Pass Data to SwiftUI Window.

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I'm writing a SwiftUI app. I call openWindow(id: 'frameMaker') And that Window is configured with ```WindowGroup(id: "frame") {



        }```. How can I pass an argument to Frame so that I can pass a selected image and display it in that view code?In SwiftUI, to pass an argument to a view when you're working within a WindowGroup context, you typically initialize your view with the necessary parameters directly within the view's initializer. However, in the context of opening a new window programmatically and needing to pass data to it, you'd need to handle the data flow slightly differently, as SwiftUI doesn't provide a direct method to pass arguments to views in a new window through the openWindow call.

One approach to achieve your goal is to use a shared view model that both the calling context and the new window's view can access. This shared view model can hold the information needed by the new window (e.g., the selected image) and be observed by the view within the new window for changes. Here's how you could structure this:

  1. Define a Shared ViewModel: Create a view model that holds the selected image or any other data you wish to pass to the new window. This view model should be observable, typically by conforming to the ObservableObject protocol.

  2. Instantiate and Share the ViewModel: Ensure that the instance of this view model is accessible both from the place where you're calling openWindow(id:) and within the Frame view that you're looking to pass the data to.

  3. Observe the ViewModel in Your View: Make your Frame view observe the shared view model, so it can react to changes in the data you're passing (e.g., the selected image).

Here is an example implementation of these steps:

Step 1: Define a Shared ViewModel

import SwiftUI
import Combine

class SharedViewModel: ObservableObject {
    @Published var selectedImage: UIImage?

Step 2: Instantiate and Share the ViewModel

Create an instance of SharedViewModel in a location that's accessible both by your window opening logic and by the Frame view. If your app structure allows, you might hold this in your app's environment or in a higher-level view model.

Step 3: Observe the ViewModel in Your View

Modify your Frame view to accept and observe the SharedViewModel.

struct Frame: View {
    @ObservedObject var viewModel: SharedViewModel

    var body: some View {
        Image(uiImage: viewModel.selectedImage ?? UIImage())
            // Configure your image view here

Integrating with the WindowGroup

When configuring your WindowGroup, make sure to pass the shared view model to your Frame view. Given SwiftUI's declarative nature, you'd typically do this by directly initializing Frame with the view model when you're setting up your window groups. However, since you're opening windows programmatically with openWindow(id:), ensure that the Frame view or its parent view is configured to use the shared view model you've set up.

WindowGroup(id: "frame") {
    Frame(viewModel: sharedViewModel)

Keep in mind, the exact implementation will depend on your app's architecture, particularly how you manage and pass around your shared view model. This pattern allows you to maintain a clean separation of concerns while still dynamically passing data across different parts of your SwiftUI application.I have two git users for GitHub on this laptop. I forget how to switch between them. I have ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_ozten and the .pub file. How can I switch to using that identity? How can I validate in git or with GitHub from the CLI that I'm using the correct identity?Switching between different SSH identities for GitHub involves a few steps to ensure that your Git operations use the correct SSH key for authentication. You can configure SSH to use a specific key for GitHub and verify the setup by testing the SSH connection. Here's how to do it:

1. Configure SSH to Use the Specific Key

Create or edit the ~/.ssh/config file to specify which SSH key should be used for GitHub. If you don't already have a config file in your ~/.ssh directory, you can create one.

# Open the SSH config file in your favorite text editor, e.g., nano, vim, etc.
nano ~/.ssh/config

Add the following configuration, adjusting as necessary for your specific setup and key file:

# GitHub configuration
  User git
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_ozten
  IdentitiesOnly yes

This configuration tells SSH to use the specific key (id_ed25519_ozten) when connecting to GitHub under the alias The IdentitiesOnly yes option ensures that only the specified identity file is used for authentication, ignoring any other identities you might have loaded into your SSH agent.

2. Update Git Repository Configuration

For the Git repository where you want to use this specific identity, you'll need to change the repository's remote URL to use the alias defined in your SSH config (

Navigate to your Git repository and use the following command to change the remote URL, replacing your_username/your_repository with your actual GitHub username and repository name:

git remote set-url origin [email protected]:your_username/your_repository.git

This tells Git to use the SSH configuration for when interacting with your GitHub repository.

3. Validate SSH Configuration

To test that your SSH setup is correct and that you can authenticate with GitHub using your specified identity, use the following SSH command:

ssh -T [email protected]

If everything is set up correctly, you should receive a welcome message from GitHub indicating that you've successfully authenticated. Note that the username shown in this message is not important; it's the successful authentication that matters.

4. Validate with GitHub from the CLI

To further validate that you're using the correct identity with GitHub, you can try performing a Git operation that requires authentication, such as pushing a commit or fetching from a private repository. If the operation succeeds without authentication errors, your setup is correct.

Remember, you can use this approach to configure and switch between multiple SSH keys for GitHub by adding more configurations to your ~/.ssh/config file and updating your repository remotes accordingly.What about git author for the current repoTo configure the Git author information (name and email) for the current repository, which is different from the SSH identity used for authentication, you can use the git config command within your repository's directory. This allows you to specify the name and email address that will be associated with your commits in that specific repository.

Here's how you can set the author name and email for the current repository:

  1. Open your terminal and navigate to your repository where you want to set the author information.

  2. Set the author name for the current repository by running:

    git config "Your Name"

    Replace "Your Name" with the name you wish to appear as the author of your commits.

  3. Set the author email for the current repository by running:

    git config "[email protected]"

    Replace "[email protected]" with the email address you wish to be associated with your commits.

These commands will add entries to the .git/config file of your repository, setting the and values only for that repository. This means your global Git configuration (~/.gitconfig) will not be affected, and these authorship settings will only apply to commits made in the current repository.

Validate Git Author Configuration

To validate or view the configured Git author information for the current repository, you can use the git config command to read the configured values:

  • For the author name, run:

    git config
  • For the author email, run:

    git config

These commands will display the name and email address configured for the current repository. If you've set these correctly, the output should match the name and email address you intended to use for your commits.

Note on Commits

Remember, changing the author information in your Git configuration affects only future commits. If you need to change the author information on previous commits, you would need to use more advanced Git operations, such as git rebase for individual commits or a script for multiple commits, which should be done with caution to avoid disrupting your repository history, especially if the commits have already been pushed to a shared repository.

Pass Data to SwiftUI Window. created at Tue Jan 20 1970 19:03:31 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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