Testing UDP Ports

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I can use telnet to test that a tcp port is open and there is a server there. How do I test udp?

Unlike TCP, which establishes a connection between two devices, UDP is a connectionless protocol. To test a UDP port, you can use a combination of tools like ncat (also known as nc or netcat) or specialized tools like nmap. Here's a brief explanation of how to use these tools:

  1. Using ncat/nc/netcat:

To test a UDP port using netcat, you can follow these steps:

On Linux or macOS:

  • Open the terminal.
  • Run the following command: nc -vzu <IP_address> <port_number>
    • Replace <IP_address> with the target IP address or domain name.
    • Replace <port_number> with the target UDP port number.
    • The -v flag is for verbose output, -z is for scanning mode, and -u is for UDP mode.

On Windows:

  • Install the Windows version of ncat (available from the Nmap website: https://nmap.org/ncat/).
  • Open the command prompt.
  • Run the following command: ncat.exe -vzu <IP_address> <port_number>

Please note that ncat doesn't provide a reliable way to determine if the UDP port is open, as it does not check for a response from the server. It will only report if the packet was sent successfully.

  1. Using nmap:

nmap is a powerful network scanning tool that can also test UDP ports. Here's how to use nmap for UDP port testing:

  • Install nmap on your system (https://nmap.org/download.html).
  • Open the terminal (Linux/macOS) or command prompt (Windows).
  • Run the following command: nmap -sU -p <port_number> <IP_address>
    • Replace <IP_address> with the target IP address or domain name.
    • Replace <port_number> with the target UDP port number.
    • The -sU flag tells nmap to perform a UDP port scan, and -p specifies the port number.

nmap will provide more reliable results since it checks for responses from the server. If the UDP port is open, you should see a result like "port_number/udp open".I have a service running in a docker container listening for udp traffic on port 4096. From the host I can nc -vzu 4096 and I can successfully send UDP packets. The host public IP address is If I do nc -vzu 4096, I get connection refused. What is wrong? It's likely that the UDP traffic is not being forwarded from the host to the Docker container. To allow external access to your containerized service, you need to bind the Docker container's port to the host's port.

When you run the Docker container, use the -p flag to bind the host's port to the container's port. In your case, you want to bind the host's port 4096 to the container's port 4096. To do this, run the following command when starting your container:

docker run -d -p 4096:4096/udp <your_docker_image>

Here, -d is for running the container in detached mode, and -p 4096:4096/udp binds the host's port 4096 to the container's port 4096 for UDP traffic.

Please ensure that your host's firewall allows incoming UDP traffic on port 4096. If you're using a cloud provider,I think I have the host and container ports setup correctly. docker container ls CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 4be2a6a40d13 jitsi/jvb:stable-7648-4 "/init" 27 minutes ago Up 27 minutes>4096/udp, :::4096->4096/udp,>10000/udp, :::10000->10000/udp,>8080/tcp docker-jitsi-meet-stable-7648-4-plauz-stage-jvb2-1Your Docker container seems to be set up correctly, as the output shows that both port 4096 and port 10000 are mapped for UDP traffic.

Given this information, there might be two possible reasons why you're unable to send UDP packets to the public IP address:

  1. Firewall settings on the host or cloud provider: Check the firewall rules on your host machine and ensure that incoming UDP traffic is allowed on ports 4096 and 10000. If you're using a cloud provider, also verify that the security group or firewall settings allow incoming UDP traffic on these ports.

  2. NAT (Network Address Translation) or router settings: If your host is behind a NAT or router, ensure that the necessary port forwarding rules have been configured to allow incoming UDP traffic on ports 4096 and 10000 to be forwarded to the appropriate private IP address of your host machine.

To troubleshoot further, you can follow these steps:

  1. Test UDP communication from another machine on the same local network as the host by using its private IP address. This will help you determine if the issue is specific to external access or if it's a more general networking problem.

  2. Use a tool like tcpdump or wireshark on the host machine to capture network traffic on the relevant ports. This will help you determine if the UDP packets are reaching the host and whether they are being forwarded to the Docker container.From the host computer, when I use the public ip address of that same host, why would firewall settings be relevant?You're correct that when you're trying to access the service using the public IP address from the same host, the firewall settings might not be directly relevant. However, certain firewalls might still apply rules even for loopback traffic (traffic originating and terminating on the same device) when using the public IP address.

That said, the primary issue in this case could be related to how the routing is set up on your host. When you use the public IP address from the same host, the network packets might not be routed correctly, which can lead to connection issues.

Here are a few steps you can take to diagnose and potentially resolve the issue:

  1. Check your routing table: On Linux or macOS, use the route or ip route command, and on Windows, use route print in the command prompt. Ensure there is an appropriate route for the public IP address to be handled by the local network interface (e.g., loopback or the network interface connected to the local network).

  2. Try using the private IP address or hostname: Instead of using the public IP address, try sending UDP packets to the private IP address (e.g., 192.168.x.x) or the local hostname of the host machine. This can help to bypass potential routing issues.

  3. Verify hairpin NAT support: If your host is behind a router or NAT device, some routers might not support hairpin NAT (or NAT loopback), which allows traffic from a host to reach its own public IP address. Check your router or NAT device's settings and documentation to see if hairpin NAT is supported and enabled.

It's worth noting that if the service is accessible using the private IP address, the hostname, or the loopback address (, it's likely that the issue is related to routing or NAT configuration, rather than the Docker container setup or the host's firewall.Can you change the security groiup attached to a running EC2 instance?Yes, you can change the security group attached to a running Amazon EC2 instance. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Amazon EC2 console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/ec2/.
  2. In the navigation pane, click on "Instances."
  3. Select the instance for which you want to change the security group.
  4. In the "Description" tab at the bottom, find the "Security groups" section.
  5. Click on the "Edit security groups" button.
  6. In the "Edit security groups" window, you can add or remove security groups by selecting or deselecting the checkboxes next to their names. You can also use the search bar to find specific security groups.
  7. Once you've made your changes, click the "Save" button.

Please note that the changes you make to the security groups will take effect immediately. Make sure that you don't accidentally remove any required security groups or rules, as this can cause disruption to your running services.

Keep in mind that the new security groups you assign to your instance must be within the same VPC as your instance. If you need to assign a security group from a different VPC, you'll need to create a new instance within that VPC and migrate your application or data to the new instance.how do I use tcpdump to troubleshoot the udp traffic?tcpdump is a powerful command-line packet analyzer that can help you troubleshoot UDP traffic. To use tcpdump to capture UDP packets, follow these steps:

  1. Install tcpdump on your system if it's not already installed. For most Linux distributions, you can use the package manager, such as apt or yum, to install it:

    For Debian/Ubuntu:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install tcpdump

    For CentOS/RHEL/Fedora:

    sudo yum install tcpdump
  2. Run tcpdump to capture UDP traffic. To capture all UDP packets on a specific port, use the following command:

    sudo tcpdump -i any -nn -s 0 -v udp port <port_number>

    Replace <port_number> with the target UDP port number. The flags used in this command are:

    • -i any: Capture traffic on all network interfaces.
    • -nn: Display IP addresses and port numbers instead of resolving hostnames and service names.
    • -s 0: Capture the entire packet.
    • -v: Enable verbose output.
    • udp port <port_number>: Filter UDP traffic on the specified port.

    For example, to capture UDP traffic on port 4096, use:

    sudo tcpdump -i any -nn -s 0 -v udp port 4096
  3. To stop tcpdump, press Ctrl + C.

  4. Analyze the captured packets to determine if the UDP packets are being sent and received correctly. Look for any anomalies, such as missing packets or unexpected source/destination addresses.

If you want to save the captured packets to a file for further analysis, use the -w flag followed by the output file name:

sudo tcpdump -i any -nn -s 0 -v udp port <port_number> -w output.pcap

You can then open the .pcap file with a packet analyzer like Wireshark for more in-depth analysis.

Testing UDP Ports created at Tue Jan 20 1970 11:24:57 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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