React Auth Types Enum

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In typescript, how do I make an enum for auth types like "credentials" "google oauth" etc that can be passed into a react component?In TypeScript, you can define an enum to represent different authentication types such as "Credentials", "Google OAuth", and others. This enum can then be used in your React components to manage authentication-related logic or UI components based on the authentication type. Here's how you can define and use such an enum:

Step 1: Define the Enum

First, define the enum in TypeScript. This is typically done in a separate file so it can be easily imported wherever needed.

// authTypes.ts
export enum AuthType {
    Credentials = "credentials",
    GoogleOAuth = "google_oauth",
    FacebookOAuth = "facebook_oauth",
    // add more auth types as needed

Step 2: Use the Enum in a React Component

Now, you can use this enum in your React component. Here's an example of a component that takes the authentication type as a prop and displays different UI elements based on the type:

import React from 'react';
import { AuthType } from './authTypes';

interface AuthComponentProps {
    authType: AuthType;

const AuthComponent: React.FC<AuthComponentProps> = ({ authType }) => {
    const renderAuthMethod = () => {
        switch (authType) {
            case AuthType.Credentials:
                return <div>Log in with Username & Password</div>;
            case AuthType.GoogleOAuth:
                return <div>Log in with Google</div>;
            case AuthType.FacebookOAuth:
                return <div>Log in with Facebook</div>;
                return <div>Unsupported authentication method</div>;

    return (
            <h1>Authentication Method</h1>

export default AuthComponent;

Step 3: Use the Component in Your Application

Finally, you can use this component in your application by passing the appropriate enum value as a prop.

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import AuthComponent from './AuthComponent';
import { AuthType } from './authTypes';

        <AuthComponent authType={AuthType.GoogleOAuth} />

Additional Notes

  • Enums provide a great way to manage a set of related constants, making your code more readable and reducing errors due to typing mistakes.
  • You can extend or modify the enum and component as needed to fit your application's specific requirements.
  • Using TypeScript with React helps in catching errors at compile time, especially useful when dealing with props and state management.

This setup leverages TypeScript's strong typing alongside React's component-based architecture to handle different authentication types in a structured and maintainable way.Once I have an instance of AuthType, how can I convert that to the string like google_oauthIn TypeScript, enums are by default bi-directional, meaning you can access the value using the key and vice versa. When you define an enum and assign string values to the members, you can simply use the enum value to get the corresponding string. Here’s how you can do this with your AuthType enum:

Accessing Enum Values as Strings

Given the enum definition from before:

export enum AuthType {
    Credentials = "credentials",
    GoogleOAuth = "google_oauth",
    FacebookOAuth = "facebook_oauth",
    // additional auth types can be added here

You can access the string value of an enum member like this:

const authType: AuthType = AuthType.GoogleOAuth;
const authTypeString: string = AuthType[authType];  // This will not work as expected because we have assigned string values

console.log(authTypeString);  // This might print "GoogleOAuth" which is not what you want

However, the above code snippet will not work as expected since we have assigned specific string values to the enum members. In such cases, accessing AuthType[authType] does not return the string "google_oauth" but rather the key "GoogleOAuth". To get the string "google_oauth", you can directly use the enum value itself:

const authTypeString: string = authType;  // Correct way to access the assigned string value
console.log(authTypeString);  // This will print "google_oauth"

Using the Enum in Functions

Here is how you might use this in a function to perhaps determine an API endpoint based on the authentication type:

function getAuthEndpoint(authType: AuthType): string {
    return `/api/auth/${authType}`;

const endpoint = getAuthEndpoint(AuthType.GoogleOAuth);
console.log(endpoint);  // Outputs: /api/auth/google_oauth


To summarize, when you have an enum where the members are assigned specific string values, you can directly use the enum variable to retrieve its string value. This makes it straightforward to integrate enums with the rest of your application that might rely on specific string codes, such as API endpoints, CSS classes, or conditional logic.

React Auth Types Enum created at Tue Jan 20 1970 19:59:26 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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