Passing inputValue to slot

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I'm reading the source code of a Svelte component. Why is inputValue passed as an attribute here? <slot name="clear-icon" slot="clear-icon" {selectedOptions} inputValue={$inputValue}> {#if selectedOptions.length} {/if} In Svelte, passing data to a slot is a way to provide context or information to the content that will be inserted into that slot from a parent component. In the code snippet you provided, inputValue is passed as an attribute to the slot to make it available to whatever content is placed into the clear-icon slot.

Here's a breakdown of what's happening:

  • <slot name="clear-icon" slot="clear-icon" {selectedOptions} inputValue={$inputValue}>: This defines a slot with the name clear-icon. The {selectedOptions} is a shorthand for passing the selectedOptions prop to the slot. Similarly, inputValue={$inputValue} is passing the inputValue to the slot. This is likely a reactive statement, meaning $inputValue is a Svelte store value.

  • The purpose of passing inputValue to the slot could be to allow the content that fills this slot to have access to the current value of the input. This can be useful in scenarios where the content of the slot needs to react or display information based on the current input value.

  • {#if selectedOptions.length}: This is a conditional block that renders its content only if there are any selectedOptions.

  • The SVG icon inside the conditional block is probably a clear or delete icon, which appears only when there are selected options.

By providing inputValue to the slot, the parent component allows any child content placed within this slot to have access to and possibly interact with the input value. This is a common pattern in component-based frameworks like Svelte, where components need to share data or state.

Passing inputValue to slot created at Tue Jan 20 1970 17:44:09 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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