Svelecte Auto-Complete Behavior

TODO: collapasable, copyable, download, etc

I am trying to use the Svelte library svelecte to have the following behavior:

  • I want an auto-complete across three data sources. The third data source is dependent on the 1st choice
  • If the first data source is ['a', 'b', 'bc'] and the second data source is ['=', '!=', 'startsWith']
  • Then when the user clicks into the auto complete intput, the drop down should show completions for ['a', 'b', 'bc']
  • If the user types 'a', then we append the second data source and the drop down completions would be 'a =', 'a !=', and 'a startsWith'
  • If had instead typed 'b', then the drop down should show 'b', 'bc'
  • If the user then selects 'b' we will append the second data source to the drop down, so 'b =', 'b !=', and 'b startsWith
  • Assuming the user typed 'a' and then typed 'a =', we now append the third data set. We get the values for it using 'a' as an input
  • Let's say the output was ['za', 'zb', 'zc']
  • The autocomplete drop down will now show 'a = za', 'a = zb', 'a = zc'
  • if the user types 'a = za' then that value is selected and we stop showing the autom complete. We render a = zb, but we put an on:click here so that if the user clicks, they are back into the editting
  • When goign back into editing, the svelecte input should have an inputValue of 'a = zb' so that the user doesn't have to retype thatImplementing this behavior with Svelte and the svelecte library requires a combination of reactive statements and event handling. Here's a step-by-step guide to achieve the desired functionality:
  1. Setup Initial Data Sources: Define your data sources as Svelte stores or reactive variables. For example, the first and second data sources can be arrays, and the third one can be a function that returns an array based on the input.

  2. Handle User Input: Use a reactive statement to monitor the input from the user. As the user types, filter the first data source to show matching results.

  3. Concatenate Second Data Source: When the user selects an option from the first data source or types in a way that matches exactly one option, append the options from the second data source to the user's input.

  4. Integrate Third Data Source: If the user's input matches the pattern of the first and second data source (e.g., 'a ='), call the function for the third data source with the appropriate input, and append these options to the dropdown.

  5. Final Selection: Once the user selects a final option (e.g., 'a = za'), stop showing the autocomplete dropdown and render the selected value. Attach an on:click event to allow the user to re-edit.

  6. Re-editing: If the user clicks to edit again, set the inputValue of the svelecte component to the previously selected value, allowing them to modify their selection.

Here's a basic Svelte script outline to achieve this:

  import Svelecte from 'svelecte';

  let inputValue = '';
  const firstDataSource = ['a', 'b', 'bc'];
  const secondDataSource = ['=', '!=', 'startsWith'];
  let currentOptions = firstDataSource;

  function getThirdDataSource(input) {
    // Implement logic to return array based on input
    return ['za', 'zb', 'zc'];

  $: {
    if (firstDataSource.includes(inputValue)) {
      currentOptions = => `${inputValue} ${op}`);
    } else if (/* check if input matches pattern for second data source */) {
      currentOptions = getThirdDataSource(inputValue.split(' ')[0])
        .map(op => `${inputValue} ${op}`);
    } else {
      currentOptions = firstDataSource;

  function handleSelect(value) {
    inputValue = value;
    // Additional logic for selection

  function handleClick() {
    // Logic to handle re-editing

<Svelecte bind:value={inputValue} options={currentOptions} on:select={handleSelect} />
<div on:click={handleClick}>{inputValue}</div>

This script is a basic framework and might require adjustments based on the exact behavior and requirements of your application. You'll need to refine the reactive statements and event handlers to match your specific use case.Here are the svelecte docs ```Exposed properties:

Property Type Default Description
name string null create internal <select> element which you can use validatorAction on. Without name defined, no <select> is created
options array [] Data array
valueAsObject bool false Switch whether Svelecte should expects from and return to bind:value objects or primitive value (usually string, number)
valueField string null Property to be used as value (if not specified, will be selected automatically)
labelField string null Property shown in dropdown (if not specified, will be selected automatically)
groupLabelField string label Property to be used as optgroup label
groupItemsField string options Property holding optgroup option list
disabledField string $disabled Property to check, whether given options should be disabled and unselectable
required bool false make sense only when name is defined
placeholder string Select Input placeholder
searchable bool true Allow search among items by typing
disabled bool false Disable component
renderer string|function null dropdown and selection renderer function. More info in item rendering section
controlItem Component Item Item component when item is selected. See Custom Items section for more details.
dropdownItem Component Item Item component in dropdown. See Custom Items section for more details.
highlightFirstItem bool true Automatically highlight the first item in the list when the dropdown opens
selectOnTab bool string null
resetOnBlur bool true Control if input value should be cleared on blur
resetOnSelect bool true Control if input value should be cleared on item selection. Note: applicable only with multiple
clearable bool false Display ✖ icon to clear whole selection
multiple bool false allow multiselection. Will be set automatically to true, if name property ends with [], like tags[]
closeAfterSelect bool false closes dropdown after selection. Setting this to true is useful for multiple select only. For single select dropdown is always closed no matter the value this property has
max number 0 Maximum allowed items selected, applicable only for multiselect
collapseSelection bool false collapse selection when multiple and not focused
alwaysCollapsed bool false keep collapsed selection even when focused. Selected options are shown in dropdown on the top
inputId string null allow targeting input using a html label.
creatable bool false Allow creating new item(s)
creatablePrefix string * Prefix marking new item
allowEditing bool false When pressing Backspace switch to edit mode instead of removing newly created item. NOTE intended to be used with creatable property
keepCreated bool true Switch whether to add newly created option to option list or not
delimiter string , split inserted text when pasting to create multiple items
createFilter function null Function, that transform input string to custom value. It can serve as a filter, if value is valid or not. If you want to dismiss entered value, function should return '' (empty string). By default all input string is trimmed and all multiple spaces are removed. Function notation:
createFilter(inputValue: string, dropdownOptions: array): string
createTransform function null Custom function transforming input string to option object. Default returns object with valueField and labelField properties, where labelField's value is input string prefixed with creatablePrefix property. Function notation:
createTransform(inputValue: string, creatablePrefix: string, valueField: string, labelField: string): object
fetch string|function null Check "remote datasource" section for more details
fetchMode string auto When set to init options are fetched only when mounted, when searching it search in downloaded dataset
fetchCallback function null optional fetch callback
fetchResetOnBlur bool true reset previous search results on empty input, related to resetOnBlur
minQuery number 1 Minimal amount of characters required to perform remote request. Usable with fetch property
lazyDropdown bool true render dropdown after first focus, not by default
virtualList bool false Whether use virtual list for dropdown items (useful for large datasets)
vlHeight number null Height of virtual list dropdown (if not specified, computed automatically)
vlItemSize number null Height of one row (if not specified, computed automatically)
searchField string|array null Specify item property that will be used to search by (if not specified all props except value prop will be used)
sortField string null Specify sort property. If not specified, labelField will be used
disableSifter bool false Disable Sifter filtering & sorting. Can be useful in combination with fetch, when further filtering or sorting may be undesired
disableHighlight bool false Disable highlighting of input value in results. Can be useful with a renderer function that includes additional text or does its own highlighting
class string svelecte-control default css class
style string null inline style
hasAnchor bool null internal: when passing also existing select (for CE)
i18n object null I18n object overriding default settings
dndzone function empty Pass dndzone from svelte-dnd-action, if you want to support selection reordering. See the example REPL
validatorAction array null Bind validator action for inner <select> element. Designed to be used with svelte-use-form. See the example REPL. For this to work, name property MUST be defined

Emitted events:

Event arguments description
fetch options newly fetched remote options
change selection selected objects. If anchor property is defined, change event is called also on it
createoption option newly created option object
blur - blur event
invalidValue invalidValue triggered when passed value is out of provided options items. Internal (and bound, if any) value is set to null or [] if multiple
enterKey underlying keyDown event triggered when natively it would cause form submit (dropdown is closed). This gives you ability to prevent it by calling event.detail.preventDefault()

Public API:

Name type arguments description
focus function - focus input
getSelection function bool return selection, if true is passed, only values are returns, whole objects otherwise
setSelection function array set selection programmatically
config property - context property: global common config for all instances, you can override most properties here and also some additional, mainly i18n
addFormatter function - context function: with signature (name, formatFn) you can add additional item renderers (formatters)
Based on the properties and events exposed by `svelecte`, here's how you can implement the desired behavior for your auto-complete functionality:
  1. Setup Data Sources and svelecte Properties: Define your data sources as reactive variables. Use the options property of svelecte to pass the current set of options to the dropdown.

  2. Initialize State Variables: Initialize state variables to keep track of the user's input and the current stage of selection.

  3. Update Options Dynamically: Use a reactive statement to update the options dynamically based on the user's input and the selection stage. This includes filtering the first data source, appending the second data source upon selection, and introducing the third data source based on the selected value.

  4. Handle Selection and Input Changes: Utilize the change event to update the state when the user makes a selection. Use a two-way binding on the value property to keep track of the input value.

  5. Implement Editing Mode: To allow users to re-edit their selection, you can use the focus function from the public API of svelecte and manipulate the input value accordingly.

  6. Configuring svelecte for Your Needs: Leverage properties like searchable, clearable, placeholder, and valueAsObject to configure the behavior and appearance of the svelecte component.

Here is a simplified Svelte script to illustrate these steps:

  import Svelecte from 'svelecte';

  let inputValue = '';
  const firstDataSource = ['a', 'b', 'bc'];
  const secondDataSource = ['=', '!=', 'startsWith'];
  let currentOptions = firstDataSource;
  let selectedValue = null;

  function getThirdDataSource(input) {
    // Logic to return array based on input
    return ['za', 'zb', 'zc'];

  $: {
    if (selectedValue)```svelte
      currentOptions = getThirdDataSource(selectedValue)
        .map(op => `${selectedValue} = ${op}`);
    else if (inputValue && firstDataSource.includes(inputValue))
      currentOptions = => `${inputValue} ${op}`);
      currentOptions = firstDataSource;

  function handleSelect(event) {
    selectedValue = event.detail.selection;
    inputValue = selectedValue; // Update inputValue to reflect the selected option

  function handleInputChange(event) {
    inputValue =;
    selectedValue = null; // Reset selectedValue to allow new input

  function resetInput() {
    inputValue = selectedValue; // Reset input to the last selected value


{#if selectedValue}
  <div on:click={resetInput}>
    {selectedValue} (Click to edit)

In this implementation:

  • The currentOptions array is dynamically updated based on the user's input and selections.
  • The handleSelect function updates the selectedValue and inputValue when a selection is made.
  • The handleInputChange function allows the user to type and filter the options, resetting the selectedValue to enable new input.
  • When a value is selected, it's displayed in a div element. Clicking on this element allows the user to re-edit their selection.

This is a basic implementation and might need further adjustments based on the exact behavior and requirements of your application, especially around the logic to determine when to switch between data sources.Your code has the error options not definedApologies for the oversight. The error is likely due to not defining the options variable properly in the Svelte script. Let's correct the script to ensure that options is properly defined and updated based on user interactions:

  import Svelecte from 'svelecte';

  let inputValue = '';
  const firstDataSource = ['a', 'b', 'bc'];
  const secondDataSource = ['=', '!=', 'startsWith'];
  let currentOptions = firstDataSource; // Initialize with the first data source
  let stage = 1; // To track the selection stage

  function getThirdDataSource(input) {
    // Implement logic to return array based on input
    return ['za', 'zb', 'zc'];

  $: {
    if (stage === 2) {
      // User has selected an option from the first data source
      currentOptions = => `${inputValue} ${op}`);
    } else if (stage === 3) {
      // User has selected an option from the second data source
      currentOptions = getThirdDataSource(inputValue.split(' ')[0])
        .map(op => `${inputValue} ${op}`);
    } else {
      // Default to first data source
      currentOptions = firstDataSource;

  function handleSelect(event) {
    inputValue = event.detail.selection;
    if (stage === 1) stage = 2;
    else if (stage === 2) stage = 3;
    else stage = 1; // Reset to initial stage after final selection

  function handleClick() {
    // Logic to handle re-editing
    stage = 1; // Reset to initial stage for re-editing
    currentOptions = firstDataSource; // Reset options to first data source

<Svelecte bind:value={inputValue} {currentOptions} on:select={handleSelect} />
{inputValue ? <div on:click={handleClick}>{inputValue} (Click to edit)</div> : ''}

In this corrected script:

  • currentOptions is used to dynamically update the options for the svelecte component.
  • The stage variable tracks the user's progress through the selection process.
  • handleSelect updates the inputValue and the stage.
  • handleClick resets the stage and currentOptions for re-editing.

This should correct the error and align with the behavior you described. Remember to adjust and test this code according to your specific application's context and requirements.Is there a well known React component library that can accomplish these requirementsFor achieving the complex autocomplete functionality you described in a React environment, you might want to consider libraries like react-select or downshift. These libraries provide a high level of customization and control, making them suitable for implementing advanced features like dependent data sources and dynamic option updates. Here's a brief overview of each:

  1. React-Select:

    • Customization: react-select offers extensive customization options for handling various use cases. It allows for custom rendering of options, control over the input value, and asynchronous loading of options.
    • Async Select: If your third data source is async, react-select provides Async components that can be helpful.
    • Controlled Component: You can fully control the input value and the options displayed, making it easier to implement the logic for dependent data sources and dynamic option updates.
    • Creatable Select: react-select also offers a "Creatable" variant, allowing users to create new options on the fly, which could be useful for your scenario.
    • Documentation and Community: It has extensive documentation and a large community, providing various examples and solutions for complex scenarios.
  2. Downshift:

    • Flexibility: Downshift is not a select component itself but rather a set of primitives to build autocomplete, dropdown, or select components. This gives you more control and flexibility.
    • Custom Logic: You can implement custom logic for handling user input, option selection, and dynamic updating of options. It provides the essential functionality while leaving the UI rendering and event handling up to you.
    • Integration: Since Downshift is a set of building blocks, it can be integrated with other UI components or libraries to achieve the desired look and feel.
    • Great for Complex Interactions: Downshift is ideal for scenarios where you need complete control over the interaction and UI elements.

To implement your specific requirements, you would need to use the state management and event handling capabilities of these libraries to dynamically update the options based on user input and selections. Both libraries are well-documented and have a large number of examples, making it easier to implement complex behaviors like the one you've described.The problem I see with Svelecte is that inputValue is an internal writable store that is reset to '' after selection. The only way forward I see are:

  • fork sveltecte and provide the capability to set input value directly
  • write my own auto-complete component

Can you think of other ways forward? What do you think of these two?You've identified a key limitation with svelecte in relation to your specific requirements. Let's consider the options you've proposed:

  1. Forking Svelecte and Modifying it:

    • Pros:
      • Customization: You can modify the component to meet your exact needs.
      • Control: You'll have full control over the behavior of the component.
    • Cons:
      • Maintenance: You'll be responsible for maintaining your fork and keeping it up-to-date with any upstream changes.
      • Complexity: Depending on your familiarity with the internal workings of svelecte, this could be a non-trivial task.
  2. Writing Your Own Auto-Complete Component:

    • Pros:
      • Tailored Solution: You can build a component that perfectly fits your requirements.
      • Learning Opportunity: Building it from scratch can be a great learning experience.
    • Cons:
      • Time-Consuming: Writing a new component from scratch can be time-intensive.
      • Potential for Bugs: New code means the potential for new bugs, requiring thorough testing.

Alternative Approaches:

  1. Combining Svelecte with Additional Svelte Logic:

    • You could potentially use svelecte for the basic dropdown functionality and manage the complex input and selection logic externally in your Svelte component. This would involve more intricate state management and perhaps some workarounds, but it might be less time-consuming than forking or creating a new component from scratch.
  2. Using a Different Library:

    • Explore other Svelte-compatible libraries that might offer more flexibility with input value management. However, this involves the risk of running into similar limitations or having to adapt to a different API and component behavior.


  • Forking Svelecte is a viable option if you're comfortable with delving into its codebase and taking on the responsibility of maintaining a fork. This approach gives you the most control but at the cost of additional complexity and maintenance work.
  • Writing your own component allows for the highest degree of customization and may be the best approach if your requirements are highly specific and unlikely to be met by existing libraries. However, it's the most time-consuming and requires thorough testing.
  • Combining Svelecte with additional Svelte logic could be a more balanced approach, allowing you to leverageexisting functionality while adding your specific logic externally. This might be less time-consuming than creating a component from scratch or forking, but it could also lead to more complex code.
  • Using a different library might be a quicker solution if you can find one that fits your needs more closely than svelecte. However, this involves some research and the potential for other limitations.


Given these considerations, if your requirements are complex and highly specific, writing your own component might be the best long-term solution, especially if you anticipate needing more custom features in the future. However, if you're looking for a quicker solution and are comfortable with potentially complex state management, trying to combine svelecte with additional Svelte logic could be a good interim solution.

If you decide to write your own component or modify svelecte, it would be beneficial to contribute your improvements back to the community, either as a pull request to the original library (in the case of a fork) or as a new open-source component. This not only benefits others who may have similar needs but also opens the door for contributions that can improve and maintain the component over time.How would you Combining Svelecte with additional Svelte logic?Combining svelecte with additional Svelte logic for your specific use case involves managing some parts of the autocomplete behavior outside of svelecte while utilizing its core dropdown and selection functionalities. Here's a step-by-step approach:

Step 1: Setup Data Sources

Define your data sources and any other state variables you need for tracking the user's selections and input.

  let firstDataSource = ['a', 'b', 'bc'];
  let secondDataSource = ['=', '!=', 'startsWith'];
  let thirdDataSource = []; // Will be filled based on first choice

  let currentOptions = firstDataSource; // Initial options for svelecte
  let selectedValue = ''; // Tracks the final selection
  let tempInputValue = ''; // Temporary input value for intermediate stages
  let stage = 1; // Tracks the stage of selection

Step 2: Implement Dynamic Option Updating

Use a reactive statement to update the options shown in the dropdown based on the current stage and the user's input.

$: {
  if (stage === 1) {
    currentOptions = firstDataSource;
  } else if (stage === 2) {
    currentOptions = => `${tempInputValue} ${op}`);
  } else if (stage === 3) {
    currentOptions = => `${tempInputValue} ${op}`);

Step 3: Handle Selection and Input Changes

Use event handlers to update tempInputValue, selectedValue, and stage based on the user's interactions.

function handleSelect(event) {
  selectedValue = event.detail.selection;
  if (stage === 1) {
    tempInputValue = selectedValue;
    stage = 2; // Move to next stage
  } else if (stage === 2) {
    tempInputValue = selectedValue;
    thirdDataSource = getThirdDataSource(tempInputValue.split(' ')[0]);
    stage = 3; // Move to final stage
  } else {
    stage = 1; // Reset after final selection

function getThirdDataSource(input) {
  // Logic to return array based on input
  return ['za', 'zb', 'zc'];

Step 4: Integrate with Svelecte Component

Bind the currentOptions to the svelecte component and use the handleSelect function to manage selections.

<Svelecte {currentOptions} on:select={handleSelect} />

Step 5: Implement Editing Mode

Provide a way for the user to re-edit their selection by resetting the stages and options.

function resetInput() {
  stage = 1;
  tempInputValue = '';
  selectedValue = '';

{#if selectedValue}
  <div on:click={resetInput}>
    {selectedValue} (Click to edit)

Additional Considerations

  • You might need to handle edge cases and fine-tune the logic to match your exact requirements.
  • Ensure that the svelecte component's properties and events are correctly used for your scenario.
  • This approach leverages svelecte for its UI components (dropdown and selection rendering) while the logic for managing options and input values is handled externally in your Svelte component.

By following these steps, you can effectively combine svelecte with additional Svelte logic to create a more complex and interactive autocomplete component.How do you write an obsidian plugin?Writing a plugin for Obsidian, a popular knowledge base and note-taking application, involves several key steps. Obsidian plugins are written in JavaScript and utilize the Obsidian API. Here's a general overview of the process:

1. Setting Up Your Development Environment

  1. Install Node.js: Ensure you have Node.js installed on your system, as it's required for development and testing of Obsidian plugins.

  2. Familiarize Yourself with Obsidian's API: Review the Obsidian API documentation to understand how to interact with Obsidian's features and data.

  3. Set Up a GitHub Account (Optional): If you plan to share your plugin with others, a GitHub account is useful for version control and distribution.

2. Creating a New Plugin

  1. Create a New Plugin Repository: You can start by forking the Obsidian Sample Plugin repository on GitHub. This repository provides a basic structure for an Obsidian plugin.

  2. Clone the Repository: Clone the repository to your local machine to start development.

  3. Understand the Structure: Familiarize yourself with the structure of the sample plugin. Key files include:

    • main.ts: The main file where your plugin's code will reside.
    • manifest.json: Contains metadata about your plugin, like the name, version, and description.
    • styles.css: For any custom styling your plugin requires.

3. Developing Your Plugin

  1. Write Your Plugin Code: Use TypeScript or JavaScript to write your plugin. The main.ts file is where you'll implement the functionality of your plugin, utilizing Obsidian's API.

  2. Debugging and Testing: Test your plugin within Obsidian. You can load your plugin in Obsidian by enabling "Community Plugins" in the settings, then "Load unpacked plugin" and selecting your plugin's directory.

  3. Compile Your Plugin: Use the build tools (like Webpack or Rollup) included in your cloned sample plugin to compile your TypeScript code into JavaScript.

4. Publishing Your Plugin

  1. Create a Release: Once your plugin is ready and tested, you

Svelecte Auto-Complete Behavior created at Tue Jan 20 1970 17:43:48 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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