StateObject Error Resolution

TODO: collapasable, copyable, download, etc

In SwiftUI project, at runtime, I see this error or warning and my View being re-instatiated rapidly Accessing StateObject's object without being installed on a View. This will create a new instance each time. The error message you're encountering in your SwiftUI project indicates that a StateObject is being accessed incorrectly, leading to repeated instantiation of a view. This typically happens when a StateObject is accessed before it's properly attached to a view, or if it's incorrectly initialized.

Here’s how you can address this issue:

  1. Ensure Proper Initialization: A StateObject should be initialized directly within the view that declares it. This is usually done using the @StateObject property wrapper at the top of your view structure.

    struct MyView: View {
        @StateObject var viewModel = MyViewModel()
        var body: some View {
            // your view code
  2. Correct Usage in Subviews: If you need to pass the StateObject to a subview, use the @ObservedObject property wrapper in the subview to maintain the same instance of the object. Do not reinitialize the StateObject in subviews.

    struct ContentView: View {
        @StateObject var viewModel = MyViewModel()
        var body: some View {
            MySubview(viewModel: viewModel)
    struct MySubview: View {
        @ObservedObject var viewModel: MyViewModel
        var body: some View {
            // your view code
  3. Avoid Redundant Initializations: Make sure you are not accidentally creating a new instance of the StateObject each time a view is rendered. This is a common mistake that can happen if the initialization is done inside a closure or a computed property that gets called frequently.

  4. Debugging: If you continue to have issues, you can add print statements or breakpoints to check where and how many times your StateObject is being instantiated. This might help you identify unexpected behavior or incorrect initializations.

  5. Check for Misplacements: Ensure that your StateObject is not being initialized within any conditional or looping structures inside the body of a view, as this could lead to multiple instantiations.

By following these guidelines, you should be able to resolve the error and ensure that your StateObject is being used correctly in your SwiftUI application. If you have specific code or further issues, feel free to share more details, and I can help you troubleshoot further!I'm really confused. Here is my app code ```// // LaserSwordTrainerApp.swift // LaserSwordTrainer // // Created by Austin King on 5/24/24. //

import SwiftUI

@main struct LaserSwordTrainerApp: App {

@Environment(\.scenePhase) var scenePhase

var soundManager = SoundManager()
@State var currentImmersionStyle: ImmersionStyle = .mixed

// TODO: move this state into the Immersive Space view?
@StateObject var laserSwordModel = LaserSwordViewModel()

@StateObject var multipeerManager =  MultipeerManager()

init() {
    // Components in the RealityKitContent are automatically registered?
    // SaberComponent.registerComponent()

var body: some Scene {
    WindowGroup {
    }.defaultSize(CGSize(width: 250 * 2.0, height: 800 ))
    .onChange(of: scenePhase) { oldScene, newScene in
        switch newScene {
        case .active:
            print("App became active")
        case .background:
            print("App became background")
        case .inactive:
            print("App became inactive")
            print("Unknown scenePhase \(newScene)")
    ImmersiveSpace(id: "TrainerSpace") {
        TrainerView(laserSwordModel: laserSwordModel, soundManager: soundManager, multipeerManager: multipeerManager)
    }.immersionStyle(selection: $currentImmersionStyle, in: .mixed, .progressive, .full)


Here is my View ```import SwiftUI

struct RoutingView: View {
    // @State var showWelcome: Bool
    init() {
        print("RoutingView init")
        // showWelcome = true
    var body: some View {
        // if showWelcome {
            // NavigationLink(destination: ContentView(laserSwordModel: laserSwordModel)) {
            Button("Get Started") {
                // showWelcome = false
                .frame(maxWidth: .infinity)
                .padding([.leading, .trailing], 40)
                .padding(.bottom, 20)
        /* } else { // showWelcome == false
        } // showWelcome == false

In the logs, I see Accessing StateObject's object without being installed on a View. This will create a new instance each time. followed by RoutingView initBased on your shared code, the issue appears to stem from the @StateObject being accessed improperly. Here are some steps to address this:

  1. Initialization of @StateObject: In SwiftUI, @StateObject should be used to initialize a view model within the view that owns it. This ensures that the object's lifecycle is managed by SwiftUI and the object is only created once.

  2. Passing @StateObject to Other Views: When you want to pass this @StateObject to other views, you should use @ObservedObject in the receiving views. This keeps the same instance and avoids re-instantiation.

  3. Use of @StateObject in App Structure: Your current implementation defines @StateObject var laserSwordModel = LaserSwordViewModel() directly in the App structure, which is unconventional and likely causing the issues you're experiencing.

Correcting the Code

You should create your @StateObject within a view that will use it and ensure that this object is passed correctly to any subviews. For your app, here’s an example adjustment:

Updated App Structure

import SwiftUI

struct LaserSwordTrainerApp: App {
    @Environment(\.scenePhase) var scenePhase
    var soundManager = SoundManager()
    @State var currentImmersionStyle: ImmersionStyle = .mixed
    @ObservedObject var multipeerManager =  MultipeerManager() // Consider making this @StateObject if this is the first place it's instantiated
    init() {
    var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {
            RoutingView(multipeerManager: multipeerManager, soundManager: soundManager)
        .onChange(of: scenePhase) { newScene in
            switch newScene {
            case .active:
            case .background:

Updated RoutingView

In RoutingView, you should receive the necessary dependencies via initializers:

struct RoutingView: View {
    @ObservedObject var multipeerManager: MultipeerManager
    var soundManager: SoundManager
    @StateObject var laserSwordModel = LaserSwordViewModel() // Initializing it here
    var body: some View {
        Button("Get Started") {
            // Action to navigate or update state
        .padding(.horizontal, 40)
        .padding(.bottom, 20)
        // Navigation to TrainerView could go here

By restructuring your code in this way, you ensure that @StateObject is only initialized once within its view lifecycle, and you pass the model to any subviews as @ObservedObject. This should solve the problem of your object being recreated and eliminate the error message you're seeing.I don't need those objects in RoutingView, only in the immersive view TrainerViewIf you only need the objects in the TrainerView and not in the RoutingView, it's best to initialize them directly in the TrainerView or just before where they are used, and avoid passing them through RoutingView unless absolutely necessary. This approach keeps the architecture clean and maintains clear data flow.

Adjusted Strategy

Given your requirements, you can manage the lifecycle of these objects directly in the TrainerView or just pass them down from the App where they are initially referenced, but only initialize where they are actually used.

Updated App Structure

Here's an updated version of your App structure, keeping the initialization at the top level if needed globally but avoiding unnecessary initializations in RoutingView:

import SwiftUI

struct LaserSwordTrainerApp: App {
    @Environment(\.scenePhase) var scenePhase
    var soundManager = SoundManager()
    @State var currentImmersionStyle: ImmersionStyle = .mixed
    @StateObject var multipeerManager = MultipeerManager()  // Global usage

    init() {
    var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {
                .environmentObject(multipeerManager)  // Pass the multipeerManager as environment object if it's global
        .onChange(of: scenePhase) { newScene in
            switch newScene {
            case .active:
            case .background:


Since you don't need these objects in RoutingView, you can keep it simple:

struct RoutingView: View {
    var body: some View {
        NavigationLink("Get Started", destination: TrainerView())
            .padding(.horizontal, 40)
            .padding(.bottom, 20)


Initialize the necessary objects directly in the TrainerView if they are exclusively used there:

struct TrainerView: View {
    @StateObject var laserSwordModel = LaserSwordViewModel()
    @EnvironmentObject var multipeerManager: MultipeerManager  // Assuming it’s global
    var soundManager: SoundManager  // Passed if needed or initialized here if only used here

    var body: some View {
        // Your TrainerView content


This structure aligns with SwiftUI's data flow recommendations:

  • @StateObject: Initialized in the view where it's first used.
  • @EnvironmentObject: Passed through the environment to subviews when it has global scope.
  • Sound Management: If soundManager is only relevant in the context of your immersive view, consider initializing it within TrainerView unless there's a reason it must be shared across multiple parts of your app.

By organizing your code this way, you ensure that objects are created and managed efficiently, reducing the risk of unexpected behavior and improving the maintainability of your SwiftUI application.

StateObject Error Resolution created at Tue Jan 20 1970 21:17:20 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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