TS Default Value Fix

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In my React component in TypeSCript, how can I provide a deafult value?

44             <DAISignInButton session={session} />```In my React component in TypeSCript, how can I provide a deafult value?

My code ```
export default function DAISignInButton({
  logoutButton = false,
}: {
  session: Session | null | undefined;
  logoutButton: boolean;
}): React.ReactElement {

The TS error:

44             <DAISignInButton session={session} />```The error `TS2741` indicates that the `logoutButton` property is required but is missing in the props provided to the `DAISignInButton` component. To fix this, you can provide a default value for the `logoutButton` property using default props in your React component.

Here’s how you can do it:

1. **UsingThe issue arises because TypeScript expects the `logoutButton` property to be provided when using the `DAISignInButton` component, even though you've given it a default value in the destructuring assignment. However, TypeScript does not infer the default values when checking for missing properties.

To resolve this, you can make the `logoutButton` property optional in the component's prop types. Here's how you can do it:

type DAISignInButtonProps = {
  session: Session | null | undefined;
  logoutButton?: boolean;

export default function DAISignInButton({
  logoutButton = false,
}: DAISignInButtonProps): React.ReactElement {
  // component implementation

This way, logoutButton is optional, and if it's not provided, it will default to false.

Your component usage will not throw an error anymore:

<DAISignInButton session={session} />

The complete component code with the fix:

type DAISignInButtonProps = {
  session: Session | null | undefined;
  logoutButton?: boolean;

export default function DAISignInButton({
  logoutButton = false,
}: DAISignInButtonProps): React.ReactElement {
  // component implementation

Now, TypeScript recognizes that logoutButton is optional and will use the default value if it is not provided.

TS Default Value Fix created at Tue Jan 20 1970 20:35:08 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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