing screens, and sending chat messages simultaneously.

  3. Use Stress Testing Tools: Choose a stress testing tool that can simulate an extremely high number of virtual users accessing your Jitsi server. Consider using the Jitsi Meet Torture tool, which is specifically designed for load and stress testing Jitsi Meet deployments. Other general-purpose load testing tools like JMeter or Gatling can also be used.

  4. Configure Test Parameters: Configure the stress testing tool to simulate an extremely high number of concurrent users. Start with a high load and gradually increase it until the system becomes unresponsive or exhibits undesirable behavior. The goal is to push the system beyond its expected capacity.

  5. Monitor System Resources: Monitor the server's CPU, memory, network bandwidth, and other system resources during the test. Use monitoring tools to collect performance metrics and identify potential issues.

  6. Analyze Test Results: Analyze the results of the stress test to determine the system's breaking point and behavior under extreme conditions. Look for issues such as system crashes, high latency, dropped connections, and video/audio quality degradation.

  7. Identify Limitations: Identify any limitations or weaknesses that may affect the system's ability to handle extreme load conditions. This may include insufficient server resources, network bandwidth limitations, or software configuration issues.

  8. Test Recovery: Observe how the system recovers once the extreme load is reduced. Assess whether the system can recover gracefully and return to normal operation without manual intervention.

  9. Document Findings: Document the findings of the stress test, including the maximum capacity of the system, any identified limitations, and the system's behavior under extreme conditions.

It's important to conduct stress testing in a controlled environment that closely resembles the production environment. Additionally, stress testing should be performed during off-peak hours to avoid disrupting real users. Keep in mind that the results of stress testing are specific to the test scenarios and system configuration used during the test, so it's important to conduct additional stress testing as your system evolves or user behavior changes.I tried to use Jitsi Meet Torture, but it doesn't work out of the box, because we have a custom UI that replaces parts of Jitsi Meet UI.

I was thinking of writing new scripts using Playwright for the following reasons:

  1. I can use Typescript
  2. Playwright can automatically wait for DOM elements to be ready whereas Selenium tends to be buggy
  3. This load testing tool will be very useful for other scenarious such as a Canary and for Integration tests.

Do you agree with my plan, or should I do something else?Your plan to use Playwright for writing load testing scripts for your Jitsi server with a custom UI is a reasonable approach, especially considering the challenges you've encountered with Jitsi Meet Torture and the benefits you've outlined. Here are some points to consider in support of your plan:

  1. Custom UI Compatibility: Since you have a custom UI that replaces parts of the Jitsi Meet UI, using a tool like Playwright allows you to write custom scripts tailored to your specific UI elements and interactions. This level of customization may not be achievable with Jitsi Meet Torture.

  2. TypeScript Support: Playwright's support for TypeScript allows you to leverage static typing, which can improve code quality, maintainability, and developer productivity.

  3. Reliable DOM Interactions: Playwright's ability to automatically wait for DOM elements to be ready can lead to more stable and reliable tests, reducing the likelihood of flaky tests that are often encountered with Selenium.

  4. Versatility: Playwright can be used for various testing scenarios, including load testing, canary testing, integration testing, and end-to-end testing. This versatility makes it a valuable tool to have in your testing toolkit.

  5. Headless Browsers: Playwright supports headless browser testing, which can be useful for running tests in a continuous integration (CI) environment or for simulating a large number of virtual users in load testing.

  6. Cross-Browser Testing: Playwright supports multiple browsers, including Chromium, Firefox, and WebKit, allowing you to test your application across different browsers.

Before proceeding, consider the following potential challenges and limitations:

  1. Scalability: While Playwright is excellent for functional testing, it may have limitations when it comes to simulating a very high number of concurrent users for load or stress testing. Consider using distributed testing or cloud-based load testing platforms to scale your tests if needed.

  2. Resource Utilization: Running a large number of browser instances can be resource-intensive. Monitor system resources during testing to avoid overloading the testing environment.

  3. Test Design: Design your load testing scenarios carefully to accurately simulate user behavior during live streaming meetings. Consider factors such as joining and leaving meetings, screen sharing, and chat interactions.

Overall, using Playwright for load testing your custom Jitsi server UI is a valid approach. Just be sure to consider the scalability and resource utilization aspects of load testing, and design your test scenarios to accurately reflect real-world user behavior.How would you measure resource utilization on the test client nodes? Assume these are running Ubuntu or another linuxTo measure resource utilization on test client nodes running Ubuntu or another Linux distribution, you can use a combination of command-line tools and monitoring utilities. Here are some commonly used tools for monitoring system resources:

  1. top: The top command provides a real-time, dynamic view of the processes running on a system. It displays information about CPU usage, memory usage, and other system statistics. You can use top to monitor the overall resource utilization of the system and identify processes that are consuming the most resources.

  2. htop: The htop command is an enhanced version of top that provides a more user-friendly and interactive interface. It allows you to view and manage processes easily, and it provides additional information about CPU cores, memory usage, and swap usage.

  3. vmstat: The vmstat command provides information about system processes, memory, paging, block I/O, and CPU activity. It can be used to monitor system performance and identify potential bottlenecks.

  4. iostat: The iostat command is used to monitor system input/output (I/O) device statistics. It provides information about disk read/write rates, CPU usage, and I/O utilization. This tool is useful for identifying disk-related performance issues.

  5. free: The free command displays information about the system's memory usage, including total memory, used memory, free memory, and swap space. It provides a quick overview of the system's memory utilization.

  6. sar: The sar (System Activity Report) command is part of the sysstat package and is used to collect and report system activity information. It can monitor various system resources, including CPU, memory, I/O, networking, and more. You can use sar to generate historical reports and analyze system performance over time.

  7. Monitoring Tools: In addition to the command-line tools mentioned above, you can use monitoring tools like Prometheus, Grafana, and Zabbix to collect, visualize, and analyze system performance metrics. These tools provide comprehensive monitoring capabilities and support customizable dashboards for visualizing resource utilization.

To measure resource utilization on test client nodes during load testing, you can run the appropriate monitoring commands or tools before starting the test and continuously monitor the system resources throughout the test duration. If you're using monitoring tools like Prometheus and Grafana, you can set up alerts to notify you if resource utilization exceeds certain thresholds.

Keep in mind that monitoring resource utilization on test client nodes is just one aspect of load testing. It's also important to monitor the performance and resource utilization of the server or system under test to identify potential bottlenecks and optimize performance.What is a cheap and quick way to do that and have a way to review these statistics afterwards?A cheap and quick way to monitor resource utilization on test client nodes and review the statistics afterward is to use a combination of built-in Linux command-line tools and simple scripts. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Use the sar command: The sar (System Activity Report) command is part of the sysstat package and is a versatile tool for collecting and reporting system activity information. It can monitor various system resources, including CPU, memory, I/O, and networking. You can use sar to generate historical reports and analyze system performance over time.

  2. Install the sysstat package: If the sysstat package is not already installed on your system, you can install it using the package manager for your Linux distribution. For example, on Ubuntu, you can use the following command:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install sysstat
  3. Create a script to collect data: Create a simple shell script that uses the sar command to collect resource utilization data at regular intervals during the load test. The script can be configured to run for the duration of the test and save the output to a file for later analysis. Here's an example script:

    # Duration of the test in seconds
    # Interval between samples in seconds
    # Output file for the sar command
    # Run the sar command for the specified duration and interval
  4. Run the script: Before starting the load test, run the script to begin collecting resource utilization data. The script will continue to collect data at the specified interval for the duration of the test.

  5. Review the statistics: After the load test is complete, you can use the sar command to review the collected data. The sar command provides various options for displaying different types of resource utilization data. For example, to view CPU usage statistics, you can use the following command:

    sar -u -f sar_output.txt
  6. Generate reports: Optionally, you can use tools like gnuplot or matplotlib to generate graphical reports from the collected data. These tools can help you visualize resource utilization trends and identify patterns.

This approach is cost-effective and straightforward, as it relies on built-in Linux tools and simple scripting. The output file generated by the sar command can be easily reviewed and analyzed to gain insights into system performance during the load test.When I run sar to capture metrics... thinking about what you said, how would you improve the command?The sar command provides a wide range of options for capturing different types of system metrics. To improve the sar command and capture more comprehensive metrics, you can specify additional options to collect data on various aspects of system performance. Here are some enhancements you can make to the sar command:

  1. Capture CPU Usage Metrics:

    sar -u ALL -o cpu_usage.txt [interval] [count]

    The -u ALL option captures detailed CPU usage metrics, including user time, system time, I/O wait time, and idle time for all CPUs.

  2. Capture Memory Usage Metrics:

    sar -r -o memory_usage.txt [interval] [count]

    The -r option captures memory usage metrics, including total memory, used memory, free memory, and buffer/cache memory.

  3. Capture I/O Activity Metrics:

    sar -b -o io_activity.txt [interval] [count]

    The -b option captures I/O activity metrics, including the number of transfers per second and the amount of data read/written per second.

  4. Capture Network Activity Metrics:

    sar -n DEV -o network_activity.txt [interval] [count]

    The -n DEV option captures network activity metrics for network devices, including the number of packets received/transmitted and the amount of data received/transmitted.

  5. Capture Metrics for Specific Block Devices:

    sar -d -p -o block_device_activity.txt [interval] [count]

    The -d -p option captures metrics for specific block devices (e.g., disks), including the number of reads/writes per second and the average service time.

  6. Combine Multiple Options: You can combine multiple options to capture different types of metrics simultaneously. For example:

    sar -u ALL -r -b -n DEV -o combined_metrics.txt [interval] [count]

    This command captures CPU usage, memory usage, I/O activity, and network activity metrics together.

  7. Timestamp Format: You can use the -T option to include timestamps in the 24-hour format (HH:MM:SS) in the output, which can be helpful when analyzing the data.

    sar -T -u ALL -o cpu_usage.txt [interval] [count]

In each of the above commands, [interval] specifies the sampling interval in seconds, and [count] specifies the number of samples to collect. The -o option specifies the output file where the collected data will be saved in binary format for later analysis.

By capturing a comprehensive set of metrics, you can gain deeper insights into system performance and identify potential bottlenecks or areas for optimization. After capturing the data, you can use the sar command to read and analyze the binary data files, or you can use tools like gnuplot or matplotlib to generate graphical reports for visualization.What interval do you think is best?The best interval for collecting metrics with the sar command depends on the specific use case, the duration of the load test, and the level of granularity you need in the captured data. Here are some general guidelines to help you choose an appropriate interval:

  1. Short Intervals (e.g., 1-5 seconds): Short intervals provide high granularity and allow you to capture detailed information about system performance. This level of granularity is useful for identifying short-lived spikes in resource usage or transient performance issues. However, using short intervals can generate a large amount of data, especially for long-duration tests, and may require more storage space and processing power for analysis.

  2. Medium Intervals (e.g., 10-30 seconds): Medium intervals provide a good balance between granularity and data volume. This interval range is suitable for most load testing scenarios and provides sufficient detail to analyze system performance trends and identify potential bottlenecks.

  3. Long Intervals (e.g., 60 seconds or more): Long intervals provide lower granularity and are useful for capturing long-term trends in system performance. This interval range is suitable for extended load tests or monitoring system performance over an extended period. However, long intervals may not capture short-lived spikes or transient issues.

Ultimately, the choice of interval depends on your specific testing and monitoring goals. If you need to capture detailed information about system behavior during a load test, consider using shorter intervals. If you are more interested in observing overall trends and long-term performance, longer intervals may be sufficient.

Keep in mind that the interval should be chosen based on the expected duration of the load test. For example, for a load test that lasts for a few minutes, a shorter interval (e.g., 1-5 seconds) may be appropriate. For a load test that lasts for several hours, a longer interval (e.g., 30-60 seconds) may be more suitable.

Regardless of the interval chosen, it's important to monitor system resources during the test to ensure that the monitoring process itself does not introduce additional overhead or impact system performance.Can I avoid specifying the duration and have it run sar until I Cntl-C it?Yes, you can run the sar command without specifying a duration, and it will continue to collect metrics indefinitely until you manually stop it using Ctrl+C. To do this, you only need to specify the interval (sampling interval) and omit the count (number of samples) when running the sar command. Here's how you can do it:

sar -u ALL [interval] > output.txt &

In this example, -u ALL specifies that you want to capture detailed CPU usage metrics, [interval] is the sampling interval in seconds, and output.txt is the file where the collected data will be saved. The & at the end of the command runs the process in the background, allowing you to continue using the terminal for other tasks.

The sar command will run indefinitely, collecting metrics at the specified interval and saving the data to the output file. When you want to stop the data collection, you can use Ctrl+C in the terminal or use the kill command to stop the background process.

To find the process ID (PID) of the background sar process, you can use the ps command with a filter for the sar process:

ps aux | grep sar

Once you have the PID, you can use the kill command to stop the sar process:

kill [PID]

Replace [PID] with the actual process ID of the sar command.

By running the sar command in this way, you can start data collection at the beginning of your load test and stop it manually when the test is complete, allowing you to capture metrics for the entire duration of the test.is there a way to have sar output to a file, but not specify a duration?Yes, you can have sar output to a file without specifying a duration by using the following command:

sar -u ALL [interval] > output.txt &

In this command:

  • -u ALL specifies that you want to capture detailed CPU usage metrics.
  • [interval] is the sampling interval in seconds, which determines how often sar will collect metrics.
  • output.txt is theI want to output the binary sar file format, I don't want to redirect sar text output to a fileTo output the binary sar file format without specifying a duration, you can use the -o option followed by the name of the output file. Here's how you can do it:
sar -u ALL -o output_binary_file [interval] &

In this command:

  • -u ALL specifies that you want to capture detailed CPU usage metrics.
  • -o output_binary_file specifies the binary output file where the collected data will be saved. Replace output_binary_file with the desired file name.
  • [interval] is the sampling interval in seconds, which determines how often sar will collect metrics.
  • The & at the end of the command runs the process in the background, allowing you to continue using the terminal for other tasks.

The sar command will run indefinitely, collecting metrics at the specified interval and saving the data to the binary output file. When you want to stop the data collection, you can use Ctrl+C in the terminal or use the kill command to stop the background process.

To find the process ID (PID) of the background sar process, you can use the ps command with a filter for the sar process:

ps aux | grep sar

Once you have the PID, you can use the kill command to stop the sar process:

kill [PID]

Replace [PID] with the actual process ID of the sar command.

By running the sar command in this way, you can start data collection at the beginning of your load test and stop it manually when the test is complete, allowing you to capture metrics for the entire duration of the test in binary format. The binary file can later be read and analyzed using the sar command with the -f option.What is an outline of how you would write the Playwrite test in TypeScript?Below is an outline of how you might write a Playwright test in TypeScript to simulate user interactions with a Jitsi server for live streaming meetings. This outline includes steps for launching a browser, joining a meeting, performing actions within the meeting, and leaving the meeting.

import { Browser, Page, chromium } from 'playwright';

// Define a test configuration interface
interface TestConfig {
  meetingUrl: string;
  userName: string;

// Define a function to simulate user interactions in a meeting
async function joinAndInteractWithMeeting(page: Page, config: TestConfig) {
  // Navigate to the meeting URL
  await page.goto(config.meetingUrl);

  // Enter the user name (if required by the custom UI)
  // await page.fill('#userNameInput', config.userName);

  // Join the meeting (this may vary based on the custom UI)
  // await page.click('#joinMeetingButton');

  // Perform actions within the meeting, such as sending chat messages or sharing screens
  // await page.click('#chatButton');
  // await page.fill('#chatInput', 'Hello, everyone!');
  // await page.click('#sendChatButton');

  // Leave the meeting (this may vary based on the custom UI)
  // await page.click('#leaveMeetingButton');

// Define the main function to run the test
async function runTest() {
  // Create a browser instance
  const browser: Browser = await chromium.launch();

  // Create a new browser page
  const page: Page = await browser.newPage();

  // Define the test configuration
  const testConfig: TestConfig = {
    meetingUrl: 'https://example.com/meeting', // Replace with the actual meeting URL
    userName: 'Test User',

  // Run the test
  await joinAndInteractWithMeeting(page, testConfig);

  // Close the browser
  await browser.close();

// Execute the test

Please note that this outline is a simplified example and may need to be adjusted based on the specifics of your custom Jitsi server UI. The selectors (e.g., #userNameInput, #joinMeetingButton) and interactions used in this example are placeholders and should be replaced with the actual selectors and interactions for your custom UI.

Additionally, this outline represents a single user joining and interacting with a meeting. For load testing with multiple concurrent users, you would need to create multiple browser instances or pages and simulate interactions for each user. This can be achieved by running the joinAndInteractWithMeeting function concurrently for multiple users, possibly using parallelization techniques or distributed testing.

Finally, consider adding error handling, logging, and performance measurement code to the test to capture relevant metrics and handle any exceptions that may occur during the test execution.Being a video conference, I need to give access to my webcam video and microphone audio. Chrome is prompting with an Allow dialog that isn't accessible from Playwright's API that is focused on the DOM. How do I fix that?To automatically grant permissions for the webcam and microphone in a Playwright test, you can use the context.overridePermissions method. This method allows you to specify the permissions you want to grant for a particular origin (URL). By granting the "camera" and "microphone" permissions, you can bypass the browser's "Allow" dialog for accessing the webcam and microphone.

Here's how you can use the context.overridePermissions method in your Playwright test:

import { Browser, BrowserContext, Page, chromium } from 'playwright';

// Define a test configuration interface
interface TestConfig {
  meetingUrl: string;
  userName: string;

// Define a function to simulate user interactions in a meeting
async function joinAndInteractWithMeeting(page: Page, config: TestConfig) {
  // Navigate to the meeting URL
  await page.goto(config.meetingUrl);

  // Enter the user name and perform other actions as needed
  // ...

  // Leave the meeting
  // ...

// Define the main function to run the test
async function runTest() {
  // Create a browser instance
  const browser: Browser = await chromium.launch();

  // Create a new browser context
  const context: BrowserContext = await browser.newContext();

  // Grant camera and microphone permissions for the meeting URL
  await context.overridePermissions(config.meetingUrl, ['camera', 'microphone']);

  // Create a new browser page within the context
  const page: Page = await context.newPage();

  // Define the test configuration
  const testConfig: TestConfig = {
    meetingUrl: 'https://example.com/meeting', // Replace with the actual meeting URL
    userName: 'Test User',

  // Run the test
  await joinAndInteractWithMeeting(page, testConfig);

  // Close the browser
  await browser.close();

// Execute the test

In this example, the context.overridePermissions method is called with the meeting URL and an array of permissions (['camera', 'microphone']) to grant access to the webcam and microphone. This allows the test to proceed without being interrupted by the browser's permission prompts.

By using the context.overridePermissions method, you can automate the process of granting permissions for the webcam and microphone, making it easier to run automated tests for video conferencing applications like Jitsi.Okay, using this code, I get an error that TypeError: context.overridePermissions is not a function

Here is my code:

const context = await chromium.launchPersistentContext(pathToProfile, {
  headless: false,
  timeout: 30 * 60 * 1000,
  args: [        


await context.overridePermissions(config.meetingUrl, ['camera', 'microphone']);The `overridePermissions` method is available on the `BrowserContext` class, but it is not available on the `BrowserContext` instance returned by the `launchPersistentContext` method. The `launchPersistentContext` method is used to launch a browser with a persistent profile, and it does not support the `overridePermissions` method.

To use the overridePermissions method, you need to create a non-persistent browser context using the browser.newContext method. Here's how you can do it:

import { chromium, Browser, BrowserContext, Page } from 'playwright';

// Define a test configuration interface
interface TestConfig {
  meetingUrl: string;
  userName: string;

// Define a function to simulate user interactions in a meeting
async function joinAndInteractWithMeeting(page: Page, config: TestConfig) {
  // Navigate to the meeting URL
  await page.goto(config.meetingUrl);

  // Enter the user name and perform other actions as needed
  // ...

  // Leave the meeting
  // ...

// Define the main function to run the test
async function runTest() {
  // Create a browser instance
  const browser: Browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });

  // Create a new browser context
  const context: BrowserContext = await browser.newContext();

  // Define the test configuration
  const testConfig: TestConfig = {
    meetingUrl: 'https://example.com/meeting', // Replace with the actual meeting URL
    userName: 'Test User',

  // Grant camera and microphone permissions for the meeting URL
  await context.overridePermissions(testConfig.meetingUrl, ['camera', 'microphone']);

  // Create a new browser page within the context
  const page: Page = await context.newPage();

  // Run the test
  await joinAndInteractWithMeeting(page, testConfig);

  // Close the browser
  await browser.close();

// Execute the test

In this example, the browser.newContext method is used to create a new browser context, and the overridePermissions method is then used to grant camera and microphone permissions for the meeting URL. The rest of the test proceeds as before.

Please note that this approach uses a non-persistent browser context, which means that any changes to the browser profile (such as cookies, local storage, etc.) will not be saved after the browser is closed. If you specifically need a persistent context, you may need to manually grant camera and microphone permissions through the browser's settings before running the test.How can I accomplish this goal, but also provide a fake video and audio stream?

Here is my code:

const context = await chromium.launchPersistentContext(pathToProfile, { headless: false, timeout: 30 * 60 * 1000, args: [
--use-fake-device-for-media-stream, --use-file-for-fake-video-capture=${pathToVideo}, --use-file-for-fake-audio-capture=${pathToAudio},

});To provide a fake video and audio stream while also granting camera and microphone permissions, you can use the `browser.newContext` method to create a non-persistent browser context and pass the `permissions` option to grant the necessary permissions. Here's how you can do it:
import { chromium, Browser, BrowserContext, Page } from 'playwright';

// Define a test configuration interface
interface TestConfig {
  meetingUrl: string;
  userName: string;

// Define a function to simulate user interactions in a meeting
async function joinAndInteractWithMeeting(page: Page, config: TestConfig) {
  // Navigate to the meeting URL
  await page.goto(config.meetingUrl);

  // Enter the user name and perform other actions as needed
  // ...

  // Leave the meeting
  // ...

// Define the main function to run the test
async function runTest() {
  // Paths to the fake video and audio files
  const pathToVideo = '/path/to/fake_video.y4m';
  const pathToAudio = '/path/to/fake_audio.wav';

  // Create a browser instance
  const browser: Browser = await chromium.launch({
    headless: false,
    args: [

  // Define the test configuration
  const testConfig: TestConfig = {
    meetingUrl: 'https://example.com/meeting', // Replace with the actual meeting URL
    userName: 'Test User',

  // Create a new browser context and grant camera and microphone permissions
  const context: BrowserContext = await browser.newContext({
    permissions: [testConfig.meetingUrl, 'camera', 'microphone'],

  // Create a new browser page within the context
  const page: Page = await context.newPage();

  // Run the test
  await joinAndInteractWithMeeting(page, testConfig);

  // Close the browser
  await browser.close();

// Execute the test

In this example, the browser.newContext method is used to create a new browser context, and the permissions option is passed to grant camera and microphone permissions for the meeting URL. The args option in the chromium.launch method is used to specify the fake video and audio streams.

Please note that this approach uses a non-persistent browser context, which means that any changes to the browser profile (such as cookies, local storage, etc.) will not be saved after the browser is closed. If you specifically need a persistent context, you may need to manually grant camera and microphone permissions through the browser's settings before running the test. Additionally, you may need to configure the browser to use the fake video and audio streams through the browser's settings or command-line arguments.Can the url to permissions be the base url or does it need to be the full url to a specific meeting?The URL provided to the permissions option in Playwright's browser.newContext method can be either the base URL or the full URL to a specific meeting. Both options should work for granting permissions.

If you use the base URL, the permissions will apply to all pages under that base URL, including all meetings hosted on that domain. If you use the full URL to a specific meeting, the permissions will apply only to that specific meeting page.

Here are examples of both approaches:

  1. Using the base URL to grant permissions:
const context: BrowserContext = await browser.newContext({
  permissions: ['https://example.com', 'camera', 'microphone'],
  1. Using the full URL to a specific meeting to grant permissions:
const testConfig: TestConfig = {
  meetingUrl: 'https://example.com/meeting/12345',
  userName: 'Test User',

const context: BrowserContext = await browser.newContext({
  permissions: [testConfig.meetingUrl, 'camera', 'microphone'],

In the first example, the permissions are granted for the entire https://example.com domain, so they will apply to all meetings hosted on that domain. In the second example, the permissions are granted specifically for the meeting at https://example.com/meeting/12345.

You can choose the approach that best fits your testing scenario. If you want to grant permissions for all meetings on the domain, use the base URL. If you want to grant permissions only for a specific meeting, use the full URL to that meeting.

Load Testing Jitsi Server created at Tue Jan 20 1970 10:54:51 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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