Swift DI with Manual/Protocols

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How does the current version of Swift do dependcy injection?Swift offers several ways to handle dependency injection (DI), ranging from simple manual techniques to more sophisticated frameworks and built-in support. Here’s a rundown of how you can perform dependency injection in Swift:

1. Manual Dependency Injection

The simplest form of dependency injection in Swift is through manual injection via initializers or property injection.

Initializer Injection:

class Service {
    func performAction() {
        print("Action performed!")

class Client {
    private let service: Service

    init(service: Service) {
        self.service = service

    func execute() {

let service = Service()
let client = Client(service: service)

Property Injection:

class Client {
    var service: Service?

    func execute() {

let service = Service()
let client = Client()
client.service = service

2. Using Protocols for Dependency Injection

To make your code more flexible and testable, you can use protocols for dependency injection.

protocol ServiceProtocol {
    func performAction()

class Service: ServiceProtocol {
    func performAction() {
        print("Action performed!")

class Client {
    private let service: ServiceProtocol

    init(service: ServiceProtocol) {
        self.service = service

    func execute() {

let service = Service()
let client = Client(service: service)

3. Using DI Frameworks

There are several frameworks available for dependency injection in Swift, such as Swinject, Needle, and Resolver.

Swinject Example:

import Swinject

let container = Container()
container.register(ServiceProtocol.self) { _ in Service() }

class Client {
    private let service: ServiceProtocol

    init(service: ServiceProtocol) {
        self.service = service

    func execute() {

let service = container.resolve(ServiceProtocol.self)!
let client = Client(service: service)

Needle Example: Needle is a compile-time safe dependency injection framework developed by Uber.

import NeedleFoundation

protocol ServiceDependency: Dependency {
    var service: ServiceProtocol { get }

class ServiceComponent: Component<EmptyDependency> {
    var service: ServiceProtocol {
        return Service()

class Client {
    private let service: ServiceProtocol

    init(service: ServiceProtocol) {
        self.service = service

    func execute() {

let component = ServiceComponent()
let client = Client(service: component.service)

Resolver Example: Resolver is a lightweight dependency injection framework for Swift.

import Resolver

extension Resolver: ResolverRegistering {
    public static func registerAllServices() {
        register { Service() as ServiceProtocol }

class Client {
    @Injected var service: ServiceProtocol

    func execute() {

let client = Client()

4. Using Property Wrappers

Swift 5.1 introduced property wrappers, which can be used to simplify dependency injection.

struct Injected<Service> {
    let wrappedValue: Service

    init() {
        self.wrappedValue = Resolver.resolve(Service.self)

class Client {
    @Injected var service: ServiceProtocol

    func execute() {

let client = Client()

5. Combine and SwiftUI

In SwiftUI, you often see dependency injection combined with the environment and Combine framework.

class Service: ObservableObject {
    func performAction() {
        print("Action performed!")

struct ContentView: View {
    @EnvironmentObject var service: Service

    var body: some View {
        Button(action: {
        }) {
            Text("Perform Action")

let service = Service()
let contentView = ContentView().environmentObject(service)


Swift provides a variety of ways to implement dependency injection, ranging from simple manual approaches to using robust frameworks and built-in features. The choice of method depends on the complexity of your application and your specific needs for flexibility and testability.You didn't mention ObservableYou're right, I didn't mention ObservableObject as part of dependency injection. Let's explore how ObservableObject and the @EnvironmentObject property wrapper can be used for dependency injection in Swift, especially within the context of SwiftUI.

Using ObservableObject and @EnvironmentObject

SwiftUI’s @EnvironmentObject is a powerful tool for dependency injection, particularly for shared state in a SwiftUI view hierarchy. ObservableObject is typically used to define data models that need to be observed by SwiftUI views.

Here's an example demonstrating how to use ObservableObject and @EnvironmentObject for dependency injection:

import SwiftUI
import Combine

class Service: ObservableObject {
    @Published var data: String = "Initial data"

    func performAction() {
        data = "Action performed!"

struct ContentView: View {
    @EnvironmentObject var service: Service

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Button(action: {
            }) {
                Text("Perform Action")

struct MyApp: App {
    var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {


  1. Service Class:

    • Service conforms to ObservableObject and contains a @Published property data. When data changes, views observing this object will automatically update.
    • performAction method modifies the data property.
  2. ContentView:

    • ContentView has a @EnvironmentObject property service, which means it expects this object to be provided by the environment.
    • The view displays the data property from the service and includes a button that triggers the performAction method.
  3. MyApp Struct:

    • In the MyApp struct, the Service instance is injected into the environment using .environmentObject(Service()).
    • This makes the Service instance available to all views in the hierarchy that have a @EnvironmentObject property of the same type.

Why Use ObservableObject and @EnvironmentObject?

  • Decoupling: It decouples the service from the view, allowing for better separation of concerns.
  • Shared State: It makes it easy to share state across multiple views without having to pass data through view initializers.
  • Automatic Updates: SwiftUI automatically updates views when the observed object changes, making it simple to keep the UI in sync with the underlying data.

This approach leverages SwiftUI's declarative nature and is especially useful for managing state in larger applications where multiple views need to observe and react to changes in shared data.What is teh difference between @State and @StateObject?In SwiftUI, @State and @StateObject are both used to manage state, but they serve different purposes and have different behaviors. Here's a detailed comparison of the two:


  • Purpose: @State is used to manage simple, local state within a single view.
  • Lifecycle: The state is tied to the view's lifecycle. When the view is recreated, the state is reset.
  • Usage: Best suited for lightweight state that doesn't need to persist beyond the view that owns it.
  • Example:
    struct MyView: View {
        @State private var count = 0
        var body: some View {
            VStack {
                Text("Count: \(count)")
                Button("Increment") {
                    count += 1
    In this example, @State is used to manage the count variable, which is local to MyView.


  • Purpose: @StateObject is used to manage state for reference types (i.e., classes) that conform to the ObservableObject protocol.
  • Lifecycle: The state object is tied to the view's lifecycle, but it is not recreated when the view is recreated. It ensures the same instance of the observable object is used across view updates.
  • Usage: Best suited for managing more complex state or state that needs to be shared across multiple views. It is typically used for objects that need to persist for the lifetime of the view and be observed for changes.
  • Example:
    class Counter: ObservableObject {
        @Published var count = 0
    struct MyView: View {
        @StateObject private var counter = Counter()
        var body: some View {
            VStack {
                Text("Count: \(counter.count)")
                Button("Increment") {
                    counter.count += 1
    In this example, @StateObject is used to manage an instance of the Counter class. The Counter instance persists across view updates, and changes to its count property are observed and reflected in the view.

Key Differences

  1. Type of State:

    • @State is for simple, local value types (e.g., Int, String).
    • @StateObject is for reference types (i.e., classes) that conform to ObservableObject.
  2. Lifecycle Management:

    • @State resets its value when the view is recreated.
    • @StateObject maintains the same instance of the object across view updates.
  3. Complexity and Sharing:

    • @State is suited for simple, isolated state management.
    • @StateObject is suited for more complex state management and scenarios where the state needs to be observed and potentially shared.


  • Use @State for simple, local state that is specific to a single view and doesn't need to be shared.
  • Use @StateObject for managing more complex state in reference types that conform to ObservableObject, especially when the state needs to persist across view updates and be shared or observed by other views.

Swift DI with Manual/Protocols created at Tue Jan 20 1970 21:09:57 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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